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This President

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  • This President

    Is clueless. He has bungled this Syria mess like no other. If he was even SLIGHTLY more concerned about the country as a whole instead of how he can make hay from this mess we might look like the greatest country in the world instead of the hot mess we're portraying right now.

    I don't know if we'll ever be able to recover from this regime.

  • #2
    What a fiasco. So he going to put Syria up for vote and if he loses he reserves the right strike on his own ... shakes head. Well nobody is going to mistake him for Harry Truman.

    Somebody might tell him he needs to consult with Powell on the Powell Doctrine.
    1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?
    2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?
    3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
    4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
    5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
    6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
    7. Is the action supported by the American people?
    8. Do we have genuine broad international support?

    The answer to this is NO on every question. Everybody needs to write their represenatives and demand a no vote.
    Last edited by SB Shock; August 31, 2013, 02:34 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
      Is clueless. He has bungled this Syria mess like no other. If he was even SLIGHTLY more concerned about the country as a whole instead of how he can make hay from this mess we might look like the greatest country in the world instead of the hot mess we're portraying right now.

      I don't know if we'll ever be able to recover from this regime.

      Doc, Obama needs to do himself, the country, and the world a favor. He needs to take a long, a very long vacation.

      No getting involved with anything. No politics, no speeches, no TV appearances, and no radio broadcasts. Nothing more than standing in front of his shaving mirror every morning and listening to himself speak. Just back-off of everything. Relax, play golf, get on AF-1 with the family and fly around the world for the next three years seeing the sights.

      It would be a lot cheaper than the daily damage he causes to America by getting involved in the minutia of our everyday lives plus letting our allies and enemies really see how incompetent he really is.


      • #4
        We don't need to get caught up in another war. Of course, I'm all against this no matter what the reason. Sometimes you just have to let other countries settle their own conflicts. We need to settle our own conflicts at home.


        • #5
          The Soviets miscalculated Kennedy's Bay of Pigs fiasco and his youth as an invitation to place nuclear missiles on Cuba. The USSR miscalculation nearly led to a nuclear war.
          Unfortunately, the Mideast is seeing Obama as a weak, inexperienced leader who is verbose but won't stand behind his Red Line rhetoric. It's a terrible corner that Obama and his administration now find themselves. Unfortunately, his rhetoric breeds instability in not only the Mideast, but the world. Israel has got to be nervous as hell with this administration. What an absolute mess.


          • #6
            Well at least he is now seeking congressional approval.

            Now the question is, does Congress have the balls to turn him down which would be a vicious ***** slap to his face and esteem?


            • #7
              Moran has said he will not be supporting any military action in Syria.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 60Shock View Post
                Well at least he is now seeking congressional approval.

                Now the question is, does Congress have the balls to turn him down which would be a vicious ***** slap to his face and esteem?
                Some of you with a more in-depth understanding of Constitutional Law will have better input, but I don't believe he needs Congress approval.

                I'm not saying having Congress vote is the wrong thing.

                The crux of the issue imo is that he drew a line in the sand and he hasn't backed it up.
                A). If Congress supports him, he will have given Syria more time to prepare
                B). If Congress doesn't support him, America sends a mixed signal message to the world and Obama looks weak
                C). If Congress doesn't support him, and Obama acts anyway, it will release a hornets nest full of criticism and seem divisive

                Not only has the POTUS boxed himself in a corner, but has created a lose/lose situation.

                If the President of the United States is steadfast by warning a country with drawing a red line and then doesn't immediatly act, it opens the door to all kinds of mischief in a region full of mischief.
                Notice at the 2:05 mark how Kennedy draws a red line. Do you think countries will now believe Obama if he would ever need to make a similar speech?
                Last edited by Veritas; September 1, 2013, 03:11 PM.


                • #9
                  I have to believe that Obama realizes getting involved is a big mistake and is working behind the scenes to get Congress to vote "no", so that he has an excuse as to why his bluff got called. Be prepared for the "unlike George Bush" talking points for the next month.
                  Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                    I have to believe that Obama realizes getting involved is a big mistake and is working behind the scenes to get Congress to vote "no", so that he has an excuse as to why his bluff got called. Be prepared for the "unlike George Bush" talking points for the next month.
                    Exactly. The minions already have their talking points. While they continue to be well organized in spreading the lies and misinformation, they are becoming easier to predict.


                    • #11
                      CNN - A case study in HOW NOT to conduct foriegn Policy
                      NRO - What's the point of a Syria Intervention
                      Wash Post - Lawmakers Skeptical After Classified Briefing
                      NYT - Tripping on his own Red Line?
                      Wall ST. Jn - Aides Stunned by Obama's Last Minute Switch
                      NY Post - Obama Desperately Seeks Escape Hatch
                      Boston Herald - Why should lawmakers back Obama?



                      • #12
                        Sheesh it didn't take long to get the propaganda out there. Next up: Why Obama is "brave" for taking this to Congress, unlike George Bush. Yawn.
                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • #13
                          I've seen a few headlines that the "rebels" accidentally released the chemical weapons by mishandling them. I haven't read into them to see exactly where that's coming from, but if true, it just makes the president look worse.

                          He won't get Congressional approval. He still may attack anyway. Either way, he looks weak. Even the UK has backed away from Obama's plans in recent days.

                          I do love though that while the UN is still analyzing data, he knows without a doubt that Assad is behind it. Yet almost a year after Libya, he still has few answers.

                          This president has been in over his head from day one in office, and all that's going on now just continues to show how bad it is. Obama is a spineless coward that worries too much about his damn image and how the world sees him than what's going on in America. However, the less he worries about America the less harm he can do to us.
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                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
                            I've seen a few headlines that the "rebels" accidentally released the chemical weapons by mishandling them. I haven't read into them to see exactly where that's coming from, but if true, it just makes the president look worse.

                            He won't get Congressional approval. He still may attack anyway. Either way, he looks weak. Even the UK has backed away from Obama's plans in recent days.

                            I do love though that while the UN is still analyzing data, he knows without a doubt that Assad is behind it. Yet almost a year after Libya, he still has few answers.

                            This president has been in over his head from day one in office, and all that's going on now just continues to show how bad it is. Obama is a spineless coward that worries too much about his damn image and how the world sees him than what's going on in America. However, the less he worries about America the less harm he can do to us.
                            Sub, your last paragraph describing the man, his performance, and his ability to lead is as accurate as it gets.

                            Americans, not once, but twice voted a man into the most critical and most difficult job in the world who at best was less than mediocre in everything he had ever accomplished up to that point in time and through the present. Unfortunately, his lack of experience combined with ego and other lacking skills are extremely impossible to mask forever in such a high profile position as POTUS. Even the ultra liberal media is finally starting to desert his sinking ship.

                            We will pay dearly for decades to come for this truly devastating misadventure in character judgement.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 60Shock View Post

                              We will pay dearly for decades to come for this truly devastating misadventure in character judgement.
                              In what ways?
                              The mountains are calling, and I must go.

