Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
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Trump (47th President) - Cabinet
Originally posted by ABC View Post
And? So you have no defense of RFK?
The doctors I mentioned to you above all have questioned at least some of those vaccines, and have accused the CDC of corruption for their relationships with Big Pharma. It’s difficult to arrive at 100 percent agreement on these issues, but our government health organizations don’t accept any debate. For me, the icing on the cake for questioning their guidance, was when the advocated that babies be given the Covid 19 Vaccine. Immunity is so much more powerful than the vaccine. How many CDC people, and others in the FDA, and HHS have received payments from Big Pharma? Unless you are a BIG Government believer, you should question how much the government drug czars care about our kids. How many kids have been harmed by the vaccines? Too many imo. I don’t trust Fauci and the CDC. That’s what I see from Kennedy and the other doctors I’ve mentioned who are coming to the HHS, FDA, and the CDC.
Originally posted by Shockm View Post
As a person with limited education on vaccines (feeling I know lots more than you), I Will advocate for you to do some research. In the 70’s, I received 7 vaccines. Today, kids receive 25-30 required vaccines. Who makes money off of these vaccines? Big Pharma.
The doctors I mentioned to you above all have questioned at least some of those vaccines, and have accused the CDC of corruption for their relationships with Big Pharma. It’s difficult to arrive at 100 percent agreement on these issues, but our government health organizations don’t accept any debate. For me, the icing on the cake for questioning their guidance, was when the advocated that babies be given the Covid 19 Vaccine. Immunity is so much more powerful than the vaccine. How many CDC people, and others in the FDA, and HHS have received payments from Big Pharma? Unless you are a BIG Government believer, you should question how much the government drug czars care about our kids. How many kids have been harmed by the vaccines? Too many imo. I don’t trust Fauci and the CDC. That’s what I see from Kennedy and the other doctors I’ve mentioned who are coming to the HHS, FDA, and the CDC.
Clearly many of the vaccines have worked. Mumps, polio, measles etc.
So what is your definition of "Big Govt"? The Govt that does things you want them to do?
I hope the people you listed are true experts and scientists. RFK Jr is not. He is a crack pot. He said that taking heroin helped him in law school.
Originally posted by ABC View Post
That's all fine. Questioning the increase in vaccines and their efficacy is certainly worthwhile. RFK doesn't question. He flat out has said they are harmful; not that they don't work.
Clearly many of the vaccines have worked. Mumps, polio, measles etc. [/QUOTE]. These vaccines were all a requirement during the 70’s. Nothing new here and you left out rubella.
I really don't want to jump into the deep end here, but like so many times in my life, I'm going to stick my foot in my mouth.
First, we need to get away from arguing for argument's sake. For instance, if you exchange a murderer for a rapist, did you really get better? Be thoughtful enough to be challenging of all sides.
Second, I realize everyone doesn't know everyone here. And I'm not outing anyone. But ABC knows so much more about pretty much anything than the vast majority of us nimrods....a person should respect his take a hell of a lot more than the average poster (and I'm trying to be nice about this).
Third....I'm giving a specific and applying it generally. Or backwards. I have a problem with the way we're going about things like vaccines. We all should be allowed, if not even encouraged, to be thoughtful, ask questions, be skeptical etc of what happens to us when it comes to our health and our doctors.
I remember being with my young daughter many years ago when this came up with her pediatrician. It was a check up and she (the doctor) started to give her a shot...I asked her what it was for.....she told me Hep A. I asked why (and I put my hand out to make sure she understood that regardless what I may have initialed or signed etc, I wasn't yet ok with this). She said my daughter needed it. I asked why, she explained HPV and Hep A and Hep B. I asked her how many cases there were a year, and she said millions. I said, as politely as I could (admittedly, not that politely) that I didn't believe her, I was taking my daughter right now and I would get back to her.
There may be millions worldwide. In the USA, Hep A and Hep B are extraordinarily rare. And if you aren't a drug user or routinely sleeping with a large number of sexual partners, your likelihood of getting cervical cancer from HPV or HepA or B is so tiny it's not worth discussing. I have a problem with how they are sold to patients that don't need them. I don't have a problem if you want to take them.....I think you should be VERY careful and inform yourself when it comes to your children. Doctors aren't perfect. My daughter's pediatrician was just going through the motions because she was told to....and THAT'S what I have a problem with and THAT'S why I want government knocked down a notch or 2 or a hundred. I don't know if you have to get these vaccines to attend public school. I wouldn't send a child to public school for anything, but I have that option, Not everyone does. If you do need that vax, shame on the government.
This nonsense of applying something to everyone because it affects 3 in 100,000 is not right. Again, I like that there's an option. But I do NOT like when it ceases to become an option.
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Originally posted by Shockm View Post
RFK has done his own research, unlike you. Did you know that one vaccine is a requirement for children that is for sexually transmitted diseases. Why they don’t test the mothers for STD’s instead of giving it to all public school children, is a criminal act against children if you ask me.
Clearly many of the vaccines have worked. Mumps, polio, measles etc.
Yes, I know about the HPV vaccine. Parents can refuse that vaccine, which is a-ok for me.
RFK has done research? Really give me some clear, documented and footnoted details, not antidotes, of his stellar research.
You guys are really hurting me here. I do hope your moronic commentary on the subject matter is just a clever troll because you are missing my keystrokes. If so, well done!
90% of men and 80% of women will contract at least one HPV infection in their lifetime. 50% of those infections occur with a strain capable of causing cancer. Immunizing a child (before they are sexually active) essentially protects them from some pretty nasty cancers in the future. And the protection is lifetime. It's an absolute medical breakthrough celebrated all across America.
And one of you knuckleheads decided FOR your daughter whether she needed free cervical cancer protection for life huh? Thanks dad! I do hope you will offer your balls to be frozen at the same time she has her cervix, if an abnormal pap comes up one of these days.
Being ignorant about modern medicine has real consequences people. Covid should have made that crystal clear to you.
The only way you aren't getting exposed to HPV in your lifetime is if you are a virgin marrying a virgin, or you will never have sex. So basically just Doc and 'Fever in here that I know of.
P.S. Head and neck cancer, which is now being called an epidemic, is afflicting men at an alarming rate. Guess where it comes from? That's right, HPV. And you guys are getting it from putting your mouths on infected boxes. The only nice thing about this cancer is that it's generally not fatal.
P.P.S. You're welcome for the free information. And please stop saying retarded things unless you are just calling out for my attention. In that case, I totally understand.
Originally posted by WuDrWu View PostI remember being with my young daughter many years ago when this came up with her pediatrician. It was a check up and she (the doctor) started to give her a shot...I asked her what it was for.....she told me Hep A. I asked why (and I put my hand out to make sure she understood that regardless what I may have initialed or signed etc, I wasn't yet ok with this). She said my daughter needed it. I asked why, she explained HPV and Hep A and Hep B. I asked her how many cases there were a year, and she said millions. I said, as politely as I could (admittedly, not that politely) that I didn't believe her, I was taking my daughter right now and I would get back to her.
Sorry, I just had to single your post out. There isn't a mother on earth that would deprive her daughter of an HPV vaccine.
Almost child endangerment. But we'll call it dereliction of parental duties and let you off with a warning.
I really hope she received the shot when she got older, outside of her father's 'wise' counsel. She has until about 26 before it doesn't make statistical sense anymore.
Originally posted by Shockm View Post
Did you know that one vaccine is a requirement for children that is for sexually transmitted diseases. Why they don’t test the mothers for STD’s instead of giving it to all public school children, is a criminal act against children if you ask me.
Test the mothers?????
You are 100% out of your depth sir. And that is perfectly okay. So is 95% of the general public. This is why we have doctors whose primary job is to keep the most people alive, as long as possible.
Now I'm going to give you some very important advice based on your recent comments, so listen closely! For the rest of your life, I want you to do EXACTLY what your doctor tells you to do.
If you follow this simple advice, you can rest assured that you will have the statistically best chance of living the maximum amount of days possible. This will be good for your family, your business, and the economy as a whole.
I hope you seriously consider what I just said.