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Prices Up, Work Hours Down

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  • Prices Up, Work Hours Down

    As predicted, Obamacare is having an affect on all of us.....perhaps maybe not yet realized, but there are going to be a lot of businesses that have or will raise the cost of their product to offset the raise in healthcare coverage caused by the "Affordable Care Act". Papa Johns Pizza announced a raise in the cost of their pizzas, and a lowered amount of workhours allowed by their employees to keep them under the threshold for having to buy healthcare insurance. Now, Dennys has announced the same. Just a few of the many that will be announcing a similar plan in the near future.

    Gee, isn't this what Dillons have been doing to a lot of their employees for years?

    Did I also tell you that my HC insurance premium went up 80% for next year? Oh yeah, thats right, Obamacare is out to save us money!

  • #2
    Talked to a guy this morning whose wife has had cancer, off and on, for 10 years. She has been wearing a chemo pump. He was told by medical staff that that pump will no longer be available for her now. There's your "death panels", fellas.


    • #3
      Obamacare was NEVER about saving money. I've been reading about the price increases as well and am definitely in need of finding another job. Really wish I'd started back to school a few years back now...
      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
      RIP Guy Always A Shocker
      Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
      ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
      Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


      • #4
        Affordable Healthcare 101

        A doctor demonstrates prescribed medical treatment for a migraine headache under Obama's health care program while a medical student looks on.

        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


        • #5
          I have every confidence that the creators of ObamaCare not only expected this, but that they designed it to have this effect. It will make it that much easier to usher in a single-payer system because all those people losing their hours and health benefits will blame those greedy corporations instead of ObamaCare.


          • #6
            My health insurance added a $2000 family deductible and a percentage of costs for next year. I HATE OBAMA! His healthcare idea can go take a flying leap.


            • #7
              I am not allowed to self-insure. I am not allowed to make choices about spending. If there's $100,000 of medical costs that I need, why am I forced to have the care? Why can't I make the choice to not have that and just check out? Is it God's will that I should bankrupt myself, or is it God's will that I should be taken from the physical earth? Why does the government have the right to make that decision for me?

              One of the ironies of Obamcare is that Republicans are complaining and Democrats are backing the plan. It's going to cost you more, if you are part of the work force, but if you follow the money trail, most of it goes to insurance companies and hospitals. Hospitals are becoming for-profit corporations at a pretty steady pace. Most of the money flows to typical backers of the Republican Party. Some will go to a government bureaucracy, which is an absolute waste, but it will create jobs. Even though those are non-productive government jobs, that money will be spent on things that require productive jobs.

              Geriatric health care has become something approaching cruelty to the recipients. We are kept alive as long as there is some form of payment coverage available. The medical community will bankrupt a family if they can keep someone alive long enough to drain every penny of resources from the family before allowing a terminal patient to die.

              It's my opinion that more and more families are considering quality of life issues when considering whether to continue medical intervention. I think it is obscene to let the government be involved in decisions about continuing medical intervention. With what medicine can do to prolong life, I'd prefer that that decision be made by the family, and not the government.
              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


              • #8
                You all ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until everything kicks in in '14. You think it sucks now......

                Also @RoyalShock: is DEAD ON and that's exactly what I've been preaching since day 1. Everything these bastards have done has been planned with the exact plan to get to a single payer system which is precisely where we're going, with no stopping now.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                  I am not allowed to self-insure.
                  In general, this isn't true, so you must be saying this based on your previous bout with cancer?

                  I have read that the waiting period should you go to private insurance is about 2 years after having cancer. Is that your finding? If so, consider that even though there is a 2 year waiting period, footing the bills directly over those 2 years may still be substantially lower draining your entire life's savings. Also consider that in this circumstance a good hospital will negotiate down your expenses SUBSTANTIALLY over what the quote is (while you remain a private payer). You may have an opportunity that you aren't even aware of. ObamaCare is going to screw all of that up soon though, so start asking questions NOW.
                  Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                  • #10
                    Yes, and we have been told time after time how wonderful the socialized medicine system in Europe is.

                    A close friend has a daughter attending school, on a scholarship, in London. Because of Diverticulosis, she lost 20 pounds (weight not money) and and went from 100 pounds down to a very dangerous weight of 80. Being a college student, she was eligible to sign-up for the same identical medical insurance provided to all in-country British citizens and students.

                    All expenses were covered for her primary care, but it turned out that there was an eight month wait to see a specialist. And this young lady was extremely sick. In addition, the estimated costs quoted to her for future scans, MRI's and other necessary tests would approximate a cost of nearly 1,800 pounds (money not weight).

                    Her Dad flew her home for 500 pounds, round trip, and she was successfully treated immediately here in Daytona Beach. And her total medical expenses to include doctors and tests, was completely covered by her parents' PRESENT health care plan.


                    • #11
                      Aside from the fact that we don't have the money for this cluster**** of Obama's (remember, 10 years of income vs 7 years of service) the eventual issue will be a huge shortfall of providers, as well as far less skilled providers.

                      Fair is fair. And average is average. It doesn't matter to socialists if 9 people suffer if the end result is 10 people get the same. And many of you braindead want exactly that.

