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Romney Less Votes than McCain

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  • Romney Less Votes than McCain

    There is absolutely NO WAY Romney received less votes than McCain. But that's what happened. Even our liberal brothers on here know that Romney was 10x the competitor, more moderate, and the Republican base was WAY more motivated. They were disenfranchised with Bush in 2008. This year the majority were disenfranchised with incumbent.

    There is ZERO chance Romney received less votes than McCain.
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    There is absolutely NO WAY Romney received less votes than McCain. But that's what happened. Even our liberal brothers on here know that Romney was 10x the competitor, more moderate, and the Republican base was WAY more motivated. They were disenfranchised with Bush in 2008. This year the majority were disenfranchised with incumbent.

    There is ZERO chance Romney received less votes than McCain.
    I don't know why you say that. I for one voted for McCain in 2008 and did NOT vote for Romney in 2012. I am sure that I am not the only person who just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Romney. The guy with absolutely no values or principles. He has taken every position on every issue sometimes he even changed within the same day depending on who he was talking to. I wasn't a big fan of McCain, but at least I trusted him to do what he said he would do.

    I really have absolutely no idea what Romney would actually do on anything. I don't know if we would have gotten the hawkish Romney that we heard for most of the campaign or the Romney that sounded more like George McGovern in the last debate. I don't know if we would have gotten the big spending Romney (probably) you know the one that promised to INCREASE medicare by $716 billion over Obama's spending, and promised to INCREASE defense spending by $2 trillion or the guy who kind of said that he would cut the deficit but never told us how (except he would cut PBS). I don't know if we would have gotten the Romney who during the primary said he would be tough on immigrants so that they would self-deport or the one who said on Univision that he wouldn't undo Obama's edict on the Dream Act and that he would sign the diplomas of the recipients.

    I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that I could not bring myself to vote for Romney, so for the first time in my life I voted for a Libertarian.

    I will also add that my parents both voted for McCain in 2008 and neither one voted this time because my mom couldn't get a government issued photo ID. (They will try again next year when my dad has to get his drivers license renewed).

    So that is at least 3 people who voted for McCain in 2008 but did not vote for Romney in 2012. And I am sure we aren't the only ones.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
      There is absolutely NO WAY Romney received less votes than McCain. But that's what happened. Even our liberal brothers on here know that Romney was 10x the competitor, more moderate, and the Republican base was WAY more motivated. They were disenfranchised with Bush in 2008. This year the majority were disenfranchised with incumbent.

      There is ZERO chance Romney received less votes than McCain.
      I'm not sure why you are surprised. Romney Mormonism was impediment - I know people who refused to vote for him. Plus it didn't help he was pretty much a liberal and pretty much agreed with Obama on everything in the last debate.


      • #4
        C'mon man, I am trying to launch the Tin Foil Hat Party right here on Shockernet. Now just go along and throw out some stats to help me show that sumptin's up.
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • #5
          Sorry - I will butt out.

          Btw, I heard that all the electronic ballot machines companies are actually owned by a phantom corporation in Chicago. And I was talking to a local election official and they said their machines have some strange antenna on it and they don't know what it is for.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
            Sorry - I will butt out.

            Btw, I heard that all the electronic ballot machines companies are actually owned by a phantom corporation in Chicago. And I was talking to a local election official and they said their machines have some strange antenna on it and they don't know what it is for.
            You know what, I think I read a similar article on They ran some frequency scanners and were able to triangulate some black vans with government tags that were parked approximately 150 yards outside each polling station at key counties in the battleground states.
            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • #7
              Those antennas belong to SETI. Think about it. Where else can they get control of so many devices all powered up simultaneously? It's one huge space antenna!


              • #8
                Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                Those antennas belong to SETI. Think about it. Where else can they get control of so many devices all powered up simultaneously? It's one huge space antenna!
                OMG! I never drew that link. Now a quick search on SETI (which is a PRIVATE non-government funded organization by the way), has a FAQ showing their major donors:

                So who funds the SETI search now?
                Current SETI searches are funded by a few major donors (such as William Hewlett, David Packard, Gordon Moore, Paul Allen, and Barney Oliver), foundations and many individuals.
                See what I am seeing? Yup: PAUL FREAKING ALLEN. Confused? Turns out Mr. Allen is a party animal and his favorite wing man? GEORGE FREAKING SOROS!! Check out this New York post article: PARTY GUY SOROS IS AFLOAT
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                • #9
                  I'm not all that surprised. Both McCain and Romney sucked as candidates. Considering the financial issues I thought Romney would do a little better, but never expected him to win anyway. And for the record, I didn't vote for either of the last two candidates put out there by the Republican Party. And I sure as hell haven't voted for Obama. Both parties for the most part suck ass.
                  Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
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                  Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
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                  Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                  • #10
                    I heard less turn out this year than 2004 & 2008 - Had to wait 45 min at polling site in Wichita


                    • #11
                      I vote in an extremely diverse district, and I bet I waited 10 minutes to vote in the twenty oh eight election, and I waited almost an hour and 15 minutes Tuesday. Same polling place, same setup, same time.

                      You don't have to appeal to the intelligent people that are discussing topics, like here on Shockernet. You have to appeal to the millions upon millions of idiots that believe the lies spewed out to them in 15 second intervals. The right doesn't lie as well as the left. No doubt about it.

                      According to the article below, 15% of the electorate said the President's response to Sandy was THE most important factor in their decision to select a President. That number exceeds the word stunning by a few trillion parsecs.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                        I vote in an extremely diverse district, and I bet I waited 10 minutes to vote in the twenty oh eight election, and I waited almost an hour and 15 minutes Tuesday. Same polling place, same setup, same time.

                        You don't have to appeal to the intelligent people that are discussing topics, like here on Shockernet. You have to appeal to the millions upon millions of idiots that believe the lies spewed out to them in 15 second intervals. The right doesn't lie as well as the left. No doubt about it.

                        According to the article below, 15% of the electorate said the President's response to Sandy was THE most important factor in their decision to select a President. That number exceeds the word stunning by a few trillion parsecs.

                        The 15% came from the exit polling on election night. Those same exit polls showed that only 9% of the people made up their minds in the last week and almost half of them voted for Romney (50% for Obama, 45% for Romney). So I can only assume that most of those 15% of people who said the response to Sandy was THE most important factor must of been thinking it re-affirmed the decision they had already made. Otherwise the numbers just don't add up. And BTW 26% of the people who said that the president's response to Sandy was THE most important factor voted for Romney (73% voted for Obama).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                          You know what, I think I read a similar article on They ran some frequency scanners and were able to triangulate some black vans with government tags that were parked approximately 150 yards outside each polling station at key counties in the battleground states.
                          Man I hope I'm not the only tator-head to actually click on
                          "Hank Iba decided he wouldn't play my team anymore. He told me that if he tried to get his team ready to play me, it would upset his team the rest of the season." Gene Johnson, WU Basketball coach, 1928-1933.


                          • #14
                            I'm done with politics for awhile, at least for a few months. I ranted for a few days and now it's basketball season, so I will second guess our coaching staff and not the Republican party.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ripemupshocks View Post
                              Man I hope I'm not the only tator-head to actually click on
                              In the fast lane

