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Sandy Aftermath

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  • Sandy Aftermath

    First, and far most important, thoughts and prayers as well as all the assistance we can muster to our fellow citizens affected by this awful storm. I hope they can get to back to normal as soon as humanly possible.

    Getting gas for cars and generators is a huge problem but reminds me of a crazy law in New Jersey, and hopefully someone can explain why this is but I believe in the entire state you are not allowed to pump your own gas. WTF? This arcane law has been on the books since 1949.

    I believe Oregon has a similar law, but I suspect that one is on the books to somehow fund "medical" pot, as an unusually large number of patients who can be cured only by getting high seem to reside in the upper northwest (off soap box now).

    In other stupid news, NYC actually tried to enforce the 3 passenger minimum on car travel into the city today. I saw them stopping car by car. It would seem to this layman that stopping every car on the off ramp might actually slow the travel and do exactly what you were trying to avoid, that is gridlock.

    But then again this is the same city that says you can't have a drink over 16 ounces. God help us.

  • #2
    Here's a link about the laws for Oregon and New Jersey.


    • #3
      gas station attendants are union employees. You'll get your hand slapped if you try to take over this important role.


      • #4
        Due to the size and scope of this disaster, I think we will see places spring up which are in need and not receiving aid as fast as they like. I think the State, local and Federal response has been outstanding. Sadly it probably wont be enough and its gonna take a long time to recover. I have many friends on the East Coast and my thoughts have been with them. Nice to see all Americans come together, sad to say it takes something like this to do it. On a second note it baffles me to see people that are told to evacuate try to ride it out.
        I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


        • #5
          Gov. Christie all but said "we told you to leave, you dumba**es". Kudos to Christie for worrying more right now about governing and leading than politicking.
          Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


          • #6
            That's what he was elected to do, and why, I think at least, he is as popular as he is....he doesn't pull many punches.


            • #7
              Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
              First, and far most important, thoughts and prayers as well as all the assistance we can muster to our fellow citizens affected by this awful storm. I hope they can get to back to normal as soon as humanly possible.
              Made a contribution to the American Red Cross this afternoon. Not a huge amount, but a meaningful amount for my budget. I would encourage everyone to do the same. Doesn't have to be the Red Cross, but any organization of your choice that can and will provide aid and any amount will help our neighbors in the Northeast. This is one of those responsibilities of being a free people.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                Made a contribution to the American Red Cross this afternoon.
                Staten Island Borough President: Don’t Give Money to the Red Cross

                At a press conference this morning on Staten Island, a host of local officials, including Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, gathered to highlight the needs of the hard-hit borough in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. And, although many pols spoke, no one was more impassioned than Borough President James Molinaro, who called the Red Cross an “absolute disgrace” and even urged the public to cease giving them contributions.


                • #9
                  Also you can text REDCROSS to 90999 and $10 will go to the Red Cross.

                  Also tonight at 7, the NBC Universal networks will air a telethon for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. It looks like HBO will be joining in. ABC plans on having an event Monday.

                  Musicians including Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Jon Bon Jovi, Sting and Christina Aguilera are scheduled to perform at a telethon on Friday night that will be shown on NBC broadcast and cable television stations, and will raise money for the American Red Cross.


                  • #10
                    Interestingly I read a story that a utilities crew from Alabama was turned away from providing assistance because they were non-union.


                    • #11
                      I am a big fan of the Salvation Army. They are helping like mad all along the Northeast and always seem to do great things pretty quietly and very efficiently. So I guess I'd like to give a shout out to them for all their hard work.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                        Interestingly I read a story that a utilities crew from Alabama was turned away from providing assistance because they were non-union.
                        Heard that on the radio this morning.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                          Staten Island Borough President: Don’t Give Money to the Red Cross
                          Doesn't sound like Staten Island is getting much help from anywhere. However, they are working feverishly to set up for the New York Marathon this weekend.

                          For some reason contributions to the Red Cross are running way behind what came in for Katrina.

                          I'm not necessarily pushing for donations to the Red Cross. Donate, if you can, wherever you feel will do the most good.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                            I am a big fan of the Salvation Army. They are helping like mad all along the Northeast and always seem to do great things pretty quietly and very efficiently. So I guess I'd like to give a shout out to them for all their hard work.
                            I agree that the Salvation Army does good work.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                              Interestingly I read a story that a utilities crew from Alabama was turned away from providing assistance because they were non-union.

                              Let me be clear, uhhhhhhhhhh, this is what they call cutting through the red tape.

                              Unions vs Common Sense.

                              On Tuesday, you choose folks, you choose.

