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Romney's Mormon Beliefs

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  • Romney's Mormon Beliefs

    If you haven't really looked into what Romney, as a mormon, actually believes, here is a video (around 8 minutes or so) explaining his beliefs.

  • #2
    I'm not going to watch your continued attempts at propaganda, but whatever it is (and if Mitt Romney actually believes it (and unless it's Mitt Romney speaking I wouldn't believe it) it's about 100 times better than the hate and criminal activities President Obama believes in with that racist Wright.

    I'm to the point that you lemmings deserve what you get...maybe it's best Obama gets re-elected, the nation crumbles, we have a civil war and either break apart into 2 nations (yours won't survive) or one destroys the other (guess who wins again?). Stupid is as stupid does, and if enough people are dumb enough to vote this un-American moron one more time, then so be it. Maybe at least then our grandchildren will have a fighting chance. That you cannot grasp we are headed down a road of unsustainability, and continue to lobby for this idiot to redistribute wealth, speaks to your poor judgment and close-mindedness.


    • #3
      Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
      I'm not going to watch your continued attempts at propaganda, but whatever it is (and if Mitt Romney actually believes it (and unless it's Mitt Romney speaking I wouldn't believe it) it's about 100 times better than the hate and criminal activities President Obama believes in with that racist Wright.

      I'm to the point that you lemmings deserve what you get...maybe it's best Obama gets re-elected, the nation crumbles, we have a civil war and either break apart into 2 nations (yours won't survive) or one destroys the other (guess who wins again?). Stupid is as stupid does, and if enough people are dumb enough to vote this un-American moron one more time, then so be it. Maybe at least then our grandchildren will have a fighting chance. That you cannot grasp we are headed down a road of unsustainability, and continue to lobby for this idiot to redistribute wealth, speaks to your poor judgment and close-mindedness.
      It sounds like you may not be very knowledgeable on other religions. Ask any Mormon what they believe or better yet, ask any Christian. Now whether Romney is a practicing Mormon, like he says he is, is another matter. He might only be a Mormon in name only.

      The video only explains what is in the Book of Mormon written by Joseph Smith. They also believe Joseph Smith was greater than Jesus Christ.

      Some of the things Mormons believe is that there are many gods ruling over many planets and that eventually everyone has a chance to become a god. They also believe that Jesus and Satan were brothers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post
        It sounds like you may not be very knowledgeable on other religions. Ask any Mormon what they believe or better yet, ask any Christian. Now whether Romney is a practicing Mormon, like he says he is, is another matter. He might only be a Mormon in name only.

        The video only explains what is in the Book of Mormon written by Joseph Smith. They also believe Joseph Smith was greater than Jesus Christ.

        Some of the things Mormons believe is that there are many gods ruling over many planets and that eventually everyone has a chance to become a god. They also believe that Jesus and Satan were brothers.
        I've asked my girlfriend (a Mormon) some of these questions, and she has pretty much denied every point you are trying to make. Jesus Christ is her Lord and Savior (I've never even heard her talk about Joe Smith), and she tells me that the Mormon church she was raised in taught that.
        Last edited by shockerofandover0943; September 13, 2012, 12:57 AM.


        • #5
          At least Romney goes to church. I have a hard time believing that Reverend Wright preached anything but hate for America. Hope I'm wrong about that.


          • #6
            Originally posted by shockerofandover0943 View Post
            I've asked my girlfriend (a Mormon) some of these questions, and she has pretty much denied every point you are trying to make. Jesus Christ is her Lord and Savior (I've never even heard her talk about Joe Smith), and she tells me that the Mormon church she was raised in taught that.

            I had many in depth discussions with a person well associated with both the Mormon religion and our University. Bottom line, there are good people and bad people. I'd take about 1,000,000 more of him and his wife before I'd take 1 more Obama or Rev. Wright.

            And '79, if you're so even handed and independent as you claim, where are the threads about Obama's church and Rev. Wright? Where are the hatchet jobs on his religion?


            • #7
              I hate to get into religious debates because none of us know for certain how the world was created and where we're going when its all over. Christianity is not the worlds #1 religion. Just because it's what we all (americans) know doesn't necessarily prove that it's correct. Our country was founded to allow people to practice whatever religious beliefs they so choose, be it Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, or any variety. This election is not about religion, it's about getting the country back on track before we collapse like the Europeans.


              • #8
                Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                maybe it's best Obama gets re-elected
                This is said in jest but.... soon there will appear a TV ad where WuDrWu is advocating Obama. Coming to a sig near you!
                Spoiler Alert: Bruce Willis was dead the whole time!


                • #9
                  Probably not.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                    And '79, if you're so even handed and independent as you claim, where are the threads about Obama's church and Rev. Wright? Where are the hatchet jobs on his religion?
                    Well, I don't believe what Obama's church teaches either. But that's kind of par for me when it comes to all the Christian denominations in the U.S. They all claim they can you to the final destination, whether that's heaven or paradise or whatever they might call it. In my opinion, 95% of the denominations in the U.S. today are false. As Jesus said, "Many are called, but few are chosen."


                    • #11
                      I recently watched a movie where the case was made that Obama is secretly carrying out his father's agenda fueled by anti-colonialism ideas. The premise was spurious. However, what is much more believable, is the powerful influence the Mormon Church has on Romney. I have no idea what their agenda may be, but make no mistake, the Mormon Church is a cult and the influence they have on their members is considerable. The secrecy surrounding the Mormon temples makes the Nights Templar and the Illuminati look like your local YMCA.

                      I could no sooner vote for a man that fits the profile of a cult follower, than I could a Nigerian born socialist. It looks like I will be writing in SpongeBob for president again this November.


                      Last edited by C0|dB|00ded; September 13, 2012, 03:06 PM.


                      • #12
                        SpongeBob has no f-ing chance.


                        • #13
                          I go primarily by the kind of people Mormons seem to be. No doubt there are good people in the Morman fairth and there are bad people as well. Just like every other religion and organization on the planet.

                          It is anecdotal but I will say the Mormons I know, and I know quite a number of them, have all seemed to be very fine people without an agenda. None have ever tried to push their beliefs on me. I have attended a Mormon funeral and it seemed pretty much like any other mainstream Christian service. Nothing out of the ordinary at all.

                          The real question about a religion is what is the bottom line value system underlying that religion. In that regards, I think the Mormon religion is quite solid, although some of their specific beliefs may seem a bit out there.


                          • #14
                            "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                            --Niels Bohr


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                              I go primarily by the kind of people Mormons seem to be. No doubt there are good people in the Morman fairth and there are bad people as well. Just like every other religion and organization on the planet.

                              It is anecdotal but I will say the Mormons I know, and I know quite a number of them, have all seemed to be very fine people without an agenda. None have ever tried to push their beliefs on me. I have attended a Mormon funeral and it seemed pretty much like any other mainstream Christian service. Nothing out of the ordinary at all.

                              The real question about a religion is what is the bottom line value system underlying that religion. In that regards, I think the Mormon religion is quite solid, although some of their specific beliefs may seem a bit out there.
                              If you think the Mormon Church is in any way "normal", you will want to do some investigative research. Someone of Romney's stature is no doubt in contact with the "high priests" of the church and has his instructions.. whatever they may be. The control this cult has on its people is tremendous.



