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When I was a kid

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  • When I was a kid

    When I was a kid, telephones were tied to the wall and almost every household had one. I had never heard of anybody BUYING a dog. Nobody's Mom worked outside the home. When I was a kid everywhere you looked, there was either a telephone booth or a drinking fountain. There were no salad bars. I used to go to the neighbors to watch TV. We used to gather at the piano to entertain ourselves by singing (harmony parts). Nobody was divorced. When somebody was in trouble, it was handled by the neighbors, the church, and there family. We knew how to take care of people better than the government did. My Mom cooked. Businesses took checks, cause checks were good. There were no time-outs for kids. My Uncle bought a new car and the whole community was buzzing about it for months. When somebody stumbled going down a flight of stairs, he didn’t go running to a lawyer, he got up and started going again. There was a term used in those days, “honest work.” If a man told you something, that’s the way it was. It didn’t have to be notarized. When a murderer was caught, we hung him. The Attorney General did not lie to Congress and cover up for his cronies, he protected us from people who did things like that. My Dad was the finest man I knew, and I knew who my Dad was. We said the flag salute and the Lord’s Prayer every day. Willie Mays was the greatest athlete on the face of the earth. I wanted to be just like him……………………….

  • #2
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


    • #3
      It was a completely different world back in yesterday, and tomorrow will be just as different as today.


      • #4
        Inspired by @pinstripers

        When I was a kid we crank called the preacher who was porkin' my sister. Daddy got whacked by a mobster who wanted his money back. Of course our greasy-ass pitbull took care of the goombah, but it was too late for Dad's stoned ass. We snuck heroin from "Uncle" Jim's shoebox. He wasn't really our uncle. We stole cigarettes from the 7-11 gas station when the hooker chick was working there, because she didn't give a ****. In fact she had a nice rack and for $5 we could see 'em, or for $10 we could feel 'em. The politicians were still crooked back then -- I'd know because mama used to pork the mayor for extra cash and he'd tell us if we kept it down-low he wouldn't toss us in juvie. In fact she used to pork the landlord so we could stay in our cess pit in the slum. We stole checks, because checks were good. Funerals were too expensive so we'd just roll out to Cheney lake and do a "burial at sea". Never understood why we had to wait until 2:00 am for those ceremonies though. If a man told you something, you would beat him with a bat for being a dirty rat snitch. Then you'd blackmail the idiot that the snitch just informed you about. Once "Uncle" Jim stole a Caddy and the whole community was buzzing about it for months. He got 5 to 10 and we got his stash. Bruce Jenner was the greatest athlete on the face of the earth. I wanted his women.
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • #5
          Oh come on Kung Wu there had to be something bad about your childhood.
          I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


          • #6
            Not trying to hijack this thread but when I was a kid laws made sense. Now they seem insane (restaurants must allow guide horses, pools to have wheelchair lift ramps, etc).


            • #7
              That pool wheelchair lift law has to be one of the most insane regulations ever conceived. The authors in Washington should be put to death for being that effing stupid.


              • #8
                "A business owner can deny admission to a miniature horse that is not housebroken, whose handler does not have sufficient control of the animal, or if the horse’s presence compromises “legitimate safety requirements.”

                And just how is a business owner to know this? If a disabled person wants to enter a restaurant with their miniature horse they'll say it is "housebroken". That's until a waiter drops a dish right behind the horse, scaring it sh*tless, at which point the lady at the next table screams, many people get up wanting to leave all causing the horse bolt, knocking over tables, and so on and so forth.


                • #9
                  Heres a bit of my youth good and bad

                  “I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.”
                  William Allen White quote
                  Last edited by kcshocker11; June 29, 2012, 10:33 PM.
                  I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                  • #10
                    I actually walked a mile and change to grade school. It was shorter when we took a shortcut through a wheat field.

                    We had all 8 grades in the same room. Our class size was 20, but those 20 compromised all 8 grades and each individual grade only got 1/8 of the actual classroom time.

                    At recesses, we had a nice hill for sled riding in winter, a softball field, and an outdoor basketball court on grass with no marks for out of bounds, free throw line or anything. This was in Kansas, so adjusting your shot for wind was critical.

                    We had two outhouses - one for girls and one for guys. Our drinking water came from a cistern that was filled with rainwater from the roof of the school. When it rained, our teacher always let the roof rinse, and then went outside and switched all the gutterss to drain into the cistern.

                    Some kids rode horses to school, so seeing a horse tied up outside the school wasn't unusual.

                    We had softball teams and played other schools in the area. Track meets involved everybody in the school and usually had several other similar schools in competition.

                    My school was founded in 1921 and the state named it for the Mennonite church across the road. I spent grades 1 - 5 at Ebenfeld elementary before consolidation put me in Hillsboro grade school.
                    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                    • #11
                      When I was a kid...

                      Four Yorkshire Men
                      I think Pringles original intention was to make tennis balls... but on the day the rubber was supposed to show up a truckload of potatoes came. Pringles is a laid-back company, so they just said, "**** it, cut em up!" - MH


                      • #12
                        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                        • #13
                          When I was a kid bubble guns were not weapons and a 5 year old was not a "terrorist".


                          • #14
                            The Mount Carmel Area School District told ABC News, "We are confident that much of the information supplied to the media may not be consistent with the facts… The Mount Carmel Area School District takes the well-being and safety of students and staff very seriously."

                            Well, perhaps the school district should see to it that the media gets the real facts, otherwise, common sense will not take you seriously.

                            "Paranoia - a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others". Not healthy.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
                              The Mount Carmel Area School District told ABC News, "We are confident that much of the information supplied to the media may not be consistent with the facts… The Mount Carmel Area School District takes the well-being and safety of students and staff very seriously."

                              Well, perhaps the school district should see to it that the media gets the real facts, otherwise, common sense will not take you seriously.
                              "An attack unanswered is an attack admitted to"

                              - Haley Barbour (Mississippi governor)

