Kevin Clinesmith the OBama DOJ Attorney who lied on a FISA Court Order and plead guilty, was given a slap on the wrist and no prison time by an OBama appointed District Judge who also is Judge of the FISA court. The Dept. of Justice had requested a 6 month sentence.
Rep. Devin Nunes was interviewed and predicted that the Republican Party who historically, had many FISA supporters in the Party, would most likely be anti-FISA on their platform. He further predicted that the Rep. Party would view the Liberty vs. Security debate on the side of Liberty and vote down FISA.
Rep. Devin Nunes was interviewed and predicted that the Republican Party who historically, had many FISA supporters in the Party, would most likely be anti-FISA on their platform. He further predicted that the Rep. Party would view the Liberty vs. Security debate on the side of Liberty and vote down FISA.