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Nashville Terrorist Attack

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  • Nashville Terrorist Attack

    RV bomb in Nashville

    The oddest thing was when the police showed up to where the RV was

    police encountered the RV blaring a recorded warning that a bomb would detonate in 15 minutes, Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake said. Police evacuated nearby buildings and called in the bomb squad.
    This will be an interesting space to watch. It really seems that the target was not to kill but to disrupt communication by taking down the AT&T data center.
    Last edited by SB Shock; December 25, 2020, 05:27 PM.

  • #2
    Photos and video of the blast sight including the pre-blast warning.

    The explosion happened at 6.40am local time on Christmas Day. It's not yet clear if anyone has been injured. A bomb squad has been called.


    • #3
      This is interesting.
      Livin the dream


      • #4
        Gonna go out on a limb. Police hating antifa or other left wing extremist


        • #5
          Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
          Gonna go out on a limb. Police hating antifa or other left wing extremist
          While the data I’ve seen suggests left wing extremism is far more prevalent, this type of violence is more likely to be right wing. The specific “self-destruct” warning, however, would suggest the perpetrators value human life but not property; and specifically, not property of the global communications networks. That’s a left wing ideology. When right wingers blow stuff up, they’re ****ing serious.
          Livin the dream


          • #6
            So this case gets weirder as it goes along.

            They have identified a person of interest (Anthony Quin Warner, 63). They think he died in the blast. They are waiting to match up DNA found at site with his mom's to confirm their suspicion.

            He owned the RV, but seems to have deeded it (and his house) to a 29 year old women in California without her knowledge.

            FBI has received 2 tips prior to this event on Warner.

            He seem apolitical - not affiliated with any party or any record of him voting.

            This doesn't smell of right wing or left wing terrorism. Everything so far says this guy lived a very low profile life.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
              So this case gets weirder as it goes along.

              They have identified a person of interest (Anthony Quin Warner, 63). They think he died in the blast. They are waiting to match up DNA found at site with his mom's to confirm their suspicion.

              He owned the RV, but seems to have deeded it (and his house) to a 29 year old women in California without her knowledge.

              FBI has received 2 tips prior to this event on Warner.

              He seem apolitical - not affiliated with any party or any record of him voting.

              This doesn't smell of right wing or left wing terrorism. Everything so far says this guy lived a very low profile life.
              FBI informant? Chinese operative?
              Livin the dream


              • #8
                The most believable speculation I have heard so far, and granted it is still speculation, was that perhaps the person was vey opposed to/afraid of the growing digital surveillance state which might explain targeting this AT&T facility. Hopefully, the FBI figures this one out.


                • #9
                  BREAKING: Police Confirm Who Nashville Bomber Was, DNA Results In on Human Remains

                  Because they do not know the motive yet, they aren’t classifying it as terrorism, which requires a political motive. They are however looking into whether he was targeting AT&T and exploring the question of whether he believed Americans were being spied on with 5G technology.

                  According to the Daily Mail, the FBI allegedly received two tips concerning Warner prior to the explosion, including one from a person who reported that Warner was making bombs in his RV in August 2019. Seems like that one might have been important to follow up on and the question will be, in looking back on this, if they actually did follow that up. Their statement today that he was “not on law enforcement’s radar” sounds like someone may have dropped the ball somewhere.
                  At least the bomber was the only one to have lost his life.


                  • #10
                    Nothing would surprise me at this point; it’s still 2020. We need a juicy conspiracy theory to end the year...

                    “One conspiracy theory that has emerged since the bombing is that the AT&T building contained voting machines that might change the outcome of the presidential election.”

                    ”There is zero evidence that any of that is true.”

                    Now that investigators have confirmed that the Nashville bomber, Anthony Warner, died in the fiery Christmas Day explosion, their attention turns to the "why."
                    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                      So this case gets weirder as it goes along.

                      They have identified a person of interest (Anthony Quin Warner, 63). They think he died in the blast. They are waiting to match up DNA found at site with his mom's to confirm their suspicion.

                      He owned the RV, but seems to have deeded it (and his house) to a 29 year old women in California without her knowledge.

                      FBI has received 2 tips prior to this event on Warner.

                      He seem apolitical - not affiliated with any party or any record of him voting.

                      This doesn't smell of right wing or left wing terrorism. Everything so far says this guy lived a very low profile life.
                      This is more about conspiracy theorists. In Europe, at least, there seems to be a conjoining of QAnon and 5G nuttery:
                      It began in the US with lurid claims and a hatred of the ‘deep state’. Now it’s growing in the UK, spilling over into anti-vaccine and 5G protests, fuelled by online misinformation

                      "But, unlike many contributors to the QAnoncasualties forum on Reddit, the man concerned about his mother and grandmother was from Britain and he was in despair at how the movement’s ideas were taking hold here. “My mum and grandma have shown me some, quite frankly, terrifying hard-right Facebook posts, calling Black Lives Matter Marxist paedophiles, typical QAnon stuff, however not even advertised as Q,” he explained.

                      What was once dismissed as an underground US conspiracy theory is becoming something more disturbing, more mainstream, more international, more mystical. And the effects of this are now being felt in Britain.

                      This weekend rallies were held in several cities around the country attended by disparate, discrete groups protesting against lockdowns, vaccinations, 5G mobile phone technology and child abuse."

                      This is why everyone who has a functioning brain ought to be calling this silliness out. It's now becoming a platform not just for the child abuse kooks, it's also becoming a platform for a whole motley assortment of 5G kooks. Like 5G is a government plot to control people's minds or 5G is responsible for transmission of COVID.

                      Traditional conservatives used to stand on easily understood, rational values, some of which I supported (like fiscal conservatism and responsibility). Now 'conservatives' are being associated with all sorts of dipshittedness. That's why conservatives who stand on the 'old' principals need to exhibit some leadership and help fight against this.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post
                        This is why everyone who has a functioning brain ought to be calling this silliness out. It's now becoming a platform not just for the child abuse kooks, it's also becoming a platform for a whole motley assortment of 5G kooks. Like 5G is a government plot to control people's minds or 5G is responsible for transmission of COVID.

                        Did you call out the idiots responsible for the Trump/Russia conspiracy hoax?

                        Oh that’s right! When presented with clear and concise evidence about the “very fine people” hoax. You doubled down like an asshole.

                        Conspiracy theories for me, but not for thee.
                        Livin the dream

