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Sub's Alternative Energy Thread

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  • When I was young, human population was considered the key factor in the degradation of the environment. Maybe due to the "Green Revolution" it is no longer central to the discussion. Norman Borlaug, the man most credited with the creation of the green revolution thought it was only a temporary respite from famine and environmental degradation unless human population growth significantly slowed or reversed. The PC environmental debate today doesn't exactly bear up under scrutiny when it avoids this elephant in the room.


    • Originally posted by N Crestway View Post
      When I was young, human population was considered the key factor in the degradation of the environment. Maybe due to the "Green Revolution" it is no longer central to the discussion. Norman Borlaug, the man most credited with the creation of the green revolution thought it was only a temporary respite from famine and environmental degradation unless human population growth significantly slowed or reversed. The PC environmental debate today doesn't exactly bear up under scrutiny when it avoids this elephant in the room.
      How old are you?
      Livin the dream


      • Germany is set to escalate its suicidal energy policies

        Angela Merkel held the top spot in Germany for 16 years.  Although most will associate her with the flood of Middle Eastern and North African Muslims destabilizing Europe, she should also be remembered for ushering in the climate change rev...

        If nothing else I guess we'll get a preview of what we have to look forward to, although we are already getting a little bit of that already.

        Not quite this far gone though:

        In Germany, state authorities are teaching the public to heat their homes with candles and get used to "cooking without electricity."

        State authorities in North-Rhine Westphalia will hold their first 'Disaster Protection Day' on Saturday, with instructors in the city of Bonn teaching citizens how to get by "in the event of a long power failure." An advert by the federal Civil Protection Office gives a hint of what's in store, and features an elderly woman wearing several layers of clothing, heating her apartment with candles burning under an upturned flower pot and sealing her windows with reflective foil.

        The incoming coalition government consisting of Social Democrats, Greens, and Free Democrats has a grand vision for doubling down on green energy in truly revolutionary fashion:
        The incoming coalition, made up of Social Democrats, Greens and center-right Free Democrats, has agreed to set up a "super ministry" to push a climate agenda. "A new 'super' Climate and Economy Ministry, to be headed by Habeck, is to provide the bureaucratic muscle to implement the ambitious measures," the German broadcaster added.

        By putting the economy under the purview of the 'super climate ministry,' Berlin is sending the signal that globalist climate agenda comes before jobs or the nation's economic wellbeing.

        According to DW News, the green policy, originating in the same magic kingdom as unicorn farts, is dedicated to renewables:
        The measures include phasing out coal power by 2030, eight years ahead of the current schedule, powering 80% of the electricity grid with renewables within a decade and putting 15 million electric vehicles on German roads by 2030. The deal also proposes phasing out gas for power by 2040 and setting a minimum carbon price of €60 per ton ($68).


        • Mayor Pete said that people who can afford to drive a new Tesla don’t care how high gasoline is.... dumb bastard


          • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
            Mayor Pete said that people who can afford to drive a new Tesla don’t care how high gasoline is.... dumb bastard
            People that own private planes don’t care how expensive airline tickets are.
            Livin the dream


            • People that care about the environment don't fly in private planes...oh wait...nevermind...


              • New Report Shows Push for Electric Cars Is Actually Killing Rainforests

                It was buried during the Thanksgiving weekend, but CNN managed to commit a random act of journalism, detailing some new climate data that was found to show that the Earth warming actually began many decades earlier than stated. This revelation manages to both throw off climate modeling, as well as make the claim that mankind’s technology was the root cause of…well, everything going wrong.

                Joining in the fray now is NBC News, which has also surprised by delivering another inconvenient truth. A new report shows that the need for more raw nickel ore – driven by the explosive market for lithium batteries – is causing the eradication of pristine rainforests in the Philippines.

                This is rather dire news, because not only is this a problem being realized right now, but automakers and numerous other machinery and appliance makers are growing into the process of transitioning to battery operations. Then factor in President Biden’s desire to completely revamp our nation’s transportation methods, pushing for the far more expansive use of electric transportation, and this is a problem that will not only worsen but greatly expand.


                • I'll hold out as long as I possibly can buying electric vehicles. Depending on the car
                  charging times run from 30 minutes up to 8 hours. Average probably 1-2 hours. Who
                  wants to wait that long when your on a trip??? Also, like a golf cart, replacing batteries
                  will be VERY expensive and who knows when/where they are going to die on you and
                  how close you might be to a place you can buy/install them?


                  • Some on here probably know this for sure, but my guess is that a new electric truck would run at least 60-70K, and a car would probably be close to 50K. That would take a lot of Biden subsidy to make it affordable for the average American.

                    Compare that to a gas powered car for 35K.


                    • Originally posted by asiseeit View Post
                      I'll hold out as long as I possibly can buying electric vehicles. Depending on the car
                      charging times run from 30 minutes up to 8 hours. Average probably 1-2 hours. Who
                      wants to wait that long when your on a trip??? Also, like a golf cart, replacing batteries
                      will be VERY expensive and who knows when/where they are going to die on you and
                      how close you might be to a place you can buy/install them?


                      • Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
                        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                        • Recently purchase a brand new V8 Toyota Tundra and don't feel a damn bit guilty about it. That is all...


                          • I do think electric cars are the future, but the battery tech, as good as it is, needs to improve by an order of magnitude in order to replace fossil fuels.
                            Livin the dream


                            • One size does not fit all. Maybe taxis in bigger cities to start but widespread electric cars in our area just don't make sense today or the foreseeable future. As wufan said, quantum leaps in battery tech are needed overall, much less to discuss the transportation of goods for instance.


                              • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"

