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Sub's Alternative Energy Thread

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  • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
    If you have ever been close to a wind tower, or have lived near one, then your opinion matters.
    That’s not how opinions work.
    Livin the dream


    • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
      Jane doesn’t qualify for the “Favorite Candy” thread…

      Jane Fonda blames 'White men' for climate crisis, calls to 'arrest and jail' them
      There is no climate crisis.

      If white men are to blame it would be because they are doing it to make bitchy white women's lives better.
      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


      • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
        Jane doesn’t qualify for the “Favorite Candy” thread…

        Jane Fonda blames 'White men' for climate crisis, calls to 'arrest and jail' them
        Watch out boys, looks like they may be onto our twisted evil plot to destroy our planet, in order to wipe out the LGBTQ+ and all non white folk. That's probably why they are going after Elon. They are trying to stop our white man transport to another planet.


        • There's two towers about 5-6 miles SW of me, been broke down for a couple of years. Will never be repaired. It's a scam.


          • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
            There's two towers about 5-6 miles SW of me, been broke down for a couple of years. Will never be repaired. It's a scam.
            Windmills being a poor investment, or worse, “a scam”, is a different argument then the one I was making.
            Livin the dream


            • Since the beginning of the Biden Administration, John Kerry has served as “Climate Envoy” at the State Department and repeatedly refused to answer questions about his job and the role. Now Real Clear Investigations and Judicial Watch are cracking the door open to see what is really happening in the climate office. According to the […]


              • When it comes to big money and the Elites, Our opinions don’t matter. However, we may be able to vote Biden and cronies out of office in 2024.


                • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                  • CO2 is a climate red herring

                    CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHG) such as methane have been suspected for more than a century of being potentially harmful atmospheric warming agents.  The climate movement began more recently with the advent of the U.N. Intergovernmenta...

                    ...are our CO2 inputs to the atmosphere a real threat to our magnificent planet? The evidence tells us no. Although we are in the midst of a broadly warming period following the end of the most recent ice age, satellite and weather balloon data suggest that the models (and theory) are off by quite a bit. The models project much more warming than observed in back casts. That is interesting but perhaps not definitive. There is also evidence that the atmosphere has slipped into a new cooling period that could lead to the next ice age.

                    A seminal review paper by Wijngaarden and Happer (here) illustrates a critical limitation of CO2 radiation transfer that makes it impossible for this trace molecule to cause runaway global temperature.

                    The radiation to space at 800 ppm CO2 would be about one percent less than for today's CO2 level of 400 ppm. This is the practical import of CO2 saturation.

                    This explanation is recent, but CO2's geometric radiation physics has been known for almost a century. The phenomenon is ignored by government climate policy–makers but is nonetheless an inconvenient truth.

                    Climate change (i.e., natural variation) is real. Climate emergency is not. Geological and paleological evidence has long showed dramatic global change over long and short spans of time. This includes change in the planet's geophysical makeup, change in temperatures, change in CO2 and other GHG levels and change in "normal" weather.

                    The evidence suggests the man-made signal is too small to be detectable amid natural variability. Whatever man might be doing to CO2 levels will not drive future temperatures and will neither impede nor cause the next ice age.

                    It's also reasonable to think we have no serious business monitoring CO2 levels, much less destroying our energy independence to mitigate them.

                    Government energy policy is based on theoretical adverse effects of CO2 but entirely overlooks its benefits. CO2 is a part of the carbon cycle, important to life on Earth. We exhale it to complete our metabolic process, and plants use it to photosynthesize, giving off life-sustaining oxygen for us to breathe.



                    • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                      CO2 is a climate red herring


                      ...are our CO2 inputs to the atmosphere a real threat to our magnificent planet? The evidence tells us no. Although we are in the midst of a broadly warming period following the end of the most recent ice age, satellite and weather balloon data suggest that the models (and theory) are off by quite a bit. The models project much more warming than observed in back casts. That is interesting but perhaps not definitive. There is also evidence that the atmosphere has slipped into a new cooling period that could lead to the next ice age.

                      A seminal review paper by Wijngaarden and Happer (here) illustrates a critical limitation of CO2 radiation transfer that makes it impossible for this trace molecule to cause runaway global temperature.

                      The radiation to space at 800 ppm CO2 would be about one percent less than for today's CO2 level of 400 ppm. This is the practical import of CO2 saturation.

                      This explanation is recent, but CO2's geometric radiation physics has been known for almost a century. The phenomenon is ignored by government climate policy–makers but is nonetheless an inconvenient truth.

                      Climate change (i.e., natural variation) is real. Climate emergency is not. Geological and paleological evidence has long showed dramatic global change over long and short spans of time. This includes change in the planet's geophysical makeup, change in temperatures, change in CO2 and other GHG levels and change in "normal" weather.

                      The evidence suggests the man-made signal is too small to be detectable amid natural variability. Whatever man might be doing to CO2 levels will not drive future temperatures and will neither impede nor cause the next ice age.

                      It's also reasonable to think we have no serious business monitoring CO2 levels, much less destroying our energy independence to mitigate them.

                      Government energy policy is based on theoretical adverse effects of CO2 but entirely overlooks its benefits. CO2 is a part of the carbon cycle, important to life on Earth. We exhale it to complete our metabolic process, and plants use it to photosynthesize, giving off life-sustaining oxygen for us to breathe.

                      Time to get on board the climate change catastrophe train, you denier! How in the world would our politicians and their buddies possibly get rich with your analogy?

                      You know that global warming is going to kill all of mankind in about 7 years if we don't adhere to our governments mandates.


                      • I just watched a “Full Measure” with Sheryl Atkinson report where all of Europe is re-evaluating their green energy initiative as an Energy Crisis looms. Spain, France, Germany, and Checkoslavakia want to rely on going green but are moving back toward opening Coal plants. Europe is experiencing rolling blackouts because of energy deficits. Their goals are to move to zero fossil fuels by 2050, but are admitting failures. Checkoslovakia is saying their economy is at risk of collapse. They are depending more once again on bad energy partners such as Russia.

                        The sad sad thing is that America could move toward opening up their fossil fuel reserves once again (with an investment into tapping our resources), and give these countries energy relief. However, instead, even Kansas is listed as a state (one of many) where rolling blackouts could occur this summer because of a lack of energy sources. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to tap into tyrants oil resources such as Venezuela, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, because we aren’t producing our own natural resources, and our gas prices appear destined to rise.


                        • Originally posted by Shockm View Post
                          I just watched a “Full Measure” with Sheryl Atkinson report where all of Europe is re-evaluating their green energy initiative as an Energy Crisis looms. Spain, France, Germany, and Checkoslavakia want to rely on going green but are moving back toward opening Coal plants. Europe is experiencing rolling blackouts because of energy deficits. Their goals are to move to zero fossil fuels by 2050, but are admitting failures. Checkoslovakia is saying their economy is at risk of collapse. They are depending more once again on bad energy partners such as Russia.

                          The sad sad thing is that America could move toward opening up their fossil fuel reserves once again (with an investment into tapping our resources), and give these countries energy relief. However, instead, even Kansas is listed as a state (one of many) where rolling blackouts could occur this summer because of a lack of energy sources. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to tap into tyrants oil resources such as Venezuela, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, because we aren’t producing our own natural resources, and our gas prices appear destined to rise.
                          With respect to the rest of your post, suggesting that Kansas will go into rolling blackouts this summer is absolutely ludicrous fearmongering.
                          Last edited by wufan; June 11, 2023, 09:39 PM.
                          Livin the dream


                          • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                            With respect to the rest of your post, suggesting that Kansas will go into rolling blackouts this summer this absolutely ludicrous fearmongering.
                            Maybe fearmongering or maybe not. I do remember portions of Kansas (going without during hours between midnight and morning during peak hours of usage below zero) last winter, giving electricity to Texas because Texas’ grid had too many renewable energy sources and not enough fossil fuel sources. Small Kansas towns could barely afford the high energy costs, and all of Kansas cities (Wichita) paid high costs that were initiated over a 10 year period. This will most likely hit during high peak heat periods in August (depending on how many 100+ degree days).

                            Last edited by Shockm; June 11, 2023, 09:47 PM.


                            • Oh, I’m not doubting that someone put that in print. I’m just denying the reality of it, and am willing to wager a handsome sum to any takers.
                              Livin the dream


                              • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                                Oh, I’m not doubting that someone put that in print. I’m just denying the reality of it, and am willing to wager a handsome sum to any takers.
                                I was just surprised on how many Europeans said they had made the wrong moves, and knew it but the leftist politicians said that even with the dismal energy outlooks (and moves back to sources like coal), now is the time to dig in even more, even though costs were going to be very high to achieve the lefts energy goals. But many moderates in America may now agree with the left. Canada hasn’t moved to the left nearly as much on energy that Biden and America has with the Energy Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. It mirrors Europe’s all in commitment to renewables and the future high energy costs.

