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Sub's Alternative Energy Thread

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  • Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post

    Figured there was something, though if they have these trains one would think they're moving in the right direction. Article also stated that they are negotiating with some companies in America, though the longer distances of many trains still may be an issue, it could become an option for more regionally based trains in some areas.

    The good news is that getting stuff like this out there can only improve upon the things that's held it back. It still takes time, but it could be interesting to follow in the future.

    As I've said many times, I'm open to any and all options when it comes to power and technology. I'm curious to see where this goes.
    I didn't read the article, but I am guessing they are storing the hydrogen in tanks in a train. At that scale, it probably works well. But storing hydrogen in a compact environment like an automobile doesn't work well (so far). I don't think hydrogen systems scale well (yet). There's hope though -- it would be a better solution than taxing the electrical grid with a socialized economic system.
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


    • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

      I didn't read the article, but I am guessing they are storing the hydrogen in tanks in a train. At that scale, it probably works well. But storing hydrogen in a compact environment like an automobile doesn't work well (so far). I don't think hydrogen systems scale well (yet). There's hope though -- it would be a better solution than taxing the electrical grid with a socialized economic system.
      It mentioned something about the fuel cells are located in the roof of the train and that they could put in a days work and then be refueled at night, when not in use. It didn't go into any more detail than that.
      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
      RIP Guy Always A Shocker
      Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
      ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
      Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


      • Another use for discarded plastics.

        Ordinary Plastic Turned into Diamonds Via Laser Beam in the Blink of An Eye

        Synthetic diamonds are valuable for their hardness and are used to make high-quality cutting and polishing tools, but equally so for their thermal conductivity, and electrical insulation.

        Opening up synthetic diamond production from plastic could lead to more demand for water bottles and other containers which often end up in the sea.

        The breakthrough also has implications for planetary science, and the researchers who managed this philosopher’s stone-like transformation said it sheds light on what goes on inside the ice giants Neptune and Uranus.

        How exactly was something that costs pennies turned into the hardest and one of the rarest minerals on Earth?

        At their fundamental level, diamonds are simply a solid form of carbon, arranged in a particular crystalline structure alongside hydrogen and oxygen.

        In tests, a sheet of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic used for packaging food and beverages was heated by a laser beam up to 6,000°C. PET is made of petroleum, which is known in the industry as a “hydrocarbon.”
        I have a friend that uses diamond mats for his glass art. This sounds like another potentially useful and relatively cheap way to provide the needed diamonds for cutting and polishing tools and I'm sure there are other uses as well.
        Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
        RIP Guy Always A Shocker
        Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
        ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
        Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
        Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


        • Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
          I have a friend that uses diamond mats for his glass art. This sounds like another potentially useful and relatively cheap way to provide the needed diamonds for cutting and polishing tools and I'm sure there are other uses as well.
          My wife was speechless when I gave her a handful of diamonds for our anniversary.
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • This is to those who think that renewables are close to being realized. Or Construction Management Professionals. I talked to a longtime family friend who is VP of Construction Operations for a large company who has offices in 7-8 states. They do large projects (church, industrial, schools, etc) that include advice on ways to save money on energy, etc. He said that they advise zero on wind and solar for these companies to save money because they predict technology changes in 5 years or so, and in the long term, there will be no savings. They stay away from it.


            • Over the holiday weekend, Coloradans unlocked a new eco-fear: being locked out of their thermostat in 90-degree weather because their energy company thought it was an energy emergency.    Fox Business reports:    “Tony Talarico, an Xcel Energy customer in Arvada, Colorado, told KMGH-TV that he attempted to turn up the air conditioning as temperatures creeped into the […]

              it's here


              • That's not new. The program has been around for years and I believe it's even been used in Kansas. The thing is, you sign up for it and can opt out.

                I know in Kansas the plan was that if it were to be used, it would be used during the day when people were generally at work so it wouldn't create too big of a problem. If you worked from home or had a daycare or something you could let them know and you'd be exempted. Back when I had an AC that worked, I would program it to be warmer while I was a way because it just makes sense. However, I also have a house with dogs and can only allow it to get to a certain level before I become concerned for them.

                I'm not sure how often it's been used in Kansas, or if it has, but I know there were times they mentioned it would or might be used as things got to a certain point.

                And to the case in Colorado, being stuck at upper 70s isn't the end of the world. It's not like they were left to suffer indoor temps of 90+ or something. Yes, it's uncomfortable for some, but again, they signed up for it. It's hard to feel bad for them.
                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                • Is this what we are discussing? It may not be, but In California, the Green New Deal, Gov. Newsome, and Electric Vehicles are taking precedence over people being able to control their home temperatures. Governor Newsome tells residence to cut their energy to help with his Electric Vehicles push.

                  It it does take freedoms away from citizens, even in their own homes.



                  • I had one installed by Westar in my first home in 08 or 09. The benefit was a nice digital thermostat installed free of charge. I'm sure they cycled my AC off at times but it was never an issue. My great grandparents generation grew up without a/c so being without for a few hours would never be an issue.

                    The electric bills back then were probably in the 40-90 range. My bill last month was pushing 230 and I live in a similar size home. I do have a pool but only run the pump a couple of hours a day. The pool builder told me several years ago literally no one else does that as it's supposed to run 24/7. My water stays balanced nevertheless. I keep the air between 77-80 in the day and 75 at night. Thinking about this makes me reminisce about the days in my first apartment where my average bill was in the teens. This was less than 20 years ago.

                    I'm a bit annoyed Evergy doesn't provide hourly usage data like Westar did. Anyone else notice this?
                    Shocker fan for life after witnessing my first game in person, the 80-74 win over the #12 Creighton Bluejays at the Kansas Coliseum.


                    • Originally posted by Ta Town Shocker View Post
                      I had one installed by Westar in my first home in 08 or 09. The benefit was a nice digital thermostat installed free of charge. I'm sure they cycled my AC off at times but it was never an issue. My great grandparents generation grew up without a/c so being without for a few hours would never be an issue.

                      The electric bills back then were probably in the 40-90 range. My bill last month was pushing 230 and I live in a similar size home. I do have a pool but only run the pump a couple of hours a day. The pool builder told me several years ago literally no one else does that as it's supposed to run 24/7. My water stays balanced nevertheless. I keep the air between 77-80 in the day and 75 at night. Thinking about this makes me reminisce about the days in my first apartment where my average bill was in the teens. This was less than 20 years ago.

                      I'm a bit annoyed Evergy doesn't provide hourly usage data like Westar did. Anyone else notice this?
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • Originally posted by Ta Town Shocker View Post
                        I had one installed by Westar in my first home in 08 or 09. The benefit was a nice digital thermostat installed free of charge. I'm sure they cycled my AC off at times but it was never an issue. My great grandparents generation grew up without a/c so being without for a few hours would never be an issue.
                        If a rolling blackout happens for a couple or three days? Do you have a full root cellar, or ice brought to your home daily to keep your food from spoiling? Your great grandparents did. Now processed and smoked meat isn’t considered healthy either.

                        Your lifestyle will have to change much more than just keeping your AC at 78 degrees. Life spans have gone up much higher for a reason. I remember my grandparents telling me 40 years ago, they lived then and now, and now is much better. It seems to me that fossil fuels are a better back up plan until batteries actually can store up renewable energy sources in 25-50 years.
                        Last edited by Shockm; September 8, 2022, 12:02 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

                          If a rolling blackout happens for a couple or three days? Do you have a full root cellar, or ice brought to your home daily to keep your food from spoiling? Your great grandparents did. Now processed and smoked meat isn’t considered healthy either.

                          Your lifestyle will have to change much more than just keeping your AC at 78 degrees. Life spans have gone up much higher for a reason. I remember my grandparents telling me 40 years ago, they lived then and now, and now is much better. It seems to me that fossil fuels are a better back up plan until batteries actually can store up renewable energy sources in 25-50 years.
                          Not that we shouldn’t be worried about the gov or a 2 day blackout, but that doesn’t even happen in Sri Lanka.
                          Livin the dream


                          • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                            Not that we shouldn’t be worried about the gov or a 2 day blackout, but that doesn’t even happen in Sri Lanka.
                            Maybe not 2-3 days, but I saw a L.A.'n being interviewed, who had a generator hooked up because he was concerned about his food. I didn't experience it last winter, but we had some who had no heat for 8 hours or so. Our costs went up exponentially because of the energy problem that we experienced in February, and it's only going to get worse, and more expensive, long before the technology is ready. Is unrest (possibly widespread) possible?


                            • This energy crisis is 100% avoidable. The only cause is leftists. And the ones pushing it will never sacrifice, it will be the poor. Gavin Newsome will not be sitting in a 78 degree house when it's 100 degrees. Barbara Streisand and the Hollywood elites will not be conserving energy between 4 and 9. Al Gore will not be giving up his private jet travel. Banks will not stop lending millions on beach front property that will be under water in 10 years. They will not eat bugs. They can afford to pay more for food and everything. This is so stupid, it bothers me to no end. And at some point, I hope enough people can see it and vote these clowns out of power.

                              I can't believe Californians put up with it.
                              "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                              • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                                This energy crisis is 100% avoidable. The only cause is leftists. And the ones pushing it will never sacrifice, it will be the poor. Gavin Newsome will not be sitting in a 78 degree house when it's 100 degrees. Barbara Streisand and the Hollywood elites will not be conserving energy between 4 and 9. Al Gore will not be giving up his private jet travel. Banks will not stop lending millions on beach front property that will be under water in 10 years. They will not eat bugs. They can afford to pay more for food and everything. This is so stupid, it bothers me to no end. And at some point, I hope enough people can see it and vote these clowns out of power.

                                I can't believe Californians put up with it.

