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The 2nd American Civil War

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  • The 2nd American Civil War

    Last March, Foreign Policy magazine asked about a half-dozen national security experts to reckon the risks of a second civil war. Their estimates ranged from 5 percent to 95 percent, with the consensus landing at slightly more than 1 in 3.
    I'm trying to envision how this would play out. I'm guessing it could be copy-cat style urban riots similar to what we saw in the South Central LA fiasco but on a national scale.

    While the recent civil war rhetoric is usually followed by an examination of two major contrasting ideologies, it seems the only realistic way something like this starts is in the poorest areas of the country. In effect, it could become a war on the poor.

    Conservatives want a piece of libtards and libtards want a piece of conservatives but who fires the first shot? Antifa appeared to be a legitimate attempt at inciting civil unrest but failed. Trump's iron will against "beloved" liberal institutions and programs has certainly rustled the viper den but just a lot of jawing and FU's from the other camp so far.

    So what would be the final straw and who is the threat to attack first?

    I stated in the Trump thread that an open border policy would incite a civil war presumably from conservative states that disregard the federal mandate.

    I could see TX, OK, KS, NE, SD, ND, WY, MT, ID UT, and AZ sealing the southern border and creating a new western border effectively alienating the left coast of the U.S. from the rest. Supplies would have to be flown in as highways would be blocked. The "South" (bible belt) would move north just like the original civil war. I wonder what Canada would do.



  • #2
    Nope. There won’t be civil war unless there is a legitimately perceived police state. I use the word perceived because it doesn’t have to be an actual police state, but the rhetoric (which is already super high) would have to go up exponentially.

    Easy cure to this is continued and consistent free speech.
    Livin the dream


    • #3
      Originally posted by wufan View Post
      Nope. There won’t be civil war unless there is a legitimately perceived police state. I use the word perceived because it doesn’t have to be an actual police state, but the rhetoric (which is already super high) would have to go up exponentially.

      Easy cure to this is continued and consistent free speech.
      In other words, disarmament? Or an attempt at such like what they did in New Orleans?




      • #4
        There are many ways in which a police state can take shape.
        Livin the dream


        • #5
          lots of Texans are REAL happy about the Feds taking their land for the freakin wall.
          For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
          - said no one ever...


          • C0|dB|00ded
            C0|dB|00ded commented
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            US government’s ability to acquire private property for public projects like the wall is called eminent domain; Property owners can contest their compensation in court

            Taylor has seen her neighborhood change since she and her husband bought their “little plot of land” in 1948 — an era when she would take her kids to play in the sand by the river, and when Mexican guest-treaty workers would bring her fresh tortillas in the morning.
            Taylor voted for Trump in hopes that he would do something about the undocumented immigrants who traverse her property but not a wall.
            Maybe she thought Trump was gonna ride in on his white stallion waving a magic wand causing all the illegals to disappear leaving behind fresh tortillas for everybody...

            What did he say ad nauseam at every single stump speech during the campaign. "I'm building that wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it". Her complaint is illogical.

            This smells like Fake News.



        • #6
          I also heard Trump say he was going to build a wall during the campaign, but I thought it was a metaphorical wall; like increased security.
          Livin the dream


          • #7
            Do they really think they are going to win a war with their no-guns and gender pronouns?!
            The Assman


            • wufan
              wufan commented
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              Left wing dems don’t need guns...they have the guns of law enforcement to impose their will.

            • SHOCKvalue
              SHOCKvalue commented
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              They going to blast you with their rainbow gun, astride their unicorn.

          • #8
            Something might come to a head when the next iteration of democrats get into power across the board at the federal level. As that iteration looks like it will be pretty much socialist in nature.

            But I dont see an actual move to take up arms. It will be states that decide to just split. And the progressive states will be fine with it, and maybe encouraging of the move.
            "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


            • #9
              Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
              Something might come to a head when the next iteration of democrats get into power across the board at the federal level. As that iteration looks like it will be pretty much socialist in nature.

              But I dont see an actual move to take up arms. It will be states that decide to just split. And the progressive states will be fine with it, and maybe encouraging of the move.
              I like this idea. We could split the United States into two: The People's Republic of North America - a quasi socialist/communist state; and The Free States of America which would be governed via strict adherence to original constitutional law.

              I think it would be hilarious watching these two experiments unfold. The place to invest would be moving companies - the 'tards all relocating to the PR of NA and then 2 years later desperately seeking asylum into the FS of A.




              • #10
                Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                I like this idea. We could split the United States into two: The People's Republic of North America - a quasi socialist/communist state; and The Free States of America which would be governed via strict adherence to original constitutional law.

                I think it would be hilarious watching these two experiments unfold. The place to invest would be moving companies - the 'tards all relocating to the PR of NA and then 2 years later desperately seeking asylum into the FS of A.


                The southern states would be an important area for the middle states to maintain. Without them, there is no coastal region.
                Livin the dream


                • #11
                  Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                  Something might come to a head when the next iteration of democrats get into power across the board at the federal level. As that iteration looks like it will be pretty much socialist in nature.

                  But I dont see an actual move to take up arms. It will be states that decide to just split. And the progressive states will be fine with it, and maybe encouraging of the move.
                  I think you discount the far left's vigor at imposing their will on EVERYONE whether they want it or not. There would be no cessation allowed, just an iron fist telling us all that we will abide and comply. We already saw the MO in a softer context during Obama's tenure. You WILL enjoy the glory of the sickle and hammer.

                  Their fundamental desire is to control the individual from a collective level, not allow dissidents to cleave off. No way. See the former Soviet Union, North Korea, East Germany, Venezuela, China, Cuba, et al. for what history shows us of what happens to dissidents of such ideology. Everyone is kidding themselves if they don't see this as the desired blueprint for the far left of the US Democratic Party. Not all dems mind you, but the young fringe that is growing.


                  • C0|dB|00ded
                    C0|dB|00ded commented
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                    GI Joe would never point his weapon at another patriot. It's not the standard military we would have problems with, it would be a higher class (higher paid) form of federal law enforcement/military (think Homeland Security/NSA/CIA).



                  • Kung Wu
                    Kung Wu commented
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                    Complicating things is that half of the military will be young men brainwashed by our socialized school system, and born to likewise brainwashed socialist parents. It's not cut and dry that the military will consist of those that will support and protect the Constitution.

                  • SHOCKvalue
                    SHOCKvalue commented
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                    Law enforcement (all levels) will be more than happy to comply with the desires of a far left regime. We generally misjudge the underlying foundation of all LE in this country. They are not left or right inclined (even though some of the latter thinks LE is on their team); they are a group that absolutely cherishes being tasked with control and authority. If the US develops into a socialist/communist state, most LE types in this country will be THRILLED at being assigned MORE control and authority over the citizenry. You’re kidding yourselves if you think otherwise.

                    Law enforcement is a necessary evil that has to be kept constrained and closely monitored. In a far left regime those limitations would be let loose. The line between law enforcement and the military blurs to nothing, and that collective group turns to be used as a tool AGAINST joe public. Source: History of the World.
                    Last edited by SHOCKvalue; June 28, 2018, 09:50 AM.

                • #12
                  We might as well divide the country now before things get really ugly. The problem is how to divide it?

                  - It would be pretty easy in the east, Virginia and New York would probably be divided, but then the coast from Virginia north would be one liberal bastion.
                  - The left coast would also be pretty easy except the fact that the majority of California land mass is conservative. It is just LA and SF that are the liberal areas. Do we split Nevada down the middle and everything west of there is the DPRA (Democratic People's Republic of America) or do we keep Nevada and carve out areas around LA and SF for the DPRA?
                  - The other glaring issue is Illinois and to a lessor degree, Minnesota. Do these people just need to relocate to either the NE or the far west?

                  Obviously walls would need to be built on all three sides of the remaining United States. All military bases would need to be relocated out of the NE and far west (since they wouldn't receive any funding any way. All police would also have to move because they aren't valued either. We would also need separate currencies, sports teams, work out air travel between NE and far west without crossing over the United States.

                  Trump is going to need at least 8-12 more years to get this all worked out.
                  Last edited by shockfan89_; June 28, 2018, 08:15 AM.


                  • #13
                    The question is,

                    when California gets invaded by Russia or China, does the whole continent rise to defend them?

                    Or maybe, they just surrender immediately and rejoice in their submission to communusm...
                    "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                    • C0|dB|00ded
                      C0|dB|00ded commented
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                      We won't have to do anything. When they hit the shore everything will be in Spanish which will cause them to question their GPS coordinates and assume they landed in Mexico. They'll redeploy further north and end up attacking Canada.



                  • #14
                    With the retirement of Justice Kennedy, I believe the relevancy of this thread has just significantly diminished. The only "side" with the firepower to start a revolution will likely be cool as cucumbers into the foreseeable future. There will be some trash can fires, store looting, and car tippings, but that can be easily handled with bean bag rounds and tear gas.

                    Nothing to see here.

                    Carry on.

                    America is safe... for now.




                    • #15
                      There are factions in Alaska that want to secede because you guys can’t handle your differences.
                      People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                      Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                      Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.

