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  • Do you read?

    A Midlife Reading List

    This is not so bad:

    1. C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man. This very short but elegant book exposes the problem with moral relativism by reference to trends in English literature, and it coolly anticipates what we recognize today as “post-modernism” decades before it became apparent where we were tending. Lewis went on to illustrate the moral problems of moral relativism in his novel That Hideous Strength, the third of his celebrated “space trilogy” of novels that began with Out of the Silent Planet, and to my mind the best of the anti-utopian novels of the mid-20th century—way better that Orwell’s 1984. (Indeed, Lewis suggested That Hideous Strength was a companion to The Abolition of Man.) The Abolition of Man could also be read as a preface to Leo Strauss’s most famous book, Natural Right and History. Jonah wimps out in his book list by saying “I avoid Strauss’s books like an all-you-can-eat buffet at an Indian-run Motel Six,” but he shouldn’t (I’ll have to take this up with him), and neither should you. (And how clever of me: I’ve managed to get in three books in one entry here, which may be cheating.) [Amazon]

    2. Harry V. Jaffa, Crisis of the House Divided. This is the book that Hadley Arkes (no slouch as an author himself) describes as his one indispensible desert island book. It is one part history and one part Socratic dialogue, tracing its central issues all the way back to The Republic. Of all the hundreds of books about Abraham Lincoln, Crisis plumbs the rich depths of Lincoln’s thought and political practice better than any of them, while also shining a light on the relevance of Lincoln’s insights for our own time. This book will be read centuries from now, like Gibbon or John Locke. [Amazon]

    3. Russell Kirk, The Conservative Mind. I agree with this book’s many thoughtful critics (Whittaker Chambers’s famous remark to Bill Buckley comes to mind: “Would you storm the beach at Tarawa for that conservative position? And neither would I!”), but it nonetheless contains the most comprehensive distillation of the Continental/Anglo roots of the American conservative tradition. [Amazon]

    4. Kenneth Minogue, The Liberal Mind. This is not the companion to Kirk’s Conservative Mind, but is rather a diagnosis of how modern liberals think and act. Minogue is a much overlooked author (at least here in America)—his Oxford Press Very Short Introduction to Politics is extraordinarily well done, too. [Amazon]

    5. Paul Johnson, Modern Times. Whoever said that “history is philosophy teaching by example” would have found this axiom fulfilled in this splendid “analytical narrative” (as I described it once to Johnson, to his approval) showing the results of the deadly combination of moral relativism and the will to power of the 20th century’s worst political figures. [Amazon]

    6. Whittaker Chambers, Witness. My witness for the continuing relevance of Witness is David Mamet, who has described how reading the book not too long ago contributed (along with Hayek) to his conversion to conservatism. Witness is about much more than just an account of the famous Hiss case. (I’m currently re-reading the entire Chambers corpus for a sprawling essay that I just can’t get out of my head, completely on spec, which is something I almost never do any more.) [Amazon]

    7. Arthur Koestler, Darkness at Noon. Any top ten list ought to have a novel on it, and I always thought Koestler’s fictional treatment of the purge trials was the best of the mid-century anti-Communist novels, even though Koestler would not be considered a conservative in any recognizable sense. Again, this might seem a relic of the Cold War, but I still say it captures the perversions borne of the will to believe of modern utopian ideologies. Some day someone will produce the equivalent piece of literature for the phenomenon of Islamic extremism. [Amazon]

    8. F.A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty. The Road to Serfdom is Hayek’s most famous book, but it has some flaws, which even Hayek came to recognize implicitly. The Constitution of Liberty, published 17 years after Road, is his best book and represents his more mature and complete thought. [Amazon]

    9. G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy. You don’t need to be an orthodox Christian—or even an unorthodox one—to profit from this short work, which conveys the conservative spirit of paradox with a writing style rich with wit that is the model for the best of modern conservative journalism. [Amazon]

    10. Winston Churchill, My Early Life. This is a tough call, as I could just as easily recommend Churchill’s Thoughts and Adventures, which he called his collection of money-making “pot boilers,” yet offering a number of profound reflections on the challenges facing modern statesmen (including one essay that bears on the difficulties of our new “supercommittee” that will try to work out the budget cuts of the debt ceiling deal; I’ll reflect on this in a separate post). Pay special attention to Chapter 9, “Education at Bangalore,” where one can see the virtues of a self-education in politics, history, and philosophy. It is in this famous chapter where Churchill tells one of his noble lies, “a man’s Life must be nailed to a cross either of Thought or Action”—a noble lie in his case because his life combined thought and action at the highest level, thereby providing a model of human excellence as well as the model for statesmanship. [Amazon]

  • #2
    Looks like some interesting titles there, Maggie. Thanks for sharing.

    At my reading speed I'd be well into my retirement years before I could get halfway through that list!

    But by then, with no SS benefits I won't be able to afford books, if they exist, or the electronic device required to read one.

    I'll have to use my library card, obtained for a nominal processing fee of $100. By then, libraries will look more like waiting rooms: rows of comfy chairs, each with a set of virtual goggles and a silent electronic interface (no voice recognition, it's a library ... Shhh!!!) to pull up whatever you want to read. The actual books will be in the back, in a new room called the "Museum of Printed Literature", funded by a new payroll withholding tax for those making more than $500,000 (twice the poverty level) funneled through the National Endowment Coalition for Education and Stuff I Think Is Important (NECESITII), created in the last year of Barack Obama's 2nd term.

    I think my mind is wandering a little today.


    • #3
      My advice to you, take Witness; you know the rest.

      I am reading it again, as I write, for the 4th time.


      • #4
        I am taking that book on vacation.

        I am just about to finish "God and Man at Yale", whcih I recommend too.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ABC
          I am taking that book on vacation.

          I am just about to finish "God and Man at Yale", whcih I recommend too.

          If you are interested in New York politics or politics in general Buckley’s The Unmaking of a Mayor is still (published in the mid-60s) very instructive. The position papers Buckley wrote, during the mayoral race, are reproduced in full and you get a flavor (through transcripts and otherwise) of the debates that look place between Buckley, Beame and Lindsey (Buckley intellectually destroyed Beame and Lindsey – and it was these debates, and Buckley’s performance in those debates, that actually gave rise to interest in and the eventual creation of Firing Line).

          P.S. I would also recommend, just for reading pleasure and a good laugh, STET, Damnit! and Deja Reviews, by Florence King. Florence King’s specialty is the good review of a bad book. It would be hard, it might be impossible, to top this opening paragraph of one such review (she is the best at this, since W. Chambers' take on Atlas Shrugged):

          Back in the Cold War, whenever I had to review an unreadable book, I always comforted myself with the thought, ‘Maybe the Russians will drop the Bomb and I won’t have to finish reading this.’ Those were the days. This time, stuck with A Pilgrim’s Way: The Personal Story of the Episcopal Bishop Charged with Heresy for Ordaining a Gay Man Who Was in a Committed Relationship, by the Rt. Rev. Walter C. Righter, author of the longest subtitle in publishing history, all I could hope for was an asteroid.

