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Bahraini Protests.

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  • Bahraini Protests.

    Thousands of Protesters Take Control of Bahrain's Main Square
    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Thousands of protesters poured into a main square in Bahrain's capital of Manama Tuesday in an Egypt-style rebellion that sharply escalated pressure on authorities as the Arab push for change gripped the Gulf for the first time.

    Security forces have battled demonstrators over two days, leading to the deaths of two protesters. In a clear sign of concern over the widening crisis, Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa made a rare national TV address, offering condolences for the deaths, pledging an investigation into the killings, and promising to push ahead with reforms, which include loosening state controls on the media and Internet.

    As the crowds surged into Pearl Square, security forces appeared to hold back. The dramatic move Tuesday comes just hours after a second protester died in clashes with police in the strategic island kingdom, which is home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet.
    Bahrain is one of the most politically volatile nations in the Middle East's wealthiest corner. A prolonged showdown could draw in the region's two biggest rivals: Saudi Arabia, as close allies of Bahrain's Sunni monarchy, and Iran, whose hard-liners have spoken in support of the nation's Shiite majority.

    The bloodshed already has brought sharp denunciations from the largest Shiite political bloc, which suspended its participation in parliament, and could threaten the nation's gradual pro-democracy reforms over the past decade.
    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
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  • #2
    Thousands Stage Third Day of Protests in Bahrain
    MANAMA, Bahrain – Protesters demanding sweeping political reforms from Bahrain's rulers held their ground Wednesday in an Egypt-style occupation of the capital's landmark square, staging a third day of demonstrations that have brought unprecedented pressure in one of Washington's most strategic allies in the Gulf.

    Security forces have pulled back sharply -- apparently on orders to ease tensions -- after clashes that left at least two people dead and dozens injured. Police helicopters, however, flew low over a major funeral procession for one of the victims in which mourners called him a "martyr" and pledged more protests in the island nation -- home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet.
    The protests began Monday as a cry for the country's Sunni monarchy to loosen its grip, including hand-picking most top government posts, and open more opportunities for the country's majority Shiites, who have long complained of being blocked from decision-making roles.

    But the uprising's demands have steadily reached further. Many protesters are calling for the government to provide more jobs and better housing and free all political detainees. Increasingly, protesters are also chanting slogans to wipe away the entire ruling dynasty that has led Bahrain for more than 200 years.
    The head of the largest Shiite political bloc, Sheik Ali Salman, said there are no demands for an Islamic role in politics.

    "We are not looking for a religious government like Iran's, but we demand a civil government" that represents Shiites and Sunnis, he told a news conference.

    The group, Al Wefaq, has 18 seats in the 40-member parliament, but it boycotting the chamber to protest the violence against demonstrators.
    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
    ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


    • #3
      Bahraini Troops Open Fire on Protesters, Reportedly Killing Four
      MANAMA, Bahrain – Bahraini troops fired into crowds of anti-government protesters in the capital of Manama Friday, reportedly killing at least four people at Pearl Square.

      At least 20 people were wounded in the shooting.

      This latest violence comes as thousands of funeral mourners called for the downfall of Bahrain's ruling monarchy as burials began Friday after a deadly assault on pro-reform protesters that has brought army tanks into the streets of the most strategic Western ally in the Gulf.
      U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Washington must expand efforts for political and economic reforms in places such as Bahrain. "There is an urgency to this," he told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

      Elsewhere, the European Union and Human Rights Watch urged Bahraini authorities to order security forces to stop attacks on peaceful protesters.

      The protesters had called for the monarchy to give up its control over top government posts and all critical decisions and address deep grievances by Shiites, who claim they face systematic discrimination and poverty and are effectively blocked from key roles in public service and the military.

      Shiites have clashed with police before in protests over their complaints. But the growing numbers of Sunnis joining the latest protests have come as a surprise to authorities, said Simon Henderson, a Gulf specialist at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

      "The Sunnis seem to increasingly dislike what is a very paternalistic government," he said, adding that the crackdown was "symptomatic" of Gulf nations' response to crises. "As far as the Gulf rulers are concerned, there's only one proper way with this and that is: be tough and be tough early."
      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
      RIP Guy Always A Shocker
      Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
      ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
      Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


      • #4
        Bahrain Crackdown Widens as Seven Prominent Opposition Activists Arrested
        MANAMA, Bahrain -- Bahrain's Sunni monarchy detained at least seven prominent opposition activists Thursday, and Iran recalled its ambassador to protest the Gulf troops backing the government against the Shiite protests that forced martial law-style rule in the island nation.

        Bahrain's government is gambling that it can survive the sectarian faultlines that splinter the region, with Sunni leaders in the Gulf sending forces to bolster a regime that they -- and the U.S. -- see as a bulwark against Shiite Iran's expanding military ambitions.
        Bahrain's crackdown widened with the detention of at least seven activists, a rights group and relatives of the arrested said. Bahrain has imposed a three-month emergency rule that gives the military wide powers to battle the pro-democracy uprising that began in mid-February in the strategic nation, which hosts the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet.

        Security forces had an overwhelming presence in parts of central Manama, a day after overrunning a protesters' camp in the capital and clashing with Shiites elsewhere. At least five people were killed -- two policemen and three protesters -- in Wednesday's assault on the encampment in Pearl Square, according to opposition groups and the government.

        The Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights said those taken into custody in the pre-dawn raids Thursday include Hassan Mushaima and Abdul Jalil al-Sangaece -- who were among 25 Shiite activists on trial on charges of trying to overthrow the nation's Sunni rulers.
        Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
        RIP Guy Always A Shocker
        Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
        ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
        Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
        Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry

