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Another Obama Administration Snafu

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  • Another Obama Administration Snafu

    Obama administration recognized Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as Iran elected leader. Then Gibbs retracted that the next day by saying:

    "correct a little bit of what I said yesterday. I denoted that Mr. Ahmadinejad was the elected leader of Iran. I would say it's not for me to pass judgment on. He's been inaugurated, that's a fact. Whether any election was fair, obviously the Iranian people still have questions about that and we'll let them decide that. But I would simply say he's been inaugurated and we know that is simply a fact.:
    This came after what a source explained White House's decision to withdraw its recognition of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election, saying, "We were under Israel and Arab pressure to take back our recognition of him.

    "There are moderate Arab countries that do not want us to recognize Ahmadinejad."