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Obama sticks up for disorderly conduct

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Big Ol' Badass Balla
    One would think that the right would be up in arms over this. This man was arrested in his home. Seems to me that should make anyone afraid of government power nervous. I don't care what he said to the police. When you're on your own property there should be a higher bar than just being aggravated, arrogant or condenscending.
    How high should that bar be?

    The officer left the home and Gates followed him outside, screaming and calling him a racists. There were neighbors, campus police and other city police there to witness. Gates went way to far!

    For the record, you stated: "This man was arrested in his home". He was not arrested in his home. He was arrested outside in the front yard or near the sidewalk and only after Gates followed him there.

    I think Mr. Gates was wrong, wrong, wrong.


    • #17
      Originally posted by shocklight
      Originally posted by Big Ol' Badass Balla
      One would think that the right would be up in arms over this. This man was arrested in his home. Seems to me that should make anyone afraid of government power nervous. I don't care what he said to the police. When you're on your own property there should be a higher bar than just being aggravated, arrogant or condenscending.
      How high should that bar be?

      The officer left the home and Gates followed him outside, screaming and calling him a racists. There were neighbors, campus police and other city police there to witness. Gates went way to far!

      For the record, you stated: "This man was arrested in his home". He was not arrested in his home. He was arrested outside in the front yard or near the sidewalk and only after Gates followed him there.

      I think Mr. Gates was wrong, wrong, wrong.
      SFL is back!


      • #18
        There may have been just enough distance that the woman couldn't make out their details.

        One other thing to consider. From what I hear and read, that area of the country is not the most friendly. People that visit here from there always talk about how nice and friendly we are. We get to know our neighbors. Maybe Whalen didn't know Gates well enough to identify him from her home.


        • #19
          And didn't Mr. Gates have issues getting into his home. I've heard the door was jammed and I've heard he couldnt' find his keys. So if he's walking around looking for another way in I could see how others would be suspicious.
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          • #20
            Originally posted by SFL
            Originally posted by ShockCity
            Cops suck.

            Is it me or do the guys punching in both GIF's look like exactly the same. Same tie movement and punching style.
            The mountains are calling, and I must go.


            • #21
              Originally posted by RoyalShock
              There may have been just enough distance that the woman couldn't make out their details.

              One other thing to consider. From what I hear and read, that area of the country is not the most friendly. People that visit here from there always talk about how nice and friendly we are. We get to know our neighbors. Maybe Whalen didn't know Gates well enough to identify him from her home.
              1. so the only she had to go on was there are black people trying to get into a house in this neighborhood?

              2. other than the part about friendly/unfriendly I absolutely see your point.
              I say other than because it comes to personality. And I have lived where I live for about 15 years and still have very little interaction with my neighbors but thats just me.

              Im not saying this whole situation is racist. Is it stupid for this dude to run out of the house yelling Racist? hell yeah But to doubt race didnt play some factor in this situation is quite absurd.


              • #22
                Another thing to consider is that that area of the country is known to not be very accepting of other races.


                • #23
                  As a liberal extremist, I keep wondering what happened to the neighbor in her life that would make her want to call the police when she sees 2 men (who she can't identify) trying to break into a house in her neighborhood? Who does she think she is calling the police to report a possible robbery in progress, especially when the possible suspects are Black...sounds to me like she is the racist.

                  I truly feel for that poor woman, maybe the messiah can appoint a Life Coach Czar that can regulate all of our life experiences so that we no longer feel the need to actively participate in protecting our neighbors property.
                  That rug really tied the room together.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by rZ
                    As a liberal extremist, I keep wondering what happened to the neighbor in her life that would make her want to call the police when she sees 2 men (who she can't identify) trying to break into a house in her neighborhood? Who does she think she is calling the police to report a possible robbery in progress, especially when the possible suspects are Black...sounds to me like she is the racist.

                    I truly feel for that poor woman, maybe the messiah can appoint a Life Coach Czar that can regulate all of our life experiences so that we no longer feel the need to actively participate in protecting our neighbors property.

                    Anyways, I'll make it short and sweet... if you get in the face of an LEO - shouting obscenities and demeaning them (as was reported in this case) - you can expect to be placed under arrest for Disorderly Conduct. I don't care if you're Big Bird, Barney the Dinosaur, or Tom Cruise. Is it really that hard to wrap your brain around?


                    • #25
                      Would those of you who feel the neighbor is racist please explain why you think that, based on the facts? (And saying "they are neighbors" isn't good enough. You don't know how well they knew each other or how much distance was between the homes.)

                      The moment someone says "black", liberals automatically scream "racism". There is not one hint of racism in that scenario until Gates starts with his rant.

                      If I see someone I can't positively identify trying to enter a house without a key, I'm going to be suspicious, too. Some of you apparently would only call the cops if the suspicious people were white and the property owner was not.

                      And that area of the country is Massachusettes, a liberal haven. (Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, anyone?) And I thought liberals where a shining beacon of race sensitivity.


                      • #26
                        Oh, and I love that the police chief is calling for an apology from Obama, the governor and mayor for their slanderous comments. Kudos to him.

                        I find it reprehensible that Obama reportedly prefaced his comments with something like "I'm biased and don't have all the facts", yet proceeded to give his opinion. If the man had any integrity he wouldn't have commented at all.

                        Then I find this little blurb at the end of the Yahoo! article:

                        This version CORRECTS that the person who called police was not a neighbor.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by RoyalShock
                          Oh, and I love that the police chief is calling for an apology from Obama, the governor and mayor for their slanderous comments. Kudos to him.
                          That police chief must be a whiny liberal. How dare he ask for an apology. :yahoo:


                          • #28
                            Doesn't the fact that the "disorderly" charges against Gates were dropped so quickly kind of underline the fact that the cop was wrong? It doesn't appear as if you can you even be "disorderly" in your own house without the aid of other devices (so that his voice would be audible on the street outside his home). Here's the code he was charged with:

                            Common night walkers, common street walkers, both male and female, common railers and brawlers, persons who with offensive and disorderly acts or language accost or annoy persons of the opposite sex, lewd, wanton and lascivious persons in speech or behavior, idle and disorderly persons, disturbers of the peace, keepers of noisy and disorderly houses, and persons guilty of indecent exposure may be punished by imprisonment in a jail or house of correction for not more than six months, or by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment

                            I'd like to think that being accosted in your own house by a representative of the government is something both the left and right can agree isn't a good thing.

                            I'd also like to think that that handcuffing a guy who needs a cane to walk in his own home for a crime it's VERY debatable he's even capable of committing is kind of stupid. The officer not giving his name and ID number when requested as required by law is just adding on.

                            And as far as Gates' attitude is concerned, I feel it's very reasonable to be upset by being arrested a few moments after entering your house, a house you're pretty sure had either been broken into or at least came close, for a crime you didn't commit by a person who should of been there to help.
                            The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by rjl
                              Doesn't the fact that the "disorderly" charges against Gates were dropped so quickly kind of underline the fact that the cop was wrong? It doesn't appear as if you can you even be "disorderly" in your own house without the aid of other devices (so that his voice would be audible on the street outside his home). Here's the code he was charged with:

                              Common night walkers, common street walkers, both male and female, common railers and brawlers, persons who with offensive and disorderly acts or language accost or annoy persons of the opposite sex, lewd, wanton and lascivious persons in speech or behavior, idle and disorderly persons, disturbers of the peace, keepers of noisy and disorderly houses, and persons guilty of indecent exposure may be punished by imprisonment in a jail or house of correction for not more than six months, or by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment

                              I'd like to think that being accosted in your own house by a representative of the government is something both the left and right can agree isn't a good thing.

                              I'd also like to think that that handcuffing a guy who needs a cane to walk in his own home for a crime it's VERY debatable he's even capable of committing is kind of stupid. The officer not giving his name and ID number when requested as required by law is just adding on.

                              And as far as Gates' attitude is concerned, I feel it's very reasonable to be upset by being arrested a few moments after entering your house, a house you're pretty sure had either been broken into or at least came close, for a crime you didn't commit by a person who should of been there to help.
                              No, it is politics as usual in a liberal venue.


                              • #30
                                Funny how both a black and latino cop on the scene stick up for Crowley.

                                Are you a prosecutor or a jailhouse lawyer, RJL?

