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Sarah Palin is a Flip-Flopper

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BostonWu
    Maggie - It certainly doesn't appear that the criticism aimed at Palin is reserved from the left. I'm a staunch Republican and something about her doesn't inspire confidence, which is half the battle in winning an election. Fair or not, delivery does count for something. Although I didn't support him in the last election I could get behind the quiet confidence displayed by Mike Huckaby.
    I know she took criticism from the Right and the Left, but as I wrote, for the most part it was trivial – this comment of mine was directed at all parties.

    Please note, I only singled out the Left in terms of its obsession with the Governor.

    However, I think your points are valid in the political context. But consider, Palin was not the reason President Obama won. The reason Palin earned real hatred was the populist nature of her appeal. Her rallies did not draw many of the government-dependent poor, true; but they also did not draw the rich and liberal elite. If, and that is a big IF, Palin had survived the press demonization, she might have been able to show the electorate why the current leadership of the Democratic Party is at odds with the middle classes, who do not require most of the government entitlements that liberals love to dispense, and yet don’t share the aristocratic tastes that the elite in the media, foundations, universities, and Wall Street see as requisites for paternal governance.

    But this did not turn out to be the case and she proved partially through her own mistakes (enthusiastically highlighted by the media) to be an imperfect vehicle for this message (convention speech, aside). Fair or unfair Palin must rehabilitate her image, which you correctly point out is critical, if she is ever to be a factor on the national stage again.

    P.S. Mike Huckabee could have the same sort of appeal.


    • #17
      By and large the criticism of Palin, as evidenced by this thread, continues to be petty, insignificant and irrelevant. However, the Left’s continued obsession with the Alaskan Governor is, sort of, amusing.
      True, it is amazing how scared the left apparently remains of Gov. Palin. Love her or hate her, she does draw a big crowd and that alone keeps her a force in politics. For a person the leftist claim to be insignificant their continued obsession with her is amusing and it also goes far in belieing their claim.

      I suspect they will continue to try to use her as a diversion from discussions on the current administration, probably needed for the preservation of their own sanity.


      • #18
        Personally, I still like Palin a lot. She does need to work on some things and has time to do it. She may not be the presidential choice but her voice will most likely play a part in the party for some time. There are a number of options being floated as possible candidates and from a distance many look like they could be players. More research will need to be done. But we've still got a little time to worry about that.

        I thought Palin had a good interview on Hannity last night.
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        • #19
          Originally posted by SubGod22
          There are a number of conservatives getting pub right now. Most of them Govs. Sanford, Pawlenty, Jindal and Barbour have had a lot of talk lately. Obviously I don't know a ton about any of them but it's nice to have a number of names from those who are actually considered conservative. Time will tell if they truly are. Huckabee and Gingrich have also had their names thrown around.
          I'm not sure that Jindal is the guy you would want to hitch your wagon to either. Just my opinion.


          • #20
            I like Sarah Palin...a lot. Unfortunately she doesn't have many friends in either party.

            It's great to see the Repubs going soft on every'll be their demise. And the dems are a bunch of aggressive power hungry whiners that throw fits every time they don't get their way. They are absolutely bankrupting the country on purpose. There's going to be Hell to pay because of the things this congress and President have done the last 18 months.

            It's long overdue time to clean house and establish term limits every where...We are in deep trouble and we need politicians that know how to balance a check book instead of overdrawing a bank account.

            By the way, did I mention that I'm going to create 200,000 jobs tomorrow and save the economy by spending three times as much money as I make?


            • #21

              /just sayin'
              "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
              -John Wooden


              • #22
                I'm afraid I'm all confused again...

                Did you mean patently unqualified as in...
                a) community instigator/race baiter?
                b) teleprompter reader extrordinaire?
                c) election winner by having opponents smeared and disqualified?
                d) stealing elections with the help of "ACORN"?
                e) threatening anyone who disagrees with you?
                f) just being an absolute idiot who puts his own political power grab above the best interests of the nation?

                We currently have the most poorly trained leader (IMHO) that this country has ever seen. I wonder how the "hope and change" is working out for the newly unemployed?

                Before you lefties pull the race card on me, which always happens when one disagrees with your politics (Marxism if you agree with Obama). I have no problem with the color of his skin, just the content of his character!

                As an old soldier, every time he opens his mouth abroad I am ashamed that my country elected the moron! (I still wonder if they did, excluding ACORN votes and the Chicago way) ;-)

