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CNBC thinks it might be too conservative

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  • CNBC thinks it might be too conservative

    Your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more.

    Of note:

    "There was a long discussion about whether CNBC has become too conservative and is beating up on Obama too much. There's great concern that CNBC is now the anti-Obama network. The whole meeting was really kind of creepy."
    One topic under the microscope, our insider said, was on-air CNBC editor Rick Santelli's rant two months ago about staging a "Chicago Tea Party" to protest the president's bailout programs -- an idea that spawned tax protest tea parties in other big cities, infuriating the White House.
    But, I thought the White House didn't know anything about the Tea Parties? :roll:

  • #2
    Anyone else catch actress Janine Garalfalo (sp?) on Olberman’s show last night? She was going on this rant that the motive behind the tea parties was racism…That the protesters can’t stand to see a black man in the White House and any democrats or females in attendance (basically any non-white males) were suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Before she was done she mixed in her thoughts about how delusional these people are and lumped all conservatives and republicans under the delusional tag. She very easily associates the terms right-wing/conservatives/republican. She certainly comes across as extreme left-wing as they come.

    I’m sure it’s on youtube and I would provide a link if the damn company firewall didn’t block it.


    • #3
      She's an idiot who thinks she's more important than she is. I'm not sure she's ever been relevant in anything, and if she was it was 20 years ago. The woman is insane and fits in quite nicely with Olbermann
      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
      RIP Guy Always A Shocker
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      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


      • #4
        Originally posted by BostonWu
        Anyone else catch actress Janine Garalfalo (sp?) on Olberman’s show last night? She was going on this rant that the motive behind the tea parties was racism…That the protesters can’t stand to see a black man in the White House and any democrats or females in attendance (basically any non-white males) were suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Before she was done she mixed in her thoughts about how delusional these people are and lumped all conservatives and republicans under the delusional tag. She very easily associates the terms right-wing/conservatives/republican. She certainly comes across as extreme left-wing as they come.

        I’m sure it’s on youtube and I would provide a link if the damn company firewall didn’t block it.
        Caught it for about 2.3 seconds....roughly the average length of an MSNBC viewer. The smugness of these wastes of space is mindboggling.

        I suspect Satan is going to have a REALLY good time with Janine.

        My remote lost power about the time she said something along the lines of "I'd be surprised if any of the people in attendance couldn't even spell stimulus"...or some random half witted, dope smoking, child ruining type of a comment she is perfectly suited to spew.

        An environmentally friendly act in my book would be throwing those 3 (JG, KO, RM) into the nearest clean coal plant.

        Then at least they'd be worth something.


        • #5
          Why you got to get me all fired up B-Dub?

          Don't tax me bro!


          • #6
            Originally posted by WuDrWu
            Why you got to get me all fired up B-Dub?

            Don't tax me bro!


            • #7
              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


              Seriously can someone explain how she equates this to racism? What's further amazing is watching Olbermann folliwng her intently with a chorus of uuuuuhhhhmmmm. I'd really like some of our resident lefties to try to explain this.


              • #8
                Because the far left nut jobs equate anything against this gov't to racism because the president is half black. They can't grasp the concept that policies could have anything to do with it. And they can't understand for some odd reason that many of these people weren't happy when Bush started throwing around money. The left said he was spending too much and it had to stop and then they come in and start spending MUCH MUCH MUCH more and people are now fed up.

                I don't know what's so hard to understand about that.
                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BostonWu


                  Seriously can someone explain how she equates this to racism? What's further amazing is watching Olbermann folliwng her intently with a chorus of uuuuuhhhhmmmm. I'd really like some of our resident lefties to try to explain this.
                  This weapon was designed with both of them in mind...

                  SFL is back!


                  • #10
                    Don't believe everything Janeane Garofalo says.

                    I did notice though that of all the pictures of the tea party rallies that I saw, there weren't any black protesters. I guess they just didn't have anything to protest about or maybe they don't hate President Obama.

                    Then there are some who just don't like the president.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 1979Shocker
                      Don't believe everything Janeane Garofalo says.

                      Ooooooookey dokey. Mmmmmm, I don't believe ANYTHING that femanazi says.

                      Originally posted by 1979Shocker
                      Then there are some who just don't like the president.
                      1. There were an awful lot of people that hated our last President. But I guess that was ok.

                      2. I don't hate our current President. Much of his policy decisions are whacked. What I hate is a group of people that blindly follow everything he does like a sick puppy and aren't smart enough to know right from wrong.

                      3. 96% of black voters voted for Obama. 55% of white voters voted for John McCain.

                      Which group of voters are racists? Which group voted on skin color?

                      Spin those numbers for me.

                      You know what? Save your can't.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by WuDrWu
                        Ooooooookey dokey. Mmmmmm, I don't believe ANYTHING that femanazi says.
                        Sounds like you've been listening to too much Limbaugh. At least that's where the phrase Feminazi came from.

                        Of course, Limbaugh is the one who said that if a white President had ordered the killing of those three black Muslim teenage pirates, the liberal left would be all over the President. Sometimes Limbaugh has a little too much paranoia.

                        1. There were an awful lot of people that hated our last President. But I guess that was ok.
                        I never.

                        2. I don't hate our current President. Much of his policy decisions are whacked. What I hate is a group of people that blindly follow everything he does like a sick puppy and aren't smart enough to know right from wrong.
                        I'm sure you hated the group of people that also blindly following the last president. (That would be both houses of Congress and the extreme right.)

                        3. 96% of black voters voted for Obama. 55% of white voters voted for John McCain.

                        Which group of voters are racists? Which group voted on skin color?
                        How a person votes can't determine whether a person is a racist or not. How a person talks or what kind of signs are displayed at rallies might give a better indication.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 1979Shocker
                          Sounds like you've been listening to too much Limbaugh. At least that's where the phrase came from.

                          I almost never listen to Rush these days. He is an entertainer and stopped being a relavant conservative a long time ago. I haven't listened to him for probably 15 years. Maybe for 5 minutes once a year...maybe.

                          It's an old term that he coined a long time ago. It is also smack down accurate and that's why I used it. Try thinking outside the liberal talking points by defining the right through Rush.

                          You should, however, take note that a guy that has been as popular for as long as he has (2 decades) might just know a little something you don't.

                          I hate ANYONE that blindly follows stupidity, but especially when they try at the same time to tell me I don't know what I am talking about.

                          Your love of the left has gouged out your eyes and your brain. are trying to tell me that a good number of those people didn't just vote for the black guy? That's what you are saying...esentially you are saying there are no racists amongst blacks. If I made a list of stupid things liberal say (and it would be a looooooooong list) that last statement by you has to be in the top 10.

                          You have to be kidding me.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by WuDrWu
                            Your love of the left has gouged out your eyes and your brain. are trying to tell me that a good number of those people didn't just vote for the black guy? That's what you are saying...esentially you are saying there are no racists amongst blacks. If I made a list of stupid things liberal say (and it would be a looooooooong list) that last statement by you has to be in the top 10.

                            You have to be kidding me.
                            I love everyone so your first sentence didn't make any sense to me. I was basically saying that unless you can know a person's heart, you can't tell whether a person is racist or not. (9The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?) But you can tell more about a person by the way they react to another race or group of people, by the way they talk about them, or by the signs they display.

                            I know of or about people from both races that have racist attitudes from the things I've heard others say about them. Actually I know more blacks that have racist attitudes than whites (if you can believe that). So your statement "...esentially you are saying there are no racists amongst blacks" is completely unfounded.

                            My last sentence was "How a person talks or what kind of signs are displayed at rallies might give a better indication." That followed my previous sentence and I said you would have a better indication of a person being racist from that then you would by who they voted for.

                            Like I've said in previous posts, I've never supported either party and didn't vote for either candidate. I always try to stay neutral.

                            18If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.


                            • #15
                              There were African-americans at the Topeka tea party and a black minister gave the invocation.

                              To think that it has anything to do wtih Obama being half-black is idiotic.

