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UConn to face NCAA probe?

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  • UConn to face NCAA probe?

    Connecticut potentially committed NCAA rules violations in its recruitment of former guard Nate Miles, Yahoo! Sports reported Wednesday.

    NCAA hasn't said what they will do yet, but it seems that they don't have a choice in this matter.

    Also makes you wonder how many other programs have had this type of thing happen.

  • #2
    Here is the link to UConn's response which is also linked in the article above.

    UConn's full statement on allegations

    It sounds like they aren't agreeing with what Yahoo Sports said.


    • #3
      The story printed today includes no current student-athletes and no student-athlete who has ever competed for the institution.
      Nice deflection.

      I know they aren't outright saying it, but what I hear when I read that statement is, "it's not cheating if he never played."

      On a side note, isn't Qunnipiac where former Shocker signee Evann Baker ended up?


      • #4
        Originally posted by RoyalShock
        The story printed today includes no current student-athletes and no student-athlete who has ever competed for the institution.
        Nice deflection.

        I know they aren't outright saying it, but what I hear when I read that statement is, "it's not cheating if he never played."

        On a side note, isn't Qunnipiac where former Shocker signee Evann Baker ended up?
        Evann Baker profile
        "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
        -John Wooden


        • #5
          So basically they aren't condoning it. They are just saying it doesn't affect them? Are they exempt from the rules now?


          • #6
            Originally posted by rrshock
            Are they exempt from the rules now?
            Only time will tell.


            • #7
              Put em on 3 yrs of probation now!
              I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


              • #8
                Had this been a mid-major, the big boys would be all over this and pressing the issue. But since it was UConn, everyone is keeping a tight lip, cause they could be next. At least that's what I think.


                • #9
                  They're U-Con so nothing will happen. If it's a KU or U-CON or IU it's a slap om the wrist. If is WSU or similar they are talking death penalty.


                  • #10
                    Listening to Jim Rome today and he had some college analyst on and Rome asked him if the allegations would tarnish his legacy. He replied almost instantly a very resounding NO! He said that the ncaa does not pursue teams like carolina duke ku or uconn but they do punish the mid major or lesser teams. To tell you the truth I was shocked that he would make a statement like that and be so cavalier about it. They then went on to talk about all coaches having to deal with "agents" of players and if they didn't then players did not get "sent" to those institutions. They more or less tried to put the ncaa and major league baseball in the same vein as far as one ignoring steroids and the other ignoring agents of players. There is something very wrong here with the system. I'm not a big conspiracy type of guy but I think at the very least the ncaa just does not know how to deal with the bcs schools and turns a blind eye to what is going on for fear they will form their own "club" and leave the ncaa out and just deal with tv contracts on their own. If I'm not mistaken wasn't there talk of the bcs schools (before they were bcs) leaving the ncaa and going it alone and thus the ncaa formed the bcs to placate them?

