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Financing a college degree - interesting article

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  • Financing a college degree - interesting article

    An interesting fact near the bottom of the article:

    In fact, one in four college grads takes home considerably less than the top quartile of high school grads, according to a College Board study. Even some people with doctorates earn less than people without so much as an associate degree, it shows.

  • #2
    It all depends upon your field of choice! The wife and I were sitting at dinner at Sal's Japanese steak house last Friday, and one of guys at our table was mentioning to another guy that he was a union plumber (I believe) at one of the aircraft plants. He may have been blowing smoke, but he was mentioning salary numbers of $55-60K, which is a little more than I make as a teacher with 18 years experience and a masters degree. Not complaining, as I've got a pretty nice gig, but it goes to show there are opportunities out there no matter what. I keep trying to tell my students that you don't HAVE to go to college to have financial security, but you darn well better get training and a skill in something, and flipping burgers probably shouldn't be it!
    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


    • #3
      You`re going to get the anti union people here fired up.

      Sure union people get good pay BUT the high wages are passed on to the consumers. Why do you think companies close and move to mexico? No unions.

