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GOP Makes the Democrat Own the 816 Billion "Stimulus&qu

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  • GOP Makes the Democrat Own the 816 Billion "Stimulus&qu

    For Many Economist, Stimulus Falls Flat

    some of the details:

    4.19 Billion for ACORN

    200 Million for Beautification of National Mall (including 21 Million for SOD)

    200 Million for contraceptives and abortion industry

    650 Million for more digital TV coupons

    136 Billion for 32 new government programs

    600 Million for new cars for the federal government

    50 Million for National Endowment of the Arts

    6 Billion for Colleges and Universities

    300 Billion for State Government Bailouts (166 Billion direct Aid, 140 Billion Education Funding

    Increased funding for 150 different federal funding programs

    Kansas would recieve (1.383 Billion):

    317.2 Million for Highways and Bridges
    26.1 Million for Mass Transit
    52.4 Million for Wastewater treatment and sewer
    162.2 Million for School Modernization
    228.2 Million for Pell Grants
    591.3 Million for State Budge Aid
    6 Million for Head Start

    Connetcticut: 0.897 Billion
    Main: 0.374 Billion
    Mass: 1.683 Billion
    New Hampshire: 0.334 Billion
    New Jersey: 2.309 Billiion
    NY: 6.321 Billion
    Ohio: 3.2 Billion
    Penn: 3.5 Billion
    RI: 0.398 Billion
    Vermont: 0.256 Billion

    Most of the spending will not occur until 2010 and after

  • #2
    This has to be the most blatant attempt at buying votes in our nation's history.

    If "Economic Stimulus" was the real goal they'd give across the board tax cuts.

    But no, we can't be trusted with our money. Our government, which is filled with intelligent, compassionate, selfless people know what's best for us.
    "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
    -John Wooden


    • #3


      • #4
        President Obama, please call out your out of control House and Senate and cut out all the pork, from both Republican and Democrat sides, and pass the spending stimuli you believe is essential.



        • #5
          I was surprised that at least a few GOP folks didn't flake off and vote for it.

          The GOP unity bodes well for "bi-partisanship" as it really will force Obama and Pelosi to deal with Republicans if they truly want their votes.

          Clinton's 1993 tax increase rec'd ZERO GOP votes.


          • #6
            Most of this "Stimulus" package doesn't stimulate a damn thing. It's more waste. More of the same. Where's the change promised from the President?
            Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
            RIP Guy Always A Shocker
            Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
            ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
            Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
            Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


            • #7
              Re: GOP Makes the Democrat Own the 816 Billion "Stimulu

              Originally posted by SB Shock
              200 Million for contraceptives and abortion industry
              I thought the $200 million for contraceptives was taken out.


              • #8
                Real cost of plan 1.2 Trillion?
                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                • #9
                  Re: GOP Makes the Democrat Own the 816 Billion "Stimulu

                  Originally posted by 1979Shocker
                  Originally posted by SB Shock
                  200 Million for contraceptives and abortion industry
                  I thought the $200 million for contraceptives was taken out.
                  I believe there are two "different" plans in the House and Senate. I'm not sure if that was removed from both of them or maybe just one.
                  Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                  RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                  Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                  ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                  Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                  Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                  • #10
                    It's really too bad the Republicans have ruined the economy they way that they have to put us in this situation in the first place. It's also too bad they've put 100% control of everything in the hands of the Democrats. I prefer a balanced government of Republicans and Democrats, but thanks to the Republicans sucking it up so bad, Democrats control everything leaving no checks and balances.

                    I found this rather interesting...

                    When President Obama's economic recovery plan passed the House along partisan lines Wednesday, 244-188, some Democrats expressed surprise that not a...

                    In notes jotted down during a Tuesday meeting with Obama, one GOPer noted: "We expect the vast majority of House Republicans to oppose the package tomorrow, but we are optimistic that after the bill passes the House there may be a real opportunity for a bipartisan package." In other words, we will come around. But at this moment, unanimous opposition was the smartest stance House Republicans could have taken—both politically and ideologically.
                    Lastly, voting against the stimulus is win/win for Republicans. If the package succeeds at reviving the economy, it won't be in the short term. (And even in the long term, success will probably be less tangible than its cost.) If it fails, they can say, I told you so. Meanwhile, many of them are looking for political cover after voting for the October bailout, which hasn't exactly been a roaring success.
                    So, to sum it up for you, a lot of Republicans think the bill is GOOD, but are going to vote no anyway because they know it will pass and this way they can say "Told you so" if it doesn't have all the desired benefits. Sounds like more cry baby politics, doesn't surprise me one bit.


                    • #11
                      Appears that Slate agrees with those of us who don't think the stimulus plan will work.

                      I am still waiting for that grand example in past history when government spending helped the economy.

                      The next few votes might get a few squishy Republicans, but it won't get a majority of them, in my opinion. Please, please explain how you think that many Republicans think it is good?

                      BTW, 11 or 12 Democrats voted against it.

                      And exactly how was it that only Republicans "ruined" the economy, Marty?

                      Do you really want to go rehash all of the Fannie Mae stuff and a host of other things?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by martymoose

                        So, to sum it up for you, a lot of Republicans think the bill is GOOD.
                        Well, if that is true they are a lot of clueless republicans to go along with brainless democrats.

                        This crisis is about credit - banks/firms are afraid if they loan money they will lose it because the company they loaned it to will go bankrupt.

                        There is no incentive to loan money (were not talking car/home etc), were talking at the corporation level. If you want to stimulate the economy you have to give banks an incentive to get money moving again and profitable while minimizing the risk. The pork bill they passed will do nothing to address the root cause of the problem.


                        • #13
                          If your family is running a deficit every can't solve the problem by buying a ton of crap on a credit card!

                          Which is exactly what our politicians are proposing with this bill. Cut spending and cut taxes to incent productivity.

                          For the first time in my life I'm concerned about where politicians are trying to take us and why we are letting them! It will be difficult to right this wrong if it happens.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SB Shock
                            Originally posted by martymoose

                            So, to sum it up for you, a lot of Republicans think the bill is GOOD.
                            Well, if that is true they are a lot of clueless republicans to go along with brainless democrats.

                            This crisis is about credit - banks/firms are afraid if they loan money they will lose it because the company they loaned it to will go bankrupt.

                            There is no incentive to loan money (were not talking car/home etc), were talking at the corporation level. If you want to stimulate the economy you have to give banks an incentive to get money moving again and profitable while minimizing the risk. The pork bill they passed will do nothing to address the root cause of the problem.
                            I am not sure what the complaint is here. Very large banks and mortgage companies making bad loans to people and companies that went bankrupt or worse is what got us into this mess. Many banks have money to loan but surely you don;t want them to loan it to companies on the verge of bankruptcy. Further, many companies and consumers are sitting tight right now to ride out the storm. Doesn't sound like a bad idea right now but that is lowering expenditures and costing a lot of businesses sales which means lower production and need for less employees. The government is basically the only entity that can spend enough and guarantee loans to hurting companies to stop the spiral. The scary thing is that that may not work either.

                            As to whether the spending that is in the bill addresses these problems it would appear that many of the items are not "economic stimulus" related. That bothers me a great deal. I am not sure that tax cuts equates to people having the confidence to go out and spend that money or that the money spent would do a thing for a lot of the jobs at Wichita aircraft companies that are being lost. Those items are not being purchased by us lowly taxpayers.


                            • #15
                              How many of us in here can say their is atleast 1 part of the package that will benefit you individually???

                              I don`t.

