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Welcome Back America!!!!!!!!!

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  • Welcome Back America!!!!!!!!!

    FINALLY the end of an Error!!!!!!

    May we get back to what made America Great!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    And what's that?


    • #3
      WSU winning?
      Marge: The plant called and said that if you don't come in tomorrow, don't bother coming in Monday.
      Homer: WOOHOO! Four day weekend.


      • #4
        I though Obama made a very good speech, he didn't sugarcoat anything, addressed several issues we are faced with, stated that what worked in government will be used, what doesn't will be eliminated, and the importance of every American in renewing America.


        • #5
          Yeah can't wait for CHANGE to bring milk and honey right to my doorstep. Where do I sign up for delivery?

          Wish I was on the limousine liberal A-list for tonight's record breaking inaugural ball budget...I guess I'll settle for free milk and honey.


          • #6
            Here we are in a recession, and he spends over twice as much as Bush did on his inauguration. He loves doing things on a huge scale, whether we can afford it or not. Fiscal responsibility at its finest!!


            • #7
              I hope things go well. But I'm not holding my breath. Based off of much of what he campaigned on I don't see how he's going to better the country.

              He and his people are already off to a bad start with all the Lincoln comparissons.
              Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
              RIP Guy Always A Shocker
              Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
              ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
              Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
              Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


              • #8
                Obama has a ton of ideas to help people but the money isn`t there. Therefore, you either drive us farther into debt or raise taxes.

                Liberal media can no longer blame Bush. 8)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BenWSU
                  Liberal media can no longer blame Bush. 8)

                  You underestimate the media. I promise you they will find a way.


                  • #10
                    The word of the day--

                    The media's love affair with the new prez -- Obamance :)


                    • #11
                      They should rate the news networks broadcasts as NC-17, I swear, I heard several reporters in total rapture today.

                      I truly feel sorry for people who let the person at the head of our government dictate their personal happiness.

                      News Flash -- Our government cannot raise you out of poverty. If it could, they would've done it already. But they will certainly keep tryin until it breaks us all. All it wants, is for you to keep electing them to office so they can throw these parties that make AIG's outings look like a pizza and beer night.
                      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ShockerGorilla
                        Here we are in a recession, and he spends over twice as much as Bush did on his inauguration. He loves doing things on a huge scale, whether we can afford it or not. Fiscal responsibility at its finest!!
                        Points of information:

                        1. Much of the money for the inauguration comes from private donations.

                        2. There were 2 - 4 million people expected to be there for the ceremony. Until today, LBJ had the record with 1.2 million people back in 1965. Bill Clinton drew 800,000 for his first term, and 250,000 for his second. George W. Bush had 400,000 for his first, and about 300,000 his second.

                        In other words, most of the cost difference comes from the sheer magnitude of the crowd and the resources necessary to facilitate it.
                        The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                        • #13
                          We have a new president. It is in the interest of the nation that the economy improve. Either you complain or you give Obama & his team a chance to fix the mess Bush & his team created. Which you choose says more about you than about the new administration.

                          I expect Obama to make mistakes. I expect him to get some things right. I'm not really paying attention to the speeches, etc. right now; I'm trying to help WSU as best I can. If only I had $1M (or more). :D
                          Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                          Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rjl
                            Originally posted by ShockerGorilla
                            Here we are in a recession, and he spends over twice as much as Bush did on his inauguration. He loves doing things on a huge scale, whether we can afford it or not. Fiscal responsibility at its finest!!
                            Points of information:

                            1. Much of the money for the inauguration comes from private donations.

                            2. There were 2 - 4 million people expected to be there for the ceremony. Until today, LBJ had the record with 1.2 million people back in 1965. Bill Clinton drew 800,000 for his first term, and 250,000 for his second. George W. Bush had 400,000 for his first, and about 300,000 his second.

                            In other words, most of the cost difference comes from the sheer magnitude of the crowd and the resources necessary to facilitate it.
                            True, money spent to help the economy!
                            I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SpanglerFan316
                              We have a new president. It is in the interest of the nation that the economy improve. Either you complain or you give Obama & his team a chance to fix the mess Bush & his team created. Which you choose says more about you than about the new administration.

                              I expect Obama to make mistakes. I expect him to get some things right. I'm not really paying attention to the speeches, etc. right now; I'm trying to help WSU as best I can. If only I had $1M (or more). :D

                              You believe waaaaaay too much in the power of the government. Read Prez above and take it in slowly and carefully. It will be a shock to your system.

                              You are not as smart as you think you are if you believe 1 person (or 1 and his "team" have put the country where it is....

                              More government = bad

                              Less government = good

                              Remember it. That is all.

                              There is only one sure way to help the economy. Cut taxes.

                              Ok, that really is all.

