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Is this really what we have to look forward to?

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  • #31
    Spangler Fan, conservatives did not run the country...and are not running it now. GWB has hardly behave like a conservative on fiscal issues. He has behaved like a drunken sailor on fiscal issues. Keep in mind..."Government is usually the problem, not the solution."


    • #32
      FCC chief: Don’t delay digital TV switch

      LAS VEGAS — The head of the Federal Communications Commission sharply disagreed Saturday with President-elect Barack Obama’s call to delay the scheduled switchover to all-digital television next month, warning that pushing back the transition would confuse Americans and put wireless companies at a significant disadvantage.


      • #33
        Originally posted by JohnnieBallgame
        Spangler Fan, conservatives did not run the country...and are not running it now. GWB has hardly behave like a conservative on fiscal issues. He has behaved like a drunken sailor on fiscal issues. Keep in mind..."Government is usually the problem, not the solution."
        The "conservative" label was applied equally to (so-called) fiscal conservatives and (so-called) social conservatives. If you claim to be a conservative and you voted for Republicans beginning in 2000, then you are just rationalizing away your responsibility for the mess we are in. Did you vote for Sam Brownback? Roberts? Did they support the spending by Bush?
        Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
        Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


        • #34
          Originally posted by JohnnieBallgame
          I will give Obama the same amount of respect the dems gave President Bush. Their hatred of him has driven me to not have any respect for them. It used to be that political adversaries could disagree without being disagreeable but those days are gone. We all used to want what was best for our country but disagreed how to get there...those days are gone. Obama was not properly vetted, he is an empty suit socialist. I do not want him to have a successful presidency...I want him to fail miserably so the country will survive. I want government off my back and out of my pocket. I'm tired of anyone disagreeing with Obama being called racist. I have no problem with the color of his skin, just the content of his character and the people he has chosen to be affiliated with. I am a registered republican who is not proud of the way President Bush lost his veto pen regarding spending bills from republicans early on and from the dems the last few years. Be forewarned, when Obama gets into my pocket, my least productive employees will go away they are likely the same voters who voted for him judging by bumperstickers on autos. I will then take the time I spend babysitting them and figure out how to beat little Barry at his own game.
          You're not fooling anyone Jonnie, you're still bitter about the election. And you're proving it by showing no compassion for your fellow Americans. I know mommy and daddy are paying your bills now, but some day you'll be on your own and I hope you fail miserably.

          Everyone wants to talk their crap on here about Obama, like the Democrats started some kind of fight on here. I didn't start posting in these worthless threads until I got tired of (majority) on here picking on the few voicing their opinions. Now you're all showing what sore losers you are by taking it personally and continuing to drag it out. It's over, move on...

          Wouldn't the more productive way to start this thread be to say "Hey, Obama wants to delay the digital transition. What do you guys think about that? I for one think it's a bad idea." Instead we get more cry baby personal attacks and new Republican posters coming out of the wood work.


          • #35
            Originally posted by JohnnieBallgame
            Keep in mind..."Government is usually the problem, not the solution."
            OK, so you don't drive on the public roads, use the public postal system, depend on the police or military, fly on scheduled airlines, benefit from public standards for food safety & quality, go to public schools or universities, use the public water supply, benefit from medical research by the NIH, work for NASA, NSF, DOE, NIH, ACOE, FAA, etc. or a company which receives money from such a public agency, use toll roads created by a state government, use the U.S. currency, have a mortgage supported directly or indirectly by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, benefit from the transportation of goods on the public transportation system (rivers, roads, airports, etc.), have fundamental rights from the Bill of Rights, etc.
            Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
            Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


            • #36
              Originally posted by JohnnieBallgame
              Spangler Fan, conservatives did not run the country...and are not running it now. GWB has hardly behave like a conservative on fiscal issues. He has behaved like a drunken sailor on fiscal issues. Keep in mind..."Government is usually the problem, not the solution."
              I love this, so if you fail miserably just claim that those who failed arent what they are and continue preaching the same nonsense! Oh ya always villainize the Govt. Sadly the US now must try to cleanup the disaster left by the neo cons. 8)
              I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


              • #37
                Originally posted by SpanglerFan316
                Originally posted by JohnnieBallgame
                Keep in mind..."Government is usually the problem, not the solution."
                OK, so you don't drive on the public roads, use the public postal system, depend on the police or military, fly on scheduled airlines, benefit from public standards for food safety & quality, go to public schools or universities, use the public water supply, benefit from medical research by the NIH, work for NASA, NSF, DOE, NIH, ACOE, FAA, etc. or a company which receives money from such a public agency, use toll roads created by a state government, use the U.S. currency, have a mortgage supported directly or indirectly by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, benefit from the transportation of goods on the public transportation system (rivers, roads, airports, etc.), have fundamental rights from the Bill of Rights, etc.

                Well then hell Spangler, I guess we'll all just be better off giving Washington all our money and let them figure out what's best for you, me and all of us.

                Nice reference of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae...there's two shining examples of fiscal responsibility and success!

                Our RESPONSIBILITY is to keep government in check. That's one of the reasons we have the 2nd Amendment. Right now government is running unchecked....and it is everyone's fault.

                I didn't "bash Obama" and I am not crying about the election results. It's over and done with and we move forward. I want government to succeed and to be in a better country next week, month and year and in a few days Barack Obama is the leader of the free is his baby and I expect him to lead it.

                All I did was point out where he stands, and what his transition team is spending time discussing. Some of you want to try to "spin" it and blame Bush....get over yourselves. If you think government should be in the business of entitlement of tv then I guess we have to move to a different subject.....perhaps coloring outside the lines might be something you are capable of "transitioning" into?

                I simply find it disgusting that this seems to be a high priority and that we need to spend another $250 million + on a bad idea....especially in tough times.


                • #38
                  Gov't continues to do more harm than good for this country as they've really over stepped at all three levels.

                  I don't see it getting any better anytime soon.

                  And sadly, Republican does not equal Conservative. Conservatives have lost the party.
                  Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                  RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                  Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                  ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                  Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                  Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by WuDrWu
                    I didn't "bash Obama" and I am not crying about the election results. It's over and done with and we move forward. I want government to succeed and to be in a better country next week, month and year and in a few days Barack Obama is the leader of the free is his baby and I expect him to lead it.
                    I like to find points of argeement. Obama will take over on January 20. It is in all of our interests that he be successful and that the economy improve.

                    PS I never claimed that government was efficient; I don't believe either the government or "business" is efficient.
                    Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                    Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                    • #40
                      I am hoping Obama fails to get his agenda passed. because if he does our country will be devastated for years to come. Our way of life will change for the worse. For the record, I am a WSU grad and am 45 years old and have not only been supporting my own family for 19 years, I have also been responsible for operating a business that directly affects 23 other families. I believe elections have consequences and we are likely to get a close look of how socialism destroys the will of free people to be productive. I will concede roads, bridges, and infrastructure and a strong national defense to government. There is no such thing as a "free lunch", but apparently more voters than not believe there is. We are already cutting back on charitable donations..."charity begins at home". Local charities will be counting on little jug-eared Barry to bail them out too. If at some point it becomes better for my family to be less productive perhaps then I will hope Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright , and Father Pflager's friend has a successful presidency. Bill Clinton now counts as one of his best accomplishments to be "welfare reform".....Conservatives of both parties had to drag him kicking and screaming to that. So you libs who think Obama is the answer, keep in mind how you have spent that last 8 years trying to destroy GWB. Books were written by libs on how to off him and you and your buddies were silent in your condemnation. When the man threw the shoes at GWB you have rejoiced and made him a hero. I believe I saw a shoe hit the American Flag and I was insulted as you should have been also. I have been disparaged because I believe that a successful Obama presidency means a weakened failed America. I would guess that soon, those of us who disagree with "messiah" who emerged from the cess pool of Chicago politics, smelling like a rose, and being as clean as the wind driven snow, will be silenced. When you emerge from your "hut" like Obama's brother in Kenya, existing on $12 a year, you'll be wondering why Barry didn't help you anymore than he did his brother. I also choose to use either UPS or FEDEX when I have to count on something being sent efficiently and reliably, that is a choice one makes when his livelihood counts on it.


                      • #41
                        Massive government spending hasn't helped before and it won't help now.

                        Hoover's and FDR's reaction to the stock market crash helped create and perpetuate the depression.

                        It is and is not surprising we haven't learned from our mistakes.

                        The so-called stimulus is being discussed as if it were free money; as if there were no negative consequence for printing and spending so much money.

                        Someone has to pay for all of this, and that someone is us.

                        Do you want stimulus? Cut taxes.


                        • #42
                          That's what I'm talking about....It has worked everytime it has been tried, 1st with JFK then later with Reagan. It needs to be implemented now along with government budget cuts. Every new $$ of fed spending should be met with a $$ or more of a corresponding cut.


                          • #43
                            Has anyone else read the book "Real Change". There are a lot of good ideas mentioned in there that make way too much sense. Yet our leaders continue to screw everything up.
                            Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                            RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                            Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                            ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                            Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                            Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by ABC
                              Massive government spending hasn't helped before and it won't help now.

                              Hoover's and FDR's reaction to the stock market crash helped create and perpetuate the depression.

                              It is and is not surprising we haven't learned from our mistakes.

                              The so-called stimulus is being discussed as if it were free money; as if there were no negative consequence for printing and spending so much money.

                              Someone has to pay for all of this, and that someone is us.

                              Do you want stimulus? Cut taxes.
                              Hoover raised taxes, reduced liquidity and tried to balance the budget. The economy really went into the toilet after that. Hoover was a good Republican.

                              By the way, who is "Barry"?

                              The economy is much more complicated than either of you suggest. There are certainly times when the tax rate needs to be reduced; when JFK took office, the top marginal tax rate was 94%. The top marginal tax rate is currently 35%. I think everyone agrees that 94% is far too high. On the other hand, 35% does not seem unreasonable. My marginal tax rate is lower, 28%, and this seems reasonable to me. Of course, I wish I didn't have to pay any taxes. :lol:

                              ADDED: Sorry. I made an error. My marginal tax rate is actually 25%. I'm getting poorer and poorer by the minute. :lol:
                              Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                              Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


                              • #45
                                FDR raised taxes too.

                                35% is too high. More than 1/3 of someone's income?

                                Let's not forget local sales taxes, local income taxes, local property taxes, state sales taxes, state income taxes, staet property taxes - just for starters.

                                If the Feds start out taking 35%, it is very easy to get way over 50% or more, of your income going out of your hands. That is just nuts.

