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High Gas prices coming back, thanks Barry

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ABC
    Originally posted by kcshocker11
    Originally posted by double dribble
    kc, look me in the eyes :roll: and tell me you are a liberal.
    Depends on the issue my friend! 8)
    What issues are you right of center or free market?
    Why do you care? 8)
    But pro death penalty is one(many libs are for that also)
    I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


    • #32
      Originally posted by double dribble
      shockerfever, you do the math (if you can)
      More drilling = more oil
      more oil = greater supply
      greater supply = ?
      It is not rocket science, c'mon you can do it..... take your time and don't strain your pea brain....
      Lower prices !!!!! you guessed it!! :good:

      Royal tell him what he has just won!
      You're ignoring the fact that the amount of oil available in both currently restricted offshore areas and the ANWR is only enough to drop the price we pay at the pump by 4 cents per gallon, and not until the year 2027.

      This according to a 2004 study by the government's Energy Information Administration.

      So... yeah. Big difference there.

      I think I'm going with the guy who wants to kick our oil/heroin habit by the year 2027 rather than a plan that will have us forever searching for just one more fix.
      The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


      • #33
        Originally posted by rjl
        Originally posted by double dribble
        shockerfever, you do the math (if you can)
        More drilling = more oil
        more oil = greater supply
        greater supply = ?
        It is not rocket science, c'mon you can do it..... take your time and don't strain your pea brain....
        Lower prices !!!!! you guessed it!! :good:

        Royal tell him what he has just won!
        You're ignoring the fact that the amount of oil available in both currently restricted offshore areas and the ANWR is only enough to drop the price we pay at the pump by 4 cents per gallon, and not until the year 2027.

        This according to a 2004 study by the government's Energy Information Administration.

        So... yeah. Big difference there.

        I think I'm going with the guy who wants to kick our oil/heroin habit by the year 2027 rather than a plan that will have us forever searching for just one more fix.

        :good: They cant seem to comprehend that! 8)
        I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


        • #34
          rjl, just the mention of drilling off shore has dropped the price of gas by almost $2 because the price is driven in part by wall street speculators.
          Now Barry wants to kick the oil habit by 2027? That is so nice, so I guess we will ride our bikes to work until the saviour Obama invents alternative energy? It amazes me how clueless some people are, and yet they still get to cast a vote.
          You don't want to give money to the mid East for oil, you don't want to drill for our own oil, and we don't yet have the technology to survive without oil, so what do you suggest? Here is an idea, why don't you lead by example and be the first to kick the heroin/oil habit?
          By the way, if you listen to the actual oil experts who drill for a living, they say that the oil we drill for here will hit the market in 4 years. Stop listening to liberal talking points.
          Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


          • #35
            Originally posted by double dribble
            rjl, just the mention of drilling off shore has dropped the price of gas by almost $2 because the price is driven in part by wall street speculators.
            Now Barry wants to kick the oil habit by 2027? That is so nice, so I guess we will ride our bikes to work until the saviour Obama invents alternative energy? It amazes me how clueless some people are, and yet they still get to cast a vote.
            You don't want to give money to the mid East for oil, you don't want to drill for our own oil, and we don't yet have the technology to survive without oil, so what do you suggest? Here is an idea, why don't you lead by example and be the first to kick the heroin/oil habit?
            By the way, if you listen to the actual oil experts who drill for a living, they say that the oil we drill for here will hit the market in 4 years. Stop listening to liberal talking points.
            Not lib talking point thats from the US dept of energy. Also the US Geological Survey backs this up.You would rather listen to people who will tell you anything to free up these lands? Oil dropped because of the global economy tanked combined with less consumption. Heres a fine article from Geology News that talks about ANWR, offshore drilling of oil and gas etc. This should help you to understand.

            I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


            • #36
              Originally posted by double dribble
              rjl, just the mention of drilling off shore has dropped the price of gas by almost $2 because the price is driven in part by wall street speculators.
              Now Barry wants to kick the oil habit by 2027? That is so nice, so I guess we will ride our bikes to work until the saviour Obama invents alternative energy? It amazes me how clueless some people are, and yet they still get to cast a vote.
              You don't want to give money to the mid East for oil, you don't want to drill for our own oil, and we don't yet have the technology to survive without oil, so what do you suggest? Here is an idea, why don't you lead by example and be the first to kick the heroin/oil habit?
              By the way, if you listen to the actual oil experts who drill for a living, they say that the oil we drill for here will hit the market in 4 years. Stop listening to liberal talking points.
              I'm going to give you a score of '0' on reading comprehension.

              The year 2027 has nothing to do with Obama. It has nothing to do with McCain. It has everything to do with the fact that it would take that long to reach the full potential daily yield from these areas if we started drilling them now.

              That's not from a liberal talking point, it's from an independent government agency. If you want to talk about viewpoints with alterior motives, I wouldn't listen to oil execs who stand to make millions of dollars more selling US oil on the global market.

              But there's a flaw in that logic: even if tomorrow we opened up every square mile of the outer Continental Shelf to offshore rigs, even if we drilled the entire state of Alaska and pulled new refineries out of thin air, the impact on gas prices would be minimal and delayed at best. A 2004 study by the government's Energy Information Administration (EIA) found that drilling in ANWR would trim the price of gas by 3.5 cents a gallon by 2027. (If oil prices continue to skyrocket, the savings would be greater, but not by much.) Opening up offshore areas to oil exploration — currently all coastal areas save a section of the Gulf of Mexico are off-limits, thanks to a Congressional ban enacted in 1982 and supplemented by an executive order from the first President Bush — might cut the price of gas by 3 to 4 cents a gallon at most, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. And the relief at the pump, such as it is, wouldn't be immediate — it would take several years, at least, for the oil to begin to flow, which is time enough for increased demand from China, India and the rest of the world to outpace those relatively meager savings. "Right now the price of oil is set on the global market," says Kevin Lindemer, executive managing director of the energy markets group for the research firm Global Insight. President Bush's move "would not have an impact."

              The reason is simple: the U.S. has an estimated 3% of global petroleum reserves, but consumes 24% of the world's oil. Offshore territories and public lands like ANWR that don't allow drilling may contain up to 75 billion barrels of oil, according to the EIA. That may sound like a lot, but it's not enough to make a significant difference in a world where global oil demand is expected to rise 30% by 2030, to nearly 120 million barrels a day. At best, greatly expanding domestic drilling might eventually lower the proportion of oil the U.S. imports — currently about 60% of its total supply — but petroleum is a global commodity, and the world market would soak up any additional American production. "This is a drop in the bucket," says Gernot Wagner, an economist with the Environmental Defense Fund.
              Now, I know 'facts' aren't much of a weapon against your "joe-six-pack", keepin-it-real argument, but, sadly, what happens in reality pretty much depends on them.

              Gas dropping $2 a gallon has everything to do with the economy and nothing to do with the threat of a few more drops of oil being available in what's a very, very, very large bucket.

              Stick with the sometimes humorous, mostly dumb punchlines, Dribble. The fact that you can't even make a response to a factual rebuttal of your post without resorting to the standard anti-intellectual rhetoric and some name-calling thrown in to boot shows you aren't capable of any more.
              The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


              • #37
                rjl, when the ban on off shore drilling was lifted the market speculators bailed out faster than Barney Frank at a Fred Phelps rally. That is the problem with you libs. You have zero concept of the effects of supply and demand and how a true free market society is supposed to work.
                If not for the hard working and motivated free market capitalist in this country, the blood sucking leech libs would have no money to fund your socialist programs. You want everyone to line up at the government teet all the while you are oblivious to who is producing the milk.
                You can google all your liberal sources for supporting articles to back your claim because unfortunately there are plenty of people who are just as ignorant and have access to a computer and can get their propaganda published. I could do the same thing but I will never convince someone who is of the liberal/socialist cradle to grave mentality to change their mind.
                When you decide to stop using oil yourself everyday, then we will all join in, but until then, we need to produce as much of it as we can at home.
                Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


                • #38
                  Oh and by the way, rj, kc, and shocker fever, You need to do better than to produce an article from 2004 to make your case about how to effect the price of gas. Just for grins, step away from your socialist utopia for a moment and look around you. Do you think the game has changed just slightly when it comes to oil prices, supply, and demand? If not, go back to sleep.
                  PS your article in 2004 says it takes 23 years for oil to reach the market?
                  Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


                  • #39
                    Found this little twist to ANWR interesting, if not compelling:

                    Since our founding in 1973, The Heritage Foundation has been working to advance the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.


                    • #40
                      Maybe instead of calling anyone against you and everything that's presented against you 'liberal', you should try stepping back and heeding your own advice by seeing something that's not from the extreme right. You realize you're doing the exact same thing you're against only from a different perspective.

                      Until you understand this, I'm officially ceasing direct communications with you. I know this will upset you dearly.

                      Have a nice one-sided life.
                      Deuces Valley.
                      ... No really, deuces.
                      "Enjoy the ride."

                      - a smart man


                      • #41
                        shockerfever, I believe there is Right and there is Wrong. So yes, that IS one sided.
                        Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by double dribble
                          shockerfever, I believe there is Right and there is Wrong. So yes, that IS one sided.
                          Your problem is you just cant tell which is which :D 8)

                          PS my link is 2008 and my orginal posts about Obamas energy plan where current articles. The US Govt and I think you are wrong! :whistle: 8)
                          I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                          • #43
                            Which Obama energy plan are you talking about? The one where he is in favor of drilling during his campaign, or the one where he wants to block drilling after he was elected?
                            By the way I rarely fall on the side of the US Government, especially when it is controlled by liberal democRATS. :whistle: 8)
                            Also, yes your link was 2008 but it used 2004 data to make their claim. Nice try :whistle: 8)
                            Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


                            • #44
                              Ever wonder why when the US had a Repub controlled congress and Senate and a Repub Oilman was President, none of your ideas Dribble werent enacted. Because they also know it wouldnt make a difference. Even McCain said it was feelgood policy that it wouldnt make a difference.
                              It only became a talking point when there was a election and the Repub thought they could win votes.
                              I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                              • #45
                                Not to beat a dead horse or kick a dead horse square in the grapes for that matter, but until the past 18 months, market speculators have not been the biggest player in oil prices. The game has changed. Even the mention of opening more drilling avenues sends the speculators running. So the people invested in high oil prices seem to think drilling here will have an impact. And their fear has had a dramatic effect on the price of oil already.
                                Again, the price of oil is not simply effected by supply and demand, but by the market investors speculating as well.
                                Also, it is beyond me how anyone can argue that more supply has little or no effect on the price. By opening more drilling here, we create jobs, we effect the market, dropping the price, and we are assured that the drilling is done in an environmentally safe way.
                                So why not?
                                Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)

