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Chris Matthews: job to make Obama presidency a success

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  • Chris Matthews: job to make Obama presidency a success

  • #2
    It's good to see honesty in journalism.

    Now if we can just work on the "fair and balanced" part.
    "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
    -John Wooden


    • #3
      Tough talk

      Well, it is good indeed to hear Matthews acknowledge his partisanship, although no surprise -- I believe he actually worked for Tip O'Neill, the longtime Democrat Speaker of the House, before getting into what is nowadays loosely called journalism.

      Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear George Stephanopoulos and the other Obama backers on the major networks be so honest? History tells us that nearly all of them who voted did so for Obama -- I'd be shocked if the survey, when it's done, reflects less than 90% support for The One -- but you can bet they'll be the last to acknowledge their bias.

      Meanwhile, Matthews needs to get after his buddies on the financial channels: the US markets are down a record-setting 10% in two days since the glorious election of our lord and protector Obama. Not exactly a vote of confidence from his Wall Street buddies, after giving Obama about 50% more campaign money than they gave McCain. Are we seeing buyer's remorse this quickly?

      I hope our buddy Wuzee has his money in cash or treasuries. Otherwise he may be feeling pretty woozy indeed about the impact his guy has had on the markets.


      • #4
        Re: Tough talk

        Originally posted by WSUwatcher
        Well, it is good indeed to hear Matthews acknowledge his partisanship, although no surprise -- I believe he actually worked for Tip O'Neill, the longtime Democrat Speaker of the House, before getting into what is nowadays loosely called journalism.

        Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear George Stephanopoulos and the other Obama backers on the major networks be so honest? History tells us that nearly all of them who voted did so for Obama -- I'd be shocked if the survey, when it's done, reflects less than 90% support for The One -- but you can bet they'll be the last to acknowledge their bias.

        Meanwhile, Matthews needs to get after his buddies on the financial channels: the US markets are down a record-setting 10% in two days since the glorious election of our lord and protector Obama. Not exactly a vote of confidence from his Wall Street buddies, after giving Obama about 50% more campaign money than they gave McCain. Are we seeing buyer's remorse this quickly?

        I hope our buddy Wuzee has his money in cash or treasuries. Otherwise he may be feeling pretty woozy indeed about the impact his guy has had on the markets.
        Great Post. I wonder how George Sorass is feeling since he talked all his buddies into contributions for his boy.

        Wuzee and Moose don't care. The are gonna get them a check!
        Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful. John Wooden


        • #5
          So he basically has said that his job changes with the change of the party that holds the presidency. This is why MSNBC is a joke.

          The media is a joke. There is no media anymore, there is just dribble and poll reporting. Everything is a freakin' poll. Polls are now news items. Hello, we've got this biased poll out today that we are going to report, in order to let you know that if you are in the minority of this poll, you are a doofus, and unenlightened. Because we know that the majority of people can't cope with the fact that they don't 'fit in' with the bogus mainstream that we created in this poll, hence you will want to agree with the majority so that you aren't weird. We also want to let you know that there is something wrong with you because everyone else in the country thinks the opposite of what you do because we took this poll and called 300 people who still have land line phones, had enough time to waste with our rude pollsters, probably don't work because we sampled at 2 in the afternoon on a Wednesday, and asked leading questions based on how we wanted the poll to turn out. So you see it's scientifically a fact that you are a racist, bigot, selfish, greedy A-hole who is an outcast of society because you are in the minority of our almighty poll.

          Hello, I'm a journalist and I dug deep to uncover this poll and report on the results.
          "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


          • #6
            Originally posted by ShockerPrez
            So he basically has said that his job changes with the change of the party that holds the presidency. This is why MSNBC is a joke.

            The media is a joke. There is no media anymore, there is just dribble and poll reporting. Everything is a freakin' poll. Polls are now news items. Hello, we've got this biased poll out today that we are going to report, in order to let you know that if you are in the minority of this poll, you are a doofus, and unenlightened. Because we know that the majority of people can't cope with the fact that they don't 'fit in' with the bogus mainstream that we created in this poll, hence you will want to agree with the majority so that you aren't weird. We also want to let you know that there is something wrong with you because everyone else in the country thinks the opposite of what you do because we took this poll and called 300 people who still have land line phones, had enough time to waste with our rude pollsters, probably don't work because we sampled at 2 in the afternoon on a Wednesday, and asked leading questions based on how we wanted the poll to turn out. So you see it's scientifically a fact that you are a racist, bigot, selfish, greedy A-hole who is an outcast of society because you are in the minority of our almighty poll.

            Hello, I'm a journalist and I dug deep to uncover this poll and report on the results.
            You hit that on the head.

