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How McCain Failed His Supporters

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  • How McCain Failed His Supporters

    Honestly, there was more than just this issue, but it is just another example on how poorly they ran and how well Obama hid certain views from so many people.
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  • #2
    McCain is not a "Conservative" and therefore not one who is passionate about the issues that are important to the base of the party.

    That and the B.S. about running a "respectable" campaign.
    "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
    -John Wooden


    • #3
      Even if McCain made abortion the central issue in his campaign, he still would have lost. Aside from drawing out Republican base voters, abortion limits are a non-starter for most people. For example, Colorado amendment 48 (defining life as starting at conception) failed 27%-73% yesterday. I know that Colorado went for Obama this time around, but it's not exactly a liberal stronghold enough to justify that kind of lopsided margin.

      And, this FOCA issue is blown way out of proportion. It wouldn't provide either a de jure or de facto repeal of existing state abortion limits:
      (4) The Roe v. Wade decision carefully balanced the rights of women to make important reproductive decisions with the state's interest in potential life. Under Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, a woman's right to choose to terminate her pregnancy is absolute only prior to fetal viability, with the state permitted to ban abortion after fetal viability except when necessary to protect the life or health of a woman.
      To my understanding, any existing state limits that provide exceptions for the health of the mother (which, so far, is the accepted constitutional interpretation) would still stand.

