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Now Hear This!

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  • Now Hear This!

    Liberal democRATS did everything to block even an up or down vote for Bush court appointees, they called him a war criminal, a liar, etc... , they blamed him for the loan crash, yet now they want us conservatives to hold hands and sing kumbaya with them. Now they just want us all to get along.
    Guess what libs, IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN!! We will fight tooth and nail to keep liberal activist judges off the bench, we will fight to keep the Obama socialst health care from passing, fight higher taxes on business, you name it! Get ready for the same treatment you have been dishing out for the last 8 years.
    In the words of my hero and great American, Al Bundy, bring it on baby@!
    Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)

  • #2
    Translation: Wahhh-Wahhhhhh- wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm taking my ball and going home!!!
    I ain't fallin fo no banana in tha tailpipe


    • #3
      On the contrary embizzle, we are here to stay. We aint going nowhere.
      Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


      • #4
        Wahhh-Wahhhhhh- wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
        I ain't fallin fo no banana in tha tailpipe


        • #5
          I find it quite humorous that emc sits the real discussion out, then comes in afteward to give us all a nice mature raspberry.

          Quite simply, we have to hope for a repeat of '94. With any luck, the Dems will have their usual problems actually getting things done until a new slate of reps can take over in '10.


          • #6
            Originally posted by RoyalShock
            I find it quite humorous that emc sits the real discussion out, then comes in afteward to give us all a nice mature raspberry.

            Quite simply, we have to hope for a repeat of '94. With any luck, the Dems will have their usual problems actually getting things done until a new slate of reps can take over in '10.
            Am I gloating? Yeah, a little bit.

            My apologies for not trying to argue/convince this Shockernet lynch mob of right wing nut jobs that they were wrong. I saw several others try and I didn't see the point.

            Based upon the Rush Limbaugh precedent of talk radio slander from '92-'94, I'm sure your angry talk radio crowd will be foaming at the mouth come 2010. What kind of asinine talking points will you guys drum up next? (since the socialist/terrorist/non-Us citizen/baby killer schtick didn't work)
            I ain't fallin fo no banana in tha tailpipe


            • #7
              Originally posted by emcfizzle
              Am I gloating? Yeah, a little bit.
              A little bit? That is all you are doing.

              Originally posted by emcfizzle
              My apologies for not trying to argue/convince this Shockernet lynch mob of right wing nut jobs that they were wrong.
              Thank you for your substantive contributions.


              • #8
                Originally posted by RoyalShock
                Originally posted by emcfizzle
                Am I gloating? Yeah, a little bit.
                A little bit? That is all you are doing.

                Originally posted by emcfizzle
                My apologies for not trying to argue/convince this Shockernet lynch mob of right wing nut jobs that they were wrong.
                Thank you for your substantive contributions.
                I'm outnumbered 500-1 on this forum, do you think it would actually be worth my time? I'll go ahead and say "no", and continue my gloating.
                I ain't fallin fo no banana in tha tailpipe


                • #9
                  What do you expect Royal? I know that you aren't part of the lynch mob, but isn't it obvious that there quite a few on this site that are? I wouldn't go as far as saying that they are all nutjobs, but several people on this board do have tunnel vision with their views and believe that anything different can't or won't work. The attack, attack, attack stance that most of those on this board take when speaking about politics sure does get old and I think that's why you are seeing a little gloating from the Barack supporters on this site.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by emcfizzle
                    Originally posted by RoyalShock
                    Originally posted by emcfizzle
                    Am I gloating? Yeah, a little bit.
                    A little bit? That is all you are doing.

                    Originally posted by emcfizzle
                    My apologies for not trying to argue/convince this Shockernet lynch mob of right wing nut jobs that they were wrong.
                    Thank you for your substantive contributions.
                    I'm outnumbered 500-1 on this forum, do you think it would actually be worth my time? I'll go ahead and say "no", and continue my gloating.
                    Okay that’s enough – I am going to insult you now – coward.

                    Don’t dare lecture me about being “outnumbered” when it comes to a political opinion and argument…

                    By the way, it would be worth your time and mine – if you have a reasoned opinion.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by shocks771
                      What do you expect Royal? I know that you aren't part of the lynch mob, but isn't it obvious that there quite a few on this site that are? I wouldn't go as far as saying that they are all nutjobs, but several people on this board do have tunnel vision with their views and believe that anything different can't or won't work. The attack, attack, attack stance that most of those on this board take when speaking about politics sure does get old and I think that's why you are seeing a little gloating from the Barack supporters on this site.
                      Unfortunately, it appears the only ones trying to make sincere arguments are conservatives. There are Obama supporters gloating, some right wingers bitching, but I haven't seen much of any honest liberal debate. I challenge any of you to tell me why Obama is going to be good for this country. I don't want to hear anything about McCain, or voting out another Bush. Tell me why Obama is the answer.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by McShocker
                        Originally posted by shocks771
                        What do you expect Royal? I know that you aren't part of the lynch mob, but isn't it obvious that there quite a few on this site that are? I wouldn't go as far as saying that they are all nutjobs, but several people on this board do have tunnel vision with their views and believe that anything different can't or won't work. The attack, attack, attack stance that most of those on this board take when speaking about politics sure does get old and I think that's why you are seeing a little gloating from the Barack supporters on this site.
                        Unfortumately, it appears the only ones trying to make sincere arguments are conservatives. There are Obama supporters gloating, some right wingers bitching, but I haven't seen much of any honest liberal debate. I challenge any of you to tell me why Obama is going to be good for this country. I don't want to hear anything about McCain, or voting out another Bush. Tell me why Obama is the answer.
                        I have tried to get a response for many moons and for whatever reason I am largely ignored --- good luck to you.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Maggie
                          Originally posted by McShocker
                          Originally posted by shocks771
                          What do you expect Royal? I know that you aren't part of the lynch mob, but isn't it obvious that there quite a few on this site that are? I wouldn't go as far as saying that they are all nutjobs, but several people on this board do have tunnel vision with their views and believe that anything different can't or won't work. The attack, attack, attack stance that most of those on this board take when speaking about politics sure does get old and I think that's why you are seeing a little gloating from the Barack supporters on this site.
                          Unfortumately, it appears the only ones trying to make sincere arguments are conservatives. There are Obama supporters gloating, some right wingers bitching, but I haven't seen much of any honest liberal debate. I challenge any of you to tell me why Obama is going to be good for this country. I don't want to hear anything about McCain, or voting out another Bush. Tell me why Obama is the answer.
                          I have tried to get a response for many moons and for whatever reason I am largely ignored --- good luck to you.
                          How do your New York friends answer that one, Maggie? You must feel like Custer at Little Big Horn.
                          Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful. John Wooden


                          • #14
                            I know you were. The frustrating thing to me is that 90+% of Americans want "change" of some sort. The federal government is broken. I have no problem getting conservatives to tell me what they think needs to change, and many are critical of the Republican party. I rarely get an answer from any liberal that isn't basically some form of "not-Bush".


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Maggie
                              Okay that’s enough – I am going to insult you now – coward.

                              Don’t dare lecture me about being “outnumbered” when it comes to a political opinion and argument…

                              By the way, it would be worth your time and mine – if you have a reasoned opinion.
                              1)More Maggie, less everyone else.

                              2)Maggie has never been anywhere near a nutjob and frankly has provided more substantive discussion points than any 3 other posters.

                              3)Being "wrong" and being on the losing side of an election are in no way shape or form related. You can be wrong and win an election. You can be right and lose it. And any other combination as well.

                              History will remember our decision yesterday. I have NO doubt there will be substantive triumphs by this administration. The Democrats are not wrong about everything and the Republicans are not right about everything by a long shot. Most of us here taking the contrarian stance do so because of the fundamental difference in the power and direction of government.

                              I suggest everyone take a look at what Juan Williams had to say about the result last night on Fox. I thought it was extremely powerful, heartfelt, honest and true.

                              And whomever said it about repeating '94 in '10 is exactly right; that is precisely what I am after BUT I have no reservations at this point that the Republican leadership is 100% incapable of pulling it off.

