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BO on guns

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  • BO on guns

    Barack Obama:

    Supported and supports the complete ban on handguns.

    Voted to ban most types of rifle ammunition.

    Voted to allow prosecution of people who use firearms for self defense in their homes.

    Supports reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearm industry.

    Opposes the right to carry and will attempt to repeal State's rights to issue Concealed Carry Permits.

    Supports firearm registration.

    Supports limiting magazine capacity.

    Supports increasing federal excise tax on firearms and ammunitions of up to 500% tax.

    Supports mandatory waiting periods.

    Voted for one gun per month legislation.

    Supports laws mandating the use of micro-stamping.

    Refused to sign the brief supporting an individual Second Amendment right in the Heller case.

    Supported D.C.'s gun ban and openly supports other jurisdictions with similar laws.

    The Democratic controlled congress is poised to send thru the most restrictive Assault Weapons / Firearms / 2nd Amendment crushing ban ever, will BO sign it into law if he is president?
    Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful. John Wooden