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The Voting Machine problems have started

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  • The Voting Machine problems have started

    More W.Va. voters say machines are switching votes

    WINFIELD, W.Va. -- Three Putnam County voters say electronic voting machines changed their votes from Democrats to Republicans when they cast early ballots last week.

    This is the second West Virginia county where voters have reported this problem. Last week, three voters in Jackson County told The Charleston Gazette their electronic vote for "Barack Obama" kept flipping to "John McCain".

    In both counties, Republicans are responsible for overseeing elections. Both county clerks said the problem is isolated.
    I'm sure both sides are finding problems.

  • #2
    I just laugh at garbage like this.....


    • #3
      Originally posted by WuDrWu
      I just laugh at garbage like this.....
      You can laugh, but if it is really happening to machines, then it is a serious issue. I don't care who is benefitting from the screw up, but I care that people's votes are being changed by machines. That's how problems occur and then votes get thrown out, cause people to truly not have a say in the democratic process.


      • #4
        I speculate that 99.99 times out of 100 "voting errors" occurred due to 100% voter stupidity.

        I do not believe for 1 second the machines "switched" the vote. I will admit that I am stubborn and hard headed. However, when I apply my knowledge of the situation, my observation of the people complaining, and factor in the perceived intelligence of those involved, I choose to side with the machines.


        • #5
          I know what it is. It's those fraudulent Acorn registered voters showing up to vote Democract and the machine is smart enough to figure it out.


          • #6
            Originally posted by WuDrWu
            I speculate that 99.99 times out of 100 "voting errors" occurred due to 100% voter stupidity.

            I do not believe for 1 second the machines "switched" the vote. I will admit that I am stubborn and hard headed. However, when I apply my knowledge of the situation, my observation of the people complaining, and factor in the perceived intelligence of those involved, I choose to side with the machines.
            I would love to agree with you doc, but I've seen videos that show how voting machines can be tampered with (not hard for someone who knows what they are doing). I've even seen testimony by a software engineer of a voting machine manufacturer detailing how he was asked to write the software in such a way as to allow for tampering.

            No doubt that a majority of these mistakes, particularly in non-swing states are probably voter error. But I also have no doubt that there are enough unscrupulous partisans out there that this type of fraud - as well as others - happens regularly. When it happens in a Kansas primary caucus (someone I trust witnessed it), you know it happens in places where the results are going to have a significant impact.


            • #7
              Originally posted by KBShocker
              I know what it is. It's those fraudulent Acorn registered voters showing up to vote Democract and the machine is smart enough to figure it out.
              you know whats sad is there are people who actually think/believe this.


              • #8
                This man has been contacted, in fact it looks as if he's on the phone right now "negotiating" a positive resolution:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RoyalShock
                  Originally posted by WuDrWu
                  I speculate that 99.99 times out of 100 "voting errors" occurred due to 100% voter stupidity.

                  I do not believe for 1 second the machines "switched" the vote. I will admit that I am stubborn and hard headed. However, when I apply my knowledge of the situation, my observation of the people complaining, and factor in the perceived intelligence of those involved, I choose to side with the machines.
                  I would love to agree with you doc, but I've seen videos that show how voting machines can be tampered with (not hard for someone who knows what they are doing). I've even seen testimony by a software engineer of a voting machine manufacturer detailing how he was asked to write the software in such a way as to allow for tampering.

                  No doubt that a majority of these mistakes, particularly in non-swing states are probably voter error. But I also have no doubt that there are enough unscrupulous partisans out there that this type of fraud - as well as others - happens regularly. When it happens in a Kansas primary caucus (someone I trust witnessed it), you know it happens in places where the results are going to have a significant impact.
                  That's not good at all. Anything that involves technology can be tampered with. And if what you put is in fact true, then there will be lots of problems this year. I'd almost bet on it.


                  • #10
                    Elements of our society seem to have become so susceptible to corruption that I'm not sure there is any good way to ensure a truly fair election (within an acceptible tolerance, of course).

                    We already know how easy it is for politicians to go corrupt. From there, those politician's ardent, win-at-all-costs supporters are vulnerable. Combine that with lots of money flowing to corporate big-wigs, many of whom are driven by greed of money and power, and it's a dangerous concoction for America.

                    Unfortunately, no matter what type of system is put in place it will be of human origin. We have no choice but to put our trust in people.

                    One thing to clarify in my previous post. The tampering video I saw involved the machines which tally votes, not the ones you actually vote on. Someone off the street isn't likely to have any success tampering with a voting machine. It takes someone with knowledge of a particular machine and its internals to pull it off.

                    In the caucus fraud I referred to an attendee took several ballots, marked each one himself, and turned them all back in. A caucus is ripe for this kind of stuff. I found out later that the proper voting procedure wasn't communicated or used when collecting the votes. Maybe it was partly due to it being the first caucus in Kansas in some time, I don't know.


                    • #11

                      Report finds New Jersey voting machines flawed

                      According to the report, hackers can easily impact the machine’s vote tally. With no paper trail available, officials have no way of catching the change in the tally.

                      Appel’s report points out that a voter could press a series of buttons that would easily change or eliminate records of votes. There are also records of inconsistencies in vote tallying, the report found.

                      The machines can also be installed with vote-stealing software in under eight minutes if someone pries a read-only memory chip from its socket and replaces it, Appel explained in the report’s executive
                      I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                      • #12
                        I sent in my absentee ballot and I voted for McCain but I think they changed my vote to Barry O at the place where they count votes.
                        Now I am mad as hell and I am going straight to the press!
                        Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by double dribble
                          I sent in my absentee ballot and I voted for McCain but I think they changed my vote to Barry O at the place where they count votes.
                          Now I am mad as hell and I am going straight to the press!
                          I think you should play man to man defense and pick them up at half court! :D 8)
                          I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                          • #14
                            ok KC, that my friend was a very nice segway into the bball season, :good:

                            I do think it is time for me to hop back over to the basketball forum and start stirring the pot there.

                            Enough politics for now, until the next four years... kick em all square in the grapes!!!
                            Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by double dribble
                              ok KC, that my friend was a very nice segway into the bball season, :good:

                              I do think it is time for me to hop back over to the basketball forum and start stirring the pot there.

                              Enough politics for now, until the next four years... kick em all square in the grapes!!!
                              Thanks DD now thats :goshocks: one team we can all agree on! 8) :posterwu:
                              I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.

