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Top Scenarios That McCain Wins the Election (from experts)

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  • Top Scenarios That McCain Wins the Election (from experts)

    1. It is to late for McCain to win, but it is not to late for Obama to Lose

    2. Russia invade Ukraine

    3. McCain only has two possible roads to victory--direct Divine intervention or Democratic complacency born of over-confidence. The first seems more likely to benefit Obama, if anyone....nothing that has occurred of late suggests G-d is very happy with the way Bush/McCain have been running the country.

    4. Terrorist October Suprise

    5. McCain rides a wave of positive media coverage after his announcement that Joe the Plumber will be his treasury secretary and that Larry the Cable Guy will be U.S. attorney general.

    6. Barack Obama goes crazy and vows when elected to invade Canada. Even then he'd pick up the border states.

    7. But the one change that might help McCain most is getting Sarah Palin off the ticket. Not a hail-Mary but a Hail and Farewell to Sarah. Then selects Hillary as running mate.

    8. John McCain develops a coherent economic message and convinces working families that he understands and cares about their needs; holds onto every state Bush won except Iowa and New Mexico and claims a 274-264 Electoral College victory.

    9. The stock market stabilizes and rises slightly, ending October near 9500. Gas prices continue to drop to about $2.75/gallon. Joe the Plumber placed the choice more clearly before Americans than John McCain has managed to do - do we want Senator McCain's vision of prosperity, opportunity, and optimism, or Senator Obama's promise of shared suffering?

    10. More specifically, Obama's tax policies take dead aim at what might best be called "the aspiring middle class." Therein lies John McCain's slim opportunity and targetable audience in key states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia and in a different year, even New Jersey.

    11. There is none. The victory by Barack Obama will range from solid to landslide of historic proportions. (Lanny Davis)

    12. Senator McCain captures Osama Bin Laden, and personally turns him over to President Bush in a ceremony on the White House lawn the day before the election.

    13. McCain could win in a fairy tale: the Dow soars to 14,000; the Grinch dissolves thereby producing record Christmas spending by Halloween; a cold fusion breakthrough is announced that will produce cheap, clean energy; demand for U.S. products surges overseas, manufacturers re-open plants and offer bonuses to workers; and McCain holds the magic wand.

    14. Ronald Reagan rises from the dead to endorse McCain. He promises to give all Americans free gas for his entire term of office. California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, and Massachusetts all decide to secede. Then McCain has an outside chance.

    15. Easy ... independents and undecideds actually THINK before they vote.

    16. Bullwinkle, Rocky and John all jump into the Way-back Machine and go back to the POW camp where McCain takes his early release pass. McCain single handedly ends the war, joins the school board and works his way up the political ladder as a democratic reformer..................or when H*LL freezes over !!

    17. Powell does not endorse Obama, but instead endorses McCain. While Powell is perceived as a critic of Bush policies and the war, he is still a Republican. His endorsement could be taken as an endorsement of the war and a hit on Obama's approach to rogue nations.

  • #2
    Pretty good SB. Glad you can keep a sense of humor. 8)
    I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


    • #3
      14 Would be my preference.
      Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful. John Wooden


      • #4
        So what you're saying is there's a chance? :)

        If Larry the Cable guy was Attorney General, could Jeff Foxworthy be Secretary of State?

