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Doubting Evolution Theory in Schools?

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  • Doubting Evolution Theory in Schools?

    Just read where a number of states are trying to incourage teachers and students to question evolutionary theory. No matter what side of the issue you sit, it isn't a bad thing to openly discuss the theory and the holes in it and acknowledge other views and research. None of these states are trying to force or even allow the teaching of intelligent design.

    But I do think teachers should stop teaching it as absolute fact and discouraging and even looking down upon those who question or flat out don't believe what's being taught. I've known people who've experienced that. Personally, I had teachers that told us up front that it's a theory that they're required to teach so take from it whatever you want.

    And I've recalled some criticizing Kansas and making comments like we're so backwards because we're always in the news for this stuff and the rest of the country must look at us like we're some kind of joke. First, that's completely ignorant. Second, there are a number of states that have looked into and/or are doing similar things the article talked about. And you can be sure more will follow.

    Again, nobody here is against the teaching of evolutionary theory, just the way it is sometimes presented and taught.

    I will admit this is a debate that isn't going away anytime soon but I kinda enjoy that. Debate is fun.
    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
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    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry

  • #2
    You would probably really enjoy this:


    • #3
      Evolution is a theory, not a fact or natural law. or belief That it is recognized as a theory means that it is backed by sound and reasonable science. It can and should be challenged and has been many times which either causes the theory to change or fills in the holes in the theory. Most people cannot fathom the passing of 10000 years much less a billion years which makes the theory more difficult to "prove" other than by the use of historical data based upon numerous proven sciences. I am sure that science would welcome a better theory or to fill the holes in the one that exists but I have yet to see a better scientific based theory.

      Many who challenge the theory of evolution do so because it conflicts with their beliefs not scientific proof. Some believe that the earth was created six or eight or however many years ago which means that evolution cannot be correct. To challenge the science behind the age of the earth and evolution challenges the sciences of chemistry, physics, archaeology, astronomy, biology and geology and many subsets of these sciences.

      Intelligent design or creationism is a belief that some higher being or God designed life and the world as it exists. Even the theory of natural selection could fit into intelligent design as being the means set-up by this higher being to end up with life as it exists today. I can accept that as a belief but have yet to see scientific basis for this belief or to disprove this belief.


      • #4
        I look nothing like an ape or chimp.


        • #5
          Originally posted by engrshock
          Evolution is a theory, not a fact or natural law. or belief That it is recognized as a theory means that it is backed by sound and reasonable science. It can and should be challenged and has been many times which either causes the theory to change or fills in the holes in the theory. Most people cannot fathom the passing of 10000 years much less a billion years which makes the theory more difficult to "prove" other than by the use of historical data based upon numerous proven sciences. I am sure that science would welcome a better theory or to fill the holes in the one that exists but I have yet to see a better scientific based theory.

          Many who challenge the theory of evolution do so because it conflicts with their beliefs not scientific proof. Some believe that the earth was created six or eight or however many years ago which means that evolution cannot be correct. To challenge the science behind the age of the earth and evolution challenges the sciences of chemistry, physics, archaeology, astronomy, biology and geology and many subsets of these sciences.

          Intelligent design or creationism is a belief that some higher being or God designed life and the world as it exists. Even the theory of natural selection could fit into intelligent design as being the means set-up by this higher being to end up with life as it exists today. I can accept that as a belief but have yet to see scientific basis for this belief or to disprove this belief.

          Well put! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
          I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kcshocker11
            Originally posted by engrshock
            Evolution is a theory, not a fact or natural law. or belief That it is recognized as a theory means that it is backed by sound and reasonable science. It can and should be challenged and has been many times which either causes the theory to change or fills in the holes in the theory. Most people cannot fathom the passing of 10000 years much less a billion years which makes the theory more difficult to "prove" other than by the use of historical data based upon numerous proven sciences. I am sure that science would welcome a better theory or to fill the holes in the one that exists but I have yet to see a better scientific based theory.

            Many who challenge the theory of evolution do so because it conflicts with their beliefs not scientific proof. Some believe that the earth was created six or eight or however many years ago which means that evolution cannot be correct. To challenge the science behind the age of the earth and evolution challenges the sciences of chemistry, physics, archaeology, astronomy, biology and geology and many subsets of these sciences.

            Intelligent design or creationism is a belief that some higher being or God designed life and the world as it exists. Even the theory of natural selection could fit into intelligent design as being the means set-up by this higher being to end up with life as it exists today. I can accept that as a belief but have yet to see scientific basis for this belief or to disprove this belief.

            Well put! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
            I agree as well. I even went as far as discussing creationism vs evolution with a minister one day. Talk about an interesting discussion. The minister didn't even balk at me asking about how long a day was in the first book of Genesis when god was creating everything. I encourage anyone to have one of those types of discussions with a person that has studied the bible thoroughly and see what they can get from it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BenWSU
              I look nothing like an ape or chimp.

              Publish a picture and let us be the judge of that!

              :D 8) 8) :D
              I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


              • #8
                My only problem with creation vs evolution is I have heard with my own ears people say Evolution shouldnt be taught because its blashphemous towards god. I sat there like WTF.
                Anyways all avenues need to be discussed and examined. What you believe and follow should be up to you.


                • #9
                  Those that believe in a creation don't even agree on how long ago the creation occurred. There are the "young earth creationists" that believe the earth was created about 6,000 years ago. Then there are the "old earth creationists" that believe the earth and the universe was created billions of years ago.

                  Here are wikipedia's entries for both beliefs.

                  Young Earth creationism

                  Old Earth creationism

                  I believe in Old Earth creationism, specifically Gap creationism.


                  • #10
                    The biggest issue at this point is what the movie hottamales linked to above addresses. That is the virtual black-listing of any scientist who so much as entertains the idea of Intelligent Design. The staunch defenders of evolution don't want to acknowledge any evidence or theories that don't fall in line with their own. And it's gotten to the point that they are becoming almost religious, in that regard. Rather than letting all the available research and facts take them wherever they lead, the scientists dismiss it as non-science, and those presenting it as unscientific.

                    I haven't seen Expelled yet, but would like to. Ben Stein has always struck me as a sincere, intelligent guy.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by engrshock
                      Many who challenge the theory of evolution do so because it conflicts with their beliefs not scientific proof.
                      I don't agree with that - there are scientist who do research in to intelligent deisgn.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SB Shock
                        Originally posted by engrshock
                        Many who challenge the theory of evolution do so because it conflicts with their beliefs not scientific proof.
                        I don't agree with that - there are scientist who do research in to intelligent deisgn.

                        This is why I wish my friend was currently in the states and I could find where he got his info. One Wednesday night a few years back he spoke at church about this issue. He'd found research and other theories that were being or had been researched to "prove" those theories. It was quite fascinating and good to see that there is work being done on the other side of this issue.

                        To go along with what Royal said, the scientific community seems to really try to supress this research. And many will just blow it off as non science because they don't want to deal with it. It's just like what some of the enviromentalists have done in the past with those who doubt man caused global climate change. It's almost like they don't want to accept that there could be alternative views and that they could actually be wrong.

                        Science will never prove evolution or creationism either way. When it comes to the scientific method there are too many holes and/or things that just can't really be tested to prove any of it. But it can make for good debate and discussion with those who aren't so absolutely closed minded about everything that they can do it in a reasonable manor.
                        Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                        RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                        Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                        ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                        Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                        Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SubGod22
                          Originally posted by SB Shock
                          Originally posted by engrshock
                          Many who challenge the theory of evolution do so because it conflicts with their beliefs not scientific proof.
                          I don't agree with that - there are scientist who do research in to intelligent deisgn.

                          This is why I wish my friend was currently in the states and I could find where he got his info. One Wednesday night a few years back he spoke at church about this issue. He'd found research and other theories that were being or had been researched to "prove" those theories. It was quite fascinating and good to see that there is work being done on the other side of this issue.

                          To go along with what Royal said, the scientific community seems to really try to supress this research. And many will just blow it off as non science because they don't want to deal with it. It's just like what some of the enviromentalists have done in the past with those who doubt man caused global climate change. It's almost like they don't want to accept that there could be alternative views and that they could actually be wrong.

                          Science will never prove evolution or creationism either way. When it comes to the scientific method there are too many holes and/or things that just can't really be tested to prove any of it. But it can make for good debate and discussion with those who aren't so absolutely closed minded about everything that they can do it in a reasonable manor.
                          What are you suggesting about global warming in paragraph 2?


                          • #14
                            That man causing global warming is far from a proven fact or even a scientific consensus. If we want to debate/discuss that we can start another thread. The MSM doesn't talk much about those who don't think we have much if any effect on the climate but I've read a number of articles about it. It's another one of those interesting debates I enjoy looking at.
                            Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                            RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                            Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                            ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                            Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                            Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                            • #15
                              I'll preface my comments by stating that I am a Christian and firm believer that God created everything, so I am biased in this regard. I've thought about this and for me there are enough things that go on in the human body that don't fit with evolution, things that just don't make sense that would happen on their own, so I believe they are from a divine creator. Then also for those who believe humans evolved from apes, apes from something else, etc.; even if you trace back to a beginning life form they can't explain what breathed life into that first being, what made its heart start beating? That wouldn't just "evolve" it would have to be created somehow. So I have no doubt in my mind there is a God who created life.

                              I also want to see Ben Stein's movie, I've heard it does not endorse either view, but impartially points out how those who mention creationism are being blacklisted as someone said earlier.

