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Johnny football

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  • Johnny football

    Agent cut ties. Browns are gonna dump him. This career seems to be over.

  • #2


    • #3
      Good article by bob Lutz in the Eagle today.


      • #4
        When I heard that his dad said he wouldn't live to his next birthday, I didn't believe it. Who says that? I searched for it....and discovered it was real.

        And I feel sorrow for him, not Johnny, but his parents.


        • #5
          I hope the kid gets the help he needs before he hurts himself or worse, someone else.
          “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


          • #6
            It is unfathomable that any person with as much laid before him and the support network available to help him could just totally piss it away. It is clear he is just wired wrong.
            Basketball Season Tix since '77-78 . . . . . . Baseball Season Tix since '88


            • #7
              Unfortunately we see "trust fund babies" do this type of stuff alot. Just not in the public eye.


              • #8
                Texas affluenza.
                Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rrshock View Post
                  Unfortunately we see "trust fund babies" do this type of stuff alot. Just not in the public eye.
                  I agree. That's why I'm a firm believer in estate taxes.

                  Funny thing, though, Manziel's family must have made a killing off those oil wells in Gladewater. I understand his aunt created a living trust. I don't know if Johny has access to family money from a living trust,

                  IMO, the best living trusts are the ones that don't let the kid get all the money at 18.

                  I have a friend who I don't see anymore (moved to South Texas and left Houston). He was the black sheep of his family (his brother has held executive vice president jobs with Apache and Unocal. He liked to party when he was young. His family had a living trust set up. He got a wad of money at 18, but he also got a wad when he was 60. He told me many times he was glad it had been designed that way, as he would have spent the money long ago if he could have got his hands on it.

                  People at 60 years old have a much better understanding of life and don't make asses out of themselves while blowing money. I say this because it is my understanding that Manziel has enough money to charter a jet to Las Vegas if he thought it would be fun to spend a day (or weekend) there.

                  I think he should not have gotten a distribution from his trust until he was 60 or so. That would have stopped a lot of his shyte.


                  • #10
                    It's not just the money. Johnny and his family have a long sordid history. When Johnny was a freshman in collge, he was drinking publically, even with his family. It goes back to how he was raised.

                    Inheritance taxes, that's a different issue and has noting to do with Johnny being a dipshit. That's just the government trying to double dip on someone's earnings.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dan View Post
                      It's not just the money. Johnny and his family have a long sordid history. When Johnny was a freshman in collge, he was drinking publically, even with his family. It goes back to how he was raised.

                      Inheritance taxes, that's a different issue and has noting to do with Johnny being a dipshit. That's just the government trying to double dip on someone's earnings.
                      Yes, their history is odd and barely legal. I would have liked to know how old Grandpa Manziel was when he got busted for DUI.

                      The biggest problem I have with people like Johnny is that his parents didn't make him be responsible. I see too many rich kids that way today. Their parents need to teach them the value of work.


                      • #12
                        What's a "rich kid" and when does one become one? And are you automatically spoiled if you are?

                        I'd feel VERY comfortable saying there is a LARGE multiple more of "poor kids" that believe they are entitled to a hand out from someone else than "rich kids" that do.....what exactly? Annoy you?

                        Seriously. What is Johnny doing that is negatively affecting anyone? He may have assaulted his girlfriend and if he did, he should go to jail. But what does that have to do with being rich?

                        Look, when a "trust fund baby" blows the money he didn't earn, all he's doing is putting it back into the economy, directly, freely and bypassing governmental waste. I don't see a problem with that.

                        You just don't like HOW they do it...or you're jealous. Neither seems like a valid reason to tax, imho. Or in the opinion of the Constitution.

                        What is ok to pass along to your kids? $10,000? $100,000? $1,000,000? Why can't I do WHATEVER I want with my money, and you do whatever you want with YOUR money?

                        Why should I have anything to say about your family or you about mine? It just doesn't make sense to me to get the government involved.

                        MAYBE if we started young, and taught kids the value of a dollar, what it's like to put in an honest day's work and basic needs based schoolwork (how to buy a house, get a loan, apply for a job, what to expect in the real world) instead of much of the useless drivel that passes for primary education these days, just maybe we might improve upon the decision making abilities of ALL people...not just rich or poor or those in between.

                        Just a thought.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                          The biggest problem I have with people like Johnny is that his parents didn't make him be responsible. I see too many rich kids that way today. Their parents need to teach them the value of work.

                          Do you have the same contempt for parents of "poor kids'? Just curious.

                          Also, what is "too many rich kids like that"? One? I'll agree with you, but are we going to penalize morality? I don't think so.

                          Also, I see WAY more "rich kids" that are out there doing good than Johnny Football types. LOTS more. Should they all be penalized for a few bad apples?

                          And if they should, should we also apply that kind of thinking to other groups of people? Think about it.


                          • #14
                            This does boil down to him not being taught responsibility. There are several kids from all walks of life that haven't been taught responsibility.

                            His father making the comment about him not making it to 24 makes me believe that it is a possibility that he will hurt someone else. The drinking and possibly drugs cause bad things to happen.

                            I hope this Kidd will remove his head from his anal cavity, but I have a feeling it is going to take others doing it in order for it to happen.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rrshock View Post
                              This does boil down to him not being taught responsibility. There are several kids from all walks of life that haven't been taught responsibility.

                              His father making the comment about him not making it to 24 makes me believe that it is a possibility that he will hurt someone else. The drinking and possibly drugs cause bad things to happen.

                              I hope this Kidd will remove his head from his anal cavity, but I have a feeling it is going to take others doing it in order for it to happen.
                              Thanks for your response. And not only that, theoretically the wealthy should have the ir disposal more resources to bring their kids up right than poor people, so I'm less inclined to give them a free pass.

                              When I was in college, I worked both full time and part time. My part time job was at a C. R. Anthony's store adjacent to Nichols Hills. One of the Anthony family had their teenage son working in the store to learn the value of hard work. Since my father had done something similar with me, I thought it was a great idea. I thought the kid had his head screwed on straight. He was down to earth, llikeable and intelligent.

                              Too often the wealthy (Tory Spelling,, Paris Hilton, Johnny Manziiel and the affluenza kid from Fort Worth) are indulged every luxury by their parents, so they have no sense of or where money comes from, socializing with others or the value of hard work. They have the ability, not to mention the responsibility, to raise their children properly.

                              Poor people lack the business connections and frequently the intelligence to be involved enough in their children's lives to be able to do that. With the wealthy that just isn't so. Most wealthy have either matriculated from or have the connections to get their kids into the best schools. As a result of their general level of education and resources they above all ought to know better, but sometimes, sadly, they don't.

