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SFW pictures of boobs

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  • SFW pictures of boobs

    Now that I have your attention, I'm here for some shameless self-promotion. Hi, I'm Sean and I really like writing music. I've decided that I like it so much that I'll do whatever it takes to get my music into as many ears as possible, even if it means hitting up ShockerNet to do it. So it'd be really helpful if you gave me a listen and leave a like on my facebook page if you feel so inclined. If it's not your style, maybe you know someone who might like it. Truth be told, self-promoting makes me feel a little weird, but just like our Shockers, I'm just a strong-willed college-aged kid following the dream. Any support is much appreciated!

    Here's a rough cut of my first single:

    A live performance at Lowe's:

    And the most recent video I've posted to my facebook: 02541

  • #2
    Hey, I like the sound. I like like the musicality. I like the arrangements. It's not the kind of music I listen to or play, but that doesn't keep me from recognizing talent - and you've got some.

    Don't be afraid to self-promote. You've got to do it. It's expected of you.

    I used to play gigs around Wichita. We started loading up 1/2 a ton of gear out of basements around 7 PM. Then we played until closing - 2 AM. Then we loaded up the 1/2 ton of gear and took it back home. It would be 4 in the morning before we finished. That generally paid $40 - $50 per person.

    Here's a song I wrote about someoen tryng to do music as their soul income source.
    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


    • #3
      I like this! I have a small recording studio and would be interested in recording some of your stuff. Send me a PM if you want to get some coffee and talk about it.

      Have you thought about putting together a band?
      You miss 100% of the shots you don't take....

      .....but, statistically speaking, you miss 99% of the shots you do take.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Aargh View Post
        Hey, I like the sound. I like like the musicality. I like the arrangements. It's not the kind of music I listen to or play, but that doesn't keep me from recognizing talent - and you've got some.

        Don't be afraid to self-promote. You've got to do it. It's expected of you.

        I used to play gigs around Wichita. We started loading up 1/2 a ton of gear out of basements around 7 PM. Then we played until closing - 2 AM. Then we loaded up the 1/2 ton of gear and took it back home. It would be 4 in the morning before we finished. That generally paid $40 - $50 per person.

        Here's a song I wrote about someoen tryng to do music as their soul income source.
        Thank you! I hold your song in the same regard. Not typically my style, but very well-written. As long as it's well-written, it gets a thumbs up from me! It also gives me a little more insight on my future. Good to know there are other songwriters on the board!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Steeleshocker View Post
          I like this! I have a small recording studio and would be interested in recording some of your stuff. Send me a PM if you want to get some coffee and talk about it.

          Have you thought about putting together a band?
          Hey I appreciate it man! I'd love to sit down with you. I'm actually planning an EP that my friend in the Codebreaker video wants to record (he recorded my demo single, too), but I always like to keep my options open.

          As for the band, yes, I'd much rather be in a band than play solo. However, I'm setting a plan in motion to attend the Academy of Contemporary Music in OKC. I'll be there in probably 10 months or so, so there wouldn't be much point in starting a band now. It takes around that long for a band to really lock in and gel together, plus I just haven't found the right people. So my goal in the meantime is just to write and record as many songs as possible to take down to school and have on hand for my future band mates to take it in their own direction and hit the ground running.


          • #6
            Other than song-writing and I'm assuming singing, do you also play any instruments? I can't listen to the music on my work computer, because they have all streaming blocked. I only ask because I know a 24-25 year old guy that plays lead guitar. He's been in a couple of local bands that never really went anywhere. He's been searching for some good people to get a band together.

            Edit: Wrote that just before I saw that you are not looking to get a band started. If you get back from school and are looking for a guitarist for a band, let me know and I'll hook you up with his number.
            "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


            • #7
              You know the definition of a "musician", don't you?

              Someone who throws $5,000 worth of equipment into a $500 car and then drives 100 miles to play a gig that pays $50.

              If you love doing it, and can afford doing it, you should go for it. I've seen people passing through Wichita who had been on the road for weeks playing free gigs just for exposure. I knew a guy from Wichita who took a $100 gig in Dallas. I had friends in Wichita who got a $2,000 gig in Alburquerque playing for 90 minutes to front a headliner. They still barely covered expenses.

              The best I ever did was $1,500 to split among 5 people for a Friday night and Saturday night in Emporia.

              Writing is probably a better way to go than performing - if you can make the right connections and meet the right publishers. When you perform a song, you get paid every time you perform the song. If you write the song, you can get paid every time anybody plays the song. Well, actually, every time you can prove someone played your song for commercial purposes. It's impossible to do that for bands or performers doing covers in local clubs.
              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                Other than song-writing and I'm assuming singing, do you also play any instruments? I can't listen to the music on my work computer, because they have all streaming blocked. I only ask because I know a 24-25 year old guy that plays lead guitar. He's been in a couple of local bands that never really went anywhere. He's been searching for some good people to get a band together.

                Edit: Wrote that just before I saw that you are not looking to get a band started. If you get back from school and are looking for a guitarist for a band, let me know and I'll hook you up with his number.
                I started on drums about 12 years ago and taught myself to sing and play guitar almost four years ago. I wanted guitar to start moving faster, so last year I started taking lessons. I'd love vocal lessons, but they're not in my budget.

                I want my songs to stay pretty raw to allow for future band mates to really mold into collective originals. I want band mates who take my initial songs in directions I wouldn't expect.

                That said, send him my way anyway! I love meeting other musicians and writing just because it's fun. I like to filter my music through as many people and ideas as I can. The more perspective I can gain, the better!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                  You know the definition of a "musician", don't you?

                  Someone who throws $5,000 worth of equipment into a $500 car and then drives 100 miles to play a gig that pays $50.

                  If you love doing it, and can afford doing it, you should go for it. I've seen people passing through Wichita who had been on the road for weeks playing free gigs just for exposure. I knew a guy from Wichita who took a $100 gig in Dallas. I had friends in Wichita who got a $2,000 gig in Alburquerque playing for 90 minutes to front a headliner. They still barely covered expenses.

                  The best I ever did was $1,500 to split among 5 people for a Friday night and Saturday night in Emporia.

                  Writing is probably a better way to go than performing - if you can make the right connections and meet the right publishers. When you perform a song, you get paid every time you perform the song. If you write the song, you can get paid every time anybody plays the song. Well, actually, every time you can prove someone played your song for commercial purposes. It's impossible to do that for bands or performers doing covers in local clubs.
                  Writing is where I get my greatest joy in music, but I love performing as well. Of course, the goal is to make a living doing both. If I can get my music into as many ears as possible, I think I have a shot. If I can't perform, any area of writing music would be fantastic. I fully expect years of financial struggles either way. It's all a part of the grind.

