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Mad Men Penultimate Episode - Wichita References

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  • Mad Men Penultimate Episode - Wichita References

    The episode has Pete Campbell taking a job with Learjet in Wichita. This article has one very interesting way the final episode will happen, with a tie-in to the plane crash in 1970.

    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss

  • #2
    The monkey wrench in that storyline does have one issue, though. There is an item in this episode that places the date to be October 3, 1970 at the earliest. Nonetheless, it was rather surprising and kind of cool to see Wichita and Learjet take such a prominent place in the episode.
    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


    • #3
      The demise of the characters on that show have been forseshadowed and foresworn many, many times. Some weeks its was Pete's rifle. Other weeks it was an empty elevator shaft. This threory is just as plausible as all the others.

      Last night did not leave me with a lot of hope that the last episode will provide a satisfactory ending.


      • #4
        Is this a series worth marathon watching on Netflix or wherever? It sure has gotten rave reviews over the years, but the underlying premise (the advertising industry) is about as interesting to me as wallpaper paste.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
          Is this a series worth marathon watching on Netflix or wherever? It sure has gotten rave reviews over the years, but the underlying premise (the advertising industry) is about as interesting to me as wallpaper paste.
          I tried watching it and thought it was the most boring show I have ever watched, couldn't make it past the 1st season. I think my opinion is the minority though.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
            Is this a series worth marathon watching on Netflix or wherever? It sure has gotten rave reviews over the years, but the underlying premise (the advertising industry) is about as interesting to me as wallpaper paste.
            It's pretty good, depends on your taste. It's more about the characters than the advertising business. I'd suggest watcha few episodes of season 1 and go from there.


            • #7
              Pete is a smarmy little bastard.

              @SHOCKvalue: if you are between the ages of 48-65, the show is worth a look just to jog a fleeting nostalgic memory or two of the world back in the 60s and early 70s. I was a tyke in the late 60s but still remember some of the references made in the show.

              Of course being too young I missed out on the days where double bourbons at lunch were common and sexual harassment was not only tolerated; it was often expected by the harassed party. Another couple of reasons the show is worth teasing your curiosity

