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OKC vs Chicago (IBA)

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  • OKC vs Chicago (IBA)

    Watching some of this game on ESPN and we have gotten some major love from Jeff Van Gundy and the PBP guy. They have been very complimentary of the city and WSU men's basketball program. Van Gundy brought up our success under HCGM, and from what I gathered, he watched a practice today. Said something to the effect that it was "one of the most intense practices" he'd seen in a long time.

    Pretty awesome pub, even if it's just a preseason NBA game.

  • #2
    Lots of Shocker gear in the crowd tonight.
    "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
    -John Wooden


    • #3
      Very nice representation by those sporting WSU gear and the city of Wichita in general. With these continued sellouts, expect the games to continue.

      This was the first of 3 games on ESPN/ESPN2 at IBA this year. Building up a profile. Just need to get the NCAA's here..
      Deuces Valley.
      ... No really, deuces.
      "Enjoy the ride."

      - a smart man


      • #4
        Van Gundy did indeed attend practice the other day. He walked away not unimpressed.


        • #5
          Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
          Van Gundy did indeed attend practice the other day. He walked away not unimpressed.
          Not unimpressed huh! That leaves a lot of room for interpretation Doc. So we know he didn't leave the arena saying "I'm not impressed". However, we don't know if he left the arena saying:

          "Very impressed with that team and that coaching staff", or

          "They look like a pretty good team for a Valley school", or

          "They are ok, but nothing special"

          You've told us what he wasn't, curious minds would like to know what he was, although I have a pretty good idea of what the response probably was.


          • #6
            Something to the affect that it was one of the most intense practices he's seen in a while... Maybe Suellentrop said that on twitter.

