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Powerball winner 'Wild' Willie wants his old life back

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  • Powerball winner 'Wild' Willie wants his old life back

    ...that sense of infinite freedom has curdled into regret. In their first interview since being thrust into the national spotlight, Willie and Donna appear less like the “happy, happy, happy” recipients of a blessing than the weary parents of a problem child. “There are days I wish we were back to just getting paid every two weeks,” Willie said last Friday from inside his modest, antler-adorned home. “You have to change your whole way of life, but we didn’t want to change the way we lived. We liked the way we lived.”

    Donna goes even further, calling their winnings “the curse.” And while they wouldn’t go so far as to give the money back, they’re more than happy to pass the spotlight to an as-yet-unidentified dupe in the Gamecock state...

  • #2
    I read the story and it just seemed like it was just another attempt to get his name in the media (maybe he is wanting a reality TV Show). There was very little about the curse, just about him paying off his house, remodeling, buying a log cabin and 15 acres, helping his son but a house, funding a college education, paying for his dad medical treatments, quiting their jobs and helping old ladies acrsoss the streets. And then the odd comment that 4 million doesn't go very far.


    • #3
      But as Willie’s story makes clear, a life-changing ticket is also a complicated windfall. Willie’s share of the $450 million pot was divided by two other winning tickets, and further divided by 15 coworkers, all of whom bought a ticket through a pool at the county garage where Willie worked as a warehouse manager. After taxes he had less than $4 million to call his own, which, as he put it, “ain’t sh-t in today’s economy.”
      Someone get this poor sap a financial consultant who can to explain to 'ol Willy the concepts of interest compounding and time value of money - that IS a lot of money.


      • #4
        Didn't take time to read the article, however the title had me fooled... :)

        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


        • #5
          Originally posted by WstateU View Post
          Didn't take time to read the article, however the title had me fooled... :)

          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

