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The Nothing-to-Hide Argument

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  • The Nothing-to-Hide Argument

    The Nothing-to-Hide Argument attempts to soft shoe discussions about privacy. It is by far the most common argument against privacy. But beware, it has been around, forever. And it is the neatly little camouflage ploy originally coined and developed by those who are in the business of collecting the information.

    Unfortunately many innocents either simply do not care or do not see the dangers involved in condoning these actions and what the surrendering of any one of our hard won constitutional freedoms will result in.

    How many times have you heard people say, "I don't mind people wanting to find out things about me, I've got nothing to hide?" And then go on and say, "Which is why I support the government's efforts to find terrorists by monitoring our phone calls!"

    I, too, am most supportive of finding terrorists and have much more than general knowledge in this area. There are other and better ways than this unchecked, indiscriminate assault which is being done today.

    Yes, our security agencies need the authority to act against real threats, but that authority needs to be RESTRAINED. There needs to be a decision reached on just what is the proper balance between liberty and national security. And this needs to be closely monitored, and not by our security agencies.

    The main problem is that if we all simply sit idly by and meekly accept this is, "Where does it end? Your bank accounts? Your credit cards? Your mail or email? Your laundry list? Peeking thru your curtains? Oh you have curtains? Then, Comrade, you definitely must be hiding something! We, today as Americans supposedly still have our freedoms, I think, but they are being attacked daily. Just think what has been revealed concerning our NSA, Justice Department, IRS in just the last several weeks. And if you think this is the entire iceberg, you are sadly naive.

    Today, we, by law, supposedly still do not have to justify to anyone why we do not let them listen in to our conversations or come searching into our homes electronically or otherwise, without a WARRANT. But the government, supposedly, under normal circumstances, unless they can provide otherwise, has to still justify their position.

    But, perhaps not for long if you and I do not stand up together and continue to fight like hell to preserve our liberties.

    If you do nothing else, contact your senators and representatives and let them know in no uncertain terms where you stand.

  • #2
    German Jews had nothing to hide in 1937. Then along comes this guy that has a posse of union thugs that decide they are going to confiscate "meta data" -- just lists of names -- from synagogues. The rest is history.
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


    • #3
      In 2010 conservative not-for-profits had nothing to hide. So they chose meaningful names that involved the word "patriot" or "tea party". Turns out a corrupt federal organization decided to sift through this "meta data" -- just names of applicants -- to decide who to discriminate against before the election.
      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


      • #4
        Great post. What's even more frustrating is that even while we're having our privacy infringed on, terrible events (i.e. Boston bombing) still occur. Pretty sad.


        • #5
          The Obama voters were idiots for electing him twice despite him saying he would end phone tapping plus he promised more govt transparency.

          If you real paranoid about sending emails, go back to writing letters and using the postal service. The postal service would appreciate it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shoxfan11 View Post
            Great post. What's even more frustrating is that even while we're having our privacy infringed on, terrible events (i.e. Boston bombing) still occur. Pretty sad.
            That's the great lie of the bureaucratic state. Give up some of your liberty and we will give you more security.

            All the money spent, and the infringement of freedom, and they still can't stop a couple of morons from setting off a pressure cooker.

            As we're finding out, the government did have information on these people and downplayed their radicalism.

            Why do you think that is?
            "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
            -John Wooden

