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Waco fertilizer plant explosion

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  • Waco fertilizer plant explosion

    Here's a video of the blast.

  • #2
    Here's a GIF of the explosion:


    • #3
      That is horrific. I feel badly for the victims, at least they didn't suffer.


      • #4
        Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
        That is horrific. I feel badly for the victims, at least they didn't suffer.
        "NBC 5 reported that some 200 people were injured in the explosion, with 40 of those in critical condition at various hospitals. At least 75 to 100 homes were severely damaged or destroyed, the station reported, citing local officials."

        I believe some victims are suffering.


        • #5
          If you lived through it, you'll probably be cut up by flying glass and have perforated ear drums

          The military will be all over this tragedy to study it since theyre attempting to implement shock waves on the battle field


          • #6
            I would imagine there are very similar compounds produced at this plant to the ones that Timothy McVeigh used in 95 - ammoniom nitrate, nitromethane, etc. Extremely dangerous stuff, and very explosive. As well as Anhydrous Ammonia.

            So sad, I just can't fathom abybody having to go through something like this. Prayers to them.
            Last edited by wsushox1; April 18, 2013, 01:28 AM.
            The mountains are calling, and I must go.


            • #7
              This may be the only time I'll ever give props to CNN and MSNBC. They were the only networks I could find last night with any coverage. Nothing on Fox News, nothing on ABC News. I guess it was more important to discuss "no new information" in the 2-day old Boston Marathon bombings than cover an actual live news event.


              • #8
                Anhydrous ammonia used to make meth


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BenWSU View Post
                  Anhydrous ammonia used to make meth
                  And to fertilize fields. It draws moisture towards it in the ground.

                  Meth also has about 20 other ingredients.


                  • #10
                    I really dont know much about making meth but the media usedto make a big deal about those makers stealing ammonia from farmers tanks plus the cold pills at stores. Those people cooking meth would dump the leftover chemicals on a dirt road around the county.

                    Find it interesting nowdays nobody talks about people making meth.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BenWSU View Post
                      I really dont know much about making meth but the media usedto make a big deal about those makers stealing ammonia from farmers tanks plus the cold pills at stores. Those people cooking meth would dump the leftover chemicals on a dirt road around the county.

                      Find it interesting nowdays nobody talks about people making meth.
                      because it is normal everyday stuff now. Law enforcement is always trying to stop it.

                      I live in a rural area and it is just assumed it is around. Anhydrous get stolen fairly often from around here. It just happens.

