Originally posted by RoyalShock
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My wife and I did the Sunday Gulch Trail. Maybe the most beautiful hike we ever took and Sylvan Lake is a beautiful little lake. Not that we are real avid hikers.
The Badlands National Park is great as well although I had a very interesting experience hiking the Notch Trail but it turned out a lot better than it could have.
My daughter that had lived in Ann Arbor eventually ended up in the Portland, Oregon are an I thought okay we can get some road trips through Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons and other great sites in that part of the country. But in never happened. We did do some stuff along the Columbia River and did a tour around the Olympia National Forest in Washington but where never able to work in a long, slow road trip.
Anyway that sounds like a fantastic trip. I'm sure you will love it.
P.S. My wife and I went to Mt. Rushmore in the evening and stayed for the closing ceremonies. It was very much worth it. Very patriotic. Not sure it this is something they still do or not. These days there might be some wrecking balls on site.