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  • #46
    Originally posted by Wu du Nord View Post
    Gay marriage is coming to America. In fact, it's already there.

    Interestingly, homosexual sex acts have been legal in Wichita, and the rest of Kansas, since 2003. Notice how the average temperature has risen, amount annual rainfall has decreased, and the price of gasoline has doubled? Yeah, thanks, US Supreme Court. Sheesh. There's no possible way that these things are unrelated. Every time I see one of those many many polls confirming that the majority of Americans support same-sex marriage, I start worrying about 1000 foot tall tsunami waves.

    In the mean time, one of those chicken sandwiches with pickle sounds delicious ... but I prefer Big Kahuna Burgers!

    Big Kahuna burgers the cornerstone of a nutritious breakfast. A mighty tasty burger.
    lol :highly_amused:
    I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown View Post
      I am one who believes that only those without sin should cast the first stone. He with a wife who sits silently in church. He who has never lied. He who has never coveted. He who has never overindulged in a plate of food. He who has never envied his neighbors new truck. He who was a virgin until marriage.

      If you haven't noticed in the past, my governmental beliefs that the right is too far left, but my religious beliefs are based on the fact we are all sinners, and therefor non of us should be casting stones at anyone.

      Government has gone against the bible on women, greed, sloth, envy, adultery (they were to be put to death in certain cases), and many other issues. If we are supporting "Traditional Marriage", why are we not lined up in front of the court house picketing those getting divorce for reasons other than immorality? Why do we support those who divorce for moral reasons and then get remarried?

      Religion is one of the biggest hypocracies out there. The "I can sin as I please, but refuse to allow you to sin" is funny.

      I believe in ones right to have their own opinion, chose their own path, and make thier own mistakes. I truly believe we will all have our day in front of the only man in position to cast stones. When that day comes, I hope most realize that by biblical standards, none of us will be allowed to get in.
      I'm not anti-gay. Only pro marraige. I believe the alternatives to traditional marraige will cause more problems for the future culture of our children and grand children. As for how religion has let you down, I only say, welcome to mankind. The bible states that man can't do enough good acts to be worthy of God's love. We can only believe and be saved by grace. I know a lot of Christians who are good people but we all are capable of letting each other down.


      • #48
        "Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don't have to compromise convictions to be compassionate." Rick Warren
        "If you're going to do it, you're going to do it right," athletic director Jim Schaus said. "If we're going to put 'Wichita State' across our chest, then every team is going to matter."


        • #49
          Excellent. I'm gonna steal this.


          • #50

            ound this on the net. Very well written.
            I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


            • #51
              It might be well written but it's factually incorrect in about a million different places. The hate is coming from your side and you're going to have to grasp that concept before you can begin to understand what this is about right now.

              The only thing I'm struggling with is whether or not I want it to stop. One part of me wants the left to continue this path of destruction....the other side wants peace and sensibility.


              • #52
                Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
      's factually incorrect in about a million different places.
                Can you enumerate some of those?


                • #53
                  @ DOC-Though I get your fervor, supporting ones civil rights is not a path to destruction.
                  Here is a list of famous historical gay men(just men). Their accomplishments have enriched the human experience. I wonder if the God of the Christian faith said get this abhorrence from my church he's destroying the Sistine Chapel with his paint brushes.

                  Last edited by kcshocker11; August 6, 2012, 08:52 AM.
                  I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                  • #54
                    Faith is obeying in spite of convenience. Christian Faith is Confidence/trust in God word is true.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by kcshocker11 View Post
                      @ DOC-Though I get your fervor, supporting ones civil rights is not a path to destruction.
                      Here is a list of famous historical gay men(just men). Their accomplishments have enriched the human experience. I wonder if the God of the Christian faith said get this abhorrence from my church he's destroying the Sistine Chapel with his paint brushes.

                      Famous...barely, most were unknown to me. Just, there were women, too. And not confirmed gay, but "thought to be"... it seemed they took anyone in history with an eccentric/unusual mention and put them on the list in order to show a huge number. Why not just pick the true confirmed ones and present an accurate list rather than one seeming to want to hold weight by showing a big total?


                      • #56
                        Because, @jazztrane: , the truth doesn't further their cause. Suppostion, inuendo and rumor is the way to go....throw everything, see what sticks and run like hell.

                        The truth, however, will set you free.

                        As just a "for instance"....Did you know that FACTUALLY Ralph Waldo Emmerson was married, twice, both time to females, and fathered 4 children and his wife was buried next to him when she passed 10 years after he did?

                        Who are you trying to be kc.....Harry Effing Reid? We don't know for a fact Ralph Waldo Emmerson wasn't it's out must be true!

                        Effing idiot.
                        Last edited by WuDrWu; August 7, 2012, 11:39 AM.


                        • #57
                          And by the way, this entire discussion has nothing to do with being gay, or somehow the GLBT (or whatever the **** they call that group as if a transgender even knows which end is up). Everyone is free to live their own lives as they see fit, I think 99.99+% of the citizens of our country get that....this is about trying to force others to believe it is acceptable.

                          Example: I don't believe parents with children should divorce (please ignore the obvious criminal activities that don't make this feasible). They should do everything possible to raise their children in a 2 parent environment, at least until the children are out on their own and able to fend for themselves. Nothing should be more important than the children. I don't care how miserable you are, you stay married. It's not about you, it's about the kids. I will support entities that try to foster that kind of environment. That doesn't mean I hate the alternative or somehow want to bring harm to them. However, it does mean that if a father, for instance came to me with this issue, I'd do everything I could to talk him out of divorcing his wife. Yet somehow, nobody's civil rights have been trampled on....

                          The truth will set you free.

