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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • Sad reality of this whole thing. More dying from suicide than the insidious alien disease that is ravaging our entire universe.


    • Also this. Good thing we have our priorities right.

      A new study released by the Journal of the American Medical Association on Thursday found that cardiomyopathy, or "Broken Heart Syndrome," has increased during the coronavirus pandemic.


      • Japan is struggling under a mental health crisis as the coronavirus pandemic rages on, with more people dying in one month from suicide than from COVID-19 all year long. 

        More people died of suicide in Japan in one month than the entire coronavirus pandemic

        The National Police Agency said suicides surged to 2,153 in October alone, with more than 17,000 people taking their own lives this year to date, CBS reported.

        By comparison, fewer than 2,000 people in the country have died from COVID-19 in 2020.

        Experts say the pandemic has exacerbated mental health issues due to prolonged lockdowns, isolation from family members, unemployment and other financial concerns, and a lack of school structure.
        If you putz's wanted to give me an actual philosophical/logical challenge you would post **** like this. But I've gotta do everything myself... like usual.

        THIS is the what you're looking for as the basis of a counterargument.

        THIS is evidence of a balance that must be struck.

        Loosen restrictions in Japan and people start dying from Covid. Overtighten and they start snuffing themselves out.

        Because of that lose/lose proposition, I suppose one could make the claim that those suicides were caused by Covid.

        Class dismissed.

        What beautiful logic. Rejoice fellow Shockernetters that I create this intellectual playground for you to play with me in... if a handicapped child wheeling around behind a gymnast could be considered playing with.

        You're all Timmy's to me.


        • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
          Also this. Good thing we have our priorities right.

          Too late! I had this post planned for hours.


          • Tragic loss for this family. Is this worth a virus that 99.8% of people will fully recover from? They’ll never have their son back. Such a shame.

            The isolation of the coronavirus pandemic had seriously begun to take its toll on Alexander Joubert by the time his 21st birthday came around in May. The skate parks were closed. He missed his frie…


            • Looks like the only logical conclusion is that covid deaths are more important than suicide deaths. It’s already been established that they’re more important than flu deaths.

              How are people supposed to date during this? I’d hate to be a 16-25 year old right now with this insidious alien disease totally wiping out the reproductive processes.
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

                Sorry your fam met up with it. Hope all is doing well now.

                Definitely can see why Cold says “trust the science” with data coming in and out like that.
                Thanks. I can report that everybody is doing well. The one who was in the hospital has came home.

                The testing was the real eye opener. "There is no way they data is tied to a person. Also there is no contract tracing. We all had the ability to work from home and schooling is remote, so we self quarantine on our own as responsible citizens.


                • You know on second thought, Japan has always had a notoriously high suicide rate. Perhaps an excess suicide study needs to be done. I may look into that.

                  We're all hurting during this time. If you're alone and depressed, go get a dog. It helps.

                  In the meantime, be smart and don't get infected.

                  Covid is real.


                  • Narcissm is real.
                    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                    • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                      Narcissm is real.
                      Lol!! Yes, it is...alive and well with Clod on Shockernet.


                      • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
                        Oh....I guess he's posing with the carcass of Donald J. Trump, the biggest turkey in our country since hmmmmm......Jimmy Carter?


                        • Had my handyman guy ping me today. I called him. He got COVID. I think he's in his 50's. Latin and American Indian (Kickapoo). Spent a month and a half in the hospital and was intubated for a couple of weeks.

                          Like everyone else I know who has had a bad outcome (and survived to talk about it), he was telling me there's no way to be too careful. He thinks he got it at Home Depot.

                          I did go to our local outdoor mall on Saturday, but it was raining, so we had the place to ourselves. If it had not been raining, I would have stayed at home.


                          • Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post
                            Had my handyman guy ping me today. I called him. He got COVID. I think he's in his 50's. Latin and American Indian (Kickapoo). Spent a month and a half in the hospital and was intubated for a couple of weeks.

                            Like everyone else I know who has had a bad outcome (and survived to talk about it), he was telling me there's no way to be too careful. He thinks he got it at Home Depot.

                            I did go to our local outdoor mall on Saturday, but it was raining, so we had the place to ourselves. If it had not been raining, I would have stayed at home.
                            Wet air is heavier air and not a friend of aerosols.


                            • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                              Narcissm is real.
                              Indeed it is. But unfortunately often misunderstood. Lots of nuance.

                              Why We Love Narcissists

                              Have you ever wondered why selfish, arrogant, and entitled individuals are so charming? These narcissistic people have parasitic effects on society. When in charge of companies they commit fraud, demoralize employees, and devalue stock. When in charge of countries they increase poverty, violence, and death rates.

                              And yet, there is no shortage of examples to illustrate the cultural appeal of narcissistic antiheroes, whether fictional (Walter White of Breaking Bad; Batman, and James Bond), all-too real (Silvio Berlusconi, Steve Jobs, Kanye West, and too many professional athletes to name), or a mix of both, such as the so-called Wolf of Wall Street. We are attracted to them despite their self-absorption — or perhaps, even because of it.
                              Importantly, there are different degrees of narcissism and, though we tend to use the term categorically, it is more appropriate to refer to people as either more or less narcissistic. In fact, some people may display relatively benign levels of narcissism, while others may resemble true psychopaths.

                              Interestingly, a small degree of narcissism may not be detrimental for leadership, at least in corporate America. In a recent meta-analytic study, managers with moderate narcissism scores did tend to outperform not only managers with high, but also low, rates of narcissism. This finding reminds us of some of the bright side characteristics associated with narcissistic leadership, such as effective communication skills, strategic vision, and ambition. No wonder we find narcissistic people appealing, despite themselves. However, if such competencies can also be found in non-narcissistic individuals – and they can – the derailment risks will decrease.
                              It is useful to recall one of the unique characteristics of narcissistic individuals, which is their inability to prolong their seductive powers for too long. Much like crack cocaine, the charm of narcissists produces an intense but short-lived high; and, unlike crack cocaine, it is far from addictive, except for narcissists themselves. As a seminal study in this area showed, the charisma of narcissists wears off after a mere 2.5 hours. Their initial flamboyance, charm and confidence soon morphs into deluded self-admiration, defensive arrogance, and moral disengagement. It is this rapid expiry date of narcissistic charms, which keeps narcissists always on the hunt for new fans — or victims.

                              So, when dealing with charismatic individuals, a good rule of thumb is to delay making decisions — whether to hire that person, promote them, or take them on as clients — until you work out who they really are. Not all charismatic people are narcissistic, but many narcissists are charismatic, and the more charismatic they are, the more time it takes to spot them.

                              At one level, narcissism shares a lot with self-esteem. Both narcissists and people with high self-esteem feel good about themselves and their accomplishments.

                              Narcissism Is Not Just High Self-Esteem

                              There are many differences between high self-esteem and narcissism.

                              Most of us have met narcissists in the past. They are people who think highly of their own abilities and want to be in visible leadership positions. They waste no opportunities to tell others about their accomplishments. They are often charming (at least when they are trying to get something they want), but can react with anger when other people threaten their dominance.
                              At one level, narcissism shares a lot with self-esteem. Both narcissists and people with high self-esteem feel good about themselves and their accomplishments. This commonality makes it natural to think that narcissism is just a natural outcome of having high self-esteem.
                              There are several reasons to want to treat narcissism as distinct from high self-esteem. For one thing, measures of narcissism and measures of self-esteem are not highly correlated. There are, in fact, some narcissists who have relatively low self-esteem. And there are many people with high self-esteem who do not score highly on measures of narcissism.

                              In addition, there is a difference in the orientation that narcissists and people with high self-esteem take toward their abilities. Narcissists feel superior to other people in their abilities. Feeling superior requires a constant comparison between self and others. If someone else’s abilities begin to match those of the narcissist, then the narcissist feels the need to denigrate that person. Superiority requires that if one person is better, then another is worse.
                              In contrast, people with high self-esteem are happy with their abilities. They feel like worthy individuals, independent of the characteristics of others. As a result, people with high self-esteem want to connect with others and to help other people improve. For people with high self-esteem, excellence is not a zero-sum game.
                              I disagree a little with some of what was said at the end. A person can recognize their superiority to another without conscious effort and continual comparisons. It just is. Now, if said person is concerned with how they match up and will go on the attack in outward or passive aggressive avenues, then they are displaying narcissistic traits. The real key is insecurity. I do not believe a real narcissist can have any semblance of security until he/she recognizes/validates that they have the advantage in whatever metric they use to support their ego.

                              I actually believe legit narcissists are quite rare. It takes a very unique combination of parenting, gifts, and emptiness to form into one. But when you meet one you will know it. I dated a very aggressive gal once who was a true blue narcissist. See would often cut people down (many times her own friends) for reasons that seemed ridiculous. You could almost fill in the phrase "I'm better than this person because..." before she would start cutting someone down. And if you argued with any conviction or put her at a disadvantage power-wise in the relationship... you better cover your head. My entire dating relationship with her was an experiment. She only really dated betas and I'm of course not a beta. I wanted to see if I could adapt to her and subdue my personality enough to "survive" for a while,.. because sex. I was successful. Eventually I broke it off with her telling her simply, that she was too mean. She didn't argue. When I bumped into her again I could tell she was still attracted and wanted to get down. I felt it too. We had a sexual chemistry. But I knew she was dangerous. We had some fun, and she could be very sweet IF you tiptoed carefully around anything that would trigger her and nodded when she went on a rant.

                              My online CB persona is really dissociative at this point. The old-timers will remember that I was mostly just an instrument of pain (for MVC teams) and a source of entertainment for our fans. That persona really doesn't fit on the home board so I've tried to water it down and be more normal. It's difficult to have serious conversations though because people always think I'm trolling when I say something controversial. 99% of the time I'm being genuine.

                              A defining characteristic of CB is arrogance. And you could say that CB has narcissistic tendencies inasmuch as it contributes to appearing arrogant. I used this to great effect on CSNBBS. I turned that board completely on its head and I did so for constructive purposes. Sports message boards are way more enjoyable for the majority of people if there's some trash flying around. You've gotta admit, the most entertaining games at Koch are the games against teams you hate (or fear). (SIU-C in their prime - oh my!)

                              But you'll notice I rarely call someone a name. I'm much more indirect. The fact that I don't engage directly with an "adversary" is another annoyance and part of the game. People actually want you to call them a name, or flip them off in a fit of road rage. They need that release of thinking you're "at their level" when they hate you. I cause people to almost spontaneously combust on the road. I don't "traffic" in road rage. I think it's beneath me really. But if somebody gets pissed because I was driving too slow or whatever, and they roll up next to me to flip me off, I just look at them with a calm blank star and don't break eye contact. Then they start hanging halfway out of their car screaming until they almost wreck. They need you to respond to them so they can "get off". When you don't, you take away all their power and they just feel like a lone screaming ape.

                              I'm terrible I know. It's not my fault I was given this mind (oops, was that "narcissistic"?) :P

                              In person I'm the funniest mother****er you've ever met and you will instantly fall in love with me. I guarantee it! (at least for 2.5 hrs). :P

                              Unless you are autistic and don't have a sense of humor. Then you're ****ed. :(


                              • Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post
                                Had my handyman guy ping me today. I called him. He got COVID. I think he's in his 50's. Latin and American Indian (Kickapoo). Spent a month and a half in the hospital and was intubated for a couple of weeks.

                                Like everyone else I know who has had a bad outcome (and survived to talk about it), he was telling me there's no way to be too careful. He thinks he got it at Home Depot.

                                I did go to our local outdoor mall on Saturday, but it was raining, so we had the place to ourselves. If it had not been raining, I would have stayed at home.
                                My butler called in sick today. She’s a trans quadriplegic POC. Turns out she got Covid. She thinks it was from singing in the choir at her local evangelical church. Looks like I will be working from my bedroom on the third floor as I don’t even know how to operate the elevator in my estate.
                                Livin the dream

