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MVC Fans

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  • MVC Fans

    Are the admins asleep at the wheel over there? My account still hasn't been approved...

  • #2
    How long has it been?
    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
    ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


    • #3
      A couple of days.


      • #4
        I'm a mod over there. Let me do some checking.


        • #5
          The admin was gone for a few days and had a LOT of newly registered spam/bot accounts and he thinks yours might have gotten deleted by mistake. Re-register and he will make sure to look for it and approve you.


          • #6
            Originally posted by RoyalShock
            The admin was gone for a few days and had a LOT of newly registered spam/bot accounts and he thinks yours might have gotten deleted by mistake. Re-register and he will make sure to look for it and approve you.



            • #7
              I have not ventured over there in many moon. Many, many moon.

              Am I missing any witty banter?


              • #8
                Witty? Probably not. There is a concerted effort to not allow it to become ValleyTalk part Poo. (sorry, I meant to say Deux)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ABC
                  I have not ventured over there in many moon. Many, many moon.

                  Am I missing any witty banter?
                  MSU posters are pretty delusional. One in particular is nearly entertaining.

                  After predicting wins over Eastern Kentucky and Oregon (the loss to Arkansas was OK - Arkansas is going to challenge for an NC this year). After claiming Terry Allen was a great FB coach at KU (huh????), this was his meltdown after the loss to Eastern Kentucky
                  Very, very disappointed in this team right now. Sick of this Terry Allen crap, there is a reason Kansas fans call him Gameball. What a doofus. I can't believe it. I really thought this year would be different. He is freaking stealing money from this state at this point. This is disgusting. I am disguted. Really thought this year would work out. I knew EKU was garbage, I just was thinking we would crush them and then I could brag about putting a whupping on those Kentucky boys. We're going to get humiliated by Oregon and start 0-3 I am afraid. Stinks. Why does this happen to us always? Why? We bust our butts to cheer for this team and give that school our hard earned money and those bums in maroon laugh it off. I am sick of it. Time for change at coach, AD, team trainer, tutors, school president, broadcasters, announcers, ball boys, equipment managers, team physician, nutritionist, school band, the Sugar Bears, and maybe fans too. Because I can't take this much longer. Sorry.
                  He's just as bad in basketball threads and there are a couple of other delusional MSU fans who are on the same basketball bandwagon.

                  The most interesting thing in ValleyTalk is that many CU posters are predicting the Shox will win the Valley and many WSU posters think CU will win it. WSU fans think the Shox lost too much to graduation. CU fans are suspect of their backcourt.
                  The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                  We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                  • #10
                    MSU have some of the most delusional, and logically inept fans I have ever seen.

                    It's sad, because a handful of those fans, ruin my whole thought about MSU. Because they do have good fans, their message boards are just over ran with a few guys who ruin it.

                    I was banned from their forum for writing a piece on my website. How that's fair, is beyond me, but I guess they can ban me for saying they have crackheads in their fanbase. I also linked the mullet family picture to describe said crackhead MSU fans. I didn't say all MSU fans were crackheads, they just have a few that are, and they felt it necessary to ban me over there.

                    They were also classy enough to have my banned message read "F--- Off."

                    I kind of make it my mission now to make fun of MSU at every turn now, left a bad taste in my mouth.
           - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ABC
                      I have not ventured over there in many moon. Many, many moon.

                      Am I missing any witty banter?
                      Not missing anything - and witty banter has been banned. It is like a watching a cow chewing her cud.

                      Reality all the solid posters from other schools are coming to SN now anyway, so you are not going to miss anything.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by _kai_
                        MSU have some of the most delusional, and logically inept fans I have ever seen.

                        It's sad, because a handful of those fans, ruin my whole thought about MSU. Because they do have good fans, their message boards are just over ran with a few guys who ruin it.

                        Their message board fans are horrible, definitely up there for worst in the league. I've never had a problem with them in person though, the SWOMO fans around us in Springfield were really nice actually. Never had a problem in St. Louis either, I think it's just their posters that are scum.


                        • #13
                          Our view of MSU fans aren't much different than a lot of MVC fans views of us. I'm not saying it's justified. Just that it is.

                          My son's girlfriend's parents are both MSU alums. I have to be nice. :)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by AndShock
                            Originally posted by _kai_
                            MSU have some of the most delusional, and logically inept fans I have ever seen.

                            It's sad, because a handful of those fans, ruin my whole thought about MSU. Because they do have good fans, their message boards are just over ran with a few guys who ruin it.

                            Their message board fans are horrible, definitely up there for worst in the league. I've never had a problem with them in person though, the SWOMO fans around us in Springfield were really nice actually. Never had a problem in St. Louis either, I think it's just their posters that are scum.
                            The problem with their forum, isn't necessarily the entire userbase, or even a majority of their posters. It's a handful of people, and mainly their owner/moderator/whatever you want to call the person who controls banning and closing threads.

                            In the thread where one of their fans called me out on my blog post where I mentioned their delusional "crackhead fans," a few fans actually agreed with me, because they could logically understand that what I meant was that there were a handful of their posters that really gave them a bad name. And I was specifically referring to the whole MSU to CUSA debacle, where a few of them were going around with their "screw the rest of you, we're moving up to the East Side" schtick. And the person who ran the site, felt like I slighted their fanbase with my remarks, and I was banned.

                            The funny thing, is that the guy who banned me, I was definitely talking about him.

                            Another instance of their owner/moderator being a jackwagon, is when Elgin made the comment that WSU was the best team in The Valley for a majority of the season, and he and a few others felt like Elgin was slighting them. A majority of their fans, once again, logically could see how WSU could have been, and at least had an argument for the fact we were the better team in the MVC through the season, and especially in the post season, beating all the BCS schools that we did. He didn't agree with them, so they locked, and deleted the thread.

                            One guy states it's because people started fighting with one another in the thread, but I think it's pretty piss poor, that you have to delete a whole thread, and a thread started by the guy who writes for that Examiner website, when you could have simply deleted the posts that were personal attacks, rather than deleting the whole thread.

                            That site is really one of the worst run fan message boards I have ever been to. But that's what happens when the guy who owns it and has the power, cares more about his opinion, than letting free thought conversation be the focal point of the message board, which is the whole purpose of a message board.

                            That is the one of the best aspects of SN, is that even though we all can disagree on certain issues with the program, or with the MVC, the process of talking it out is still there, and you won't get your thread deleted for just talking about something if it's against the opinion of the moderators on this site.
                   - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by RoyalShock
                              Our view of MSU fans aren't much different than a lot of MVC fans views of us. I'm not saying it's justified. Just that it is.

                              My son's girlfriend's parents are both MSU alums. I have to be nice. :)
                              So what your saying is that if your son's girlfriends parents were to ever divorce they would still be related to each other but not by marriage right. :lol:

