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How much of a EFFing TrumpTard Are You?

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  • How much of a EFFing TrumpTard Are You?

    To Quote a SNET HOFmer:
    Trump: I’m gonna do this thing.
    Reporter: What thing?
    Trump: This thing! I’m gonna do it well. So well.
    Reporter: How?
    Trump: I’ll find smart people to help me. I love smart people. Smart people love me.
    Reporter: Which people specifically?
    Trump: I know smart. I just have a sense for it. I’ll find them. I’ll find them in bunches. It will be the largest group of smart people ever.
    Trump: Also, I will make America great again. I will make America greater than ever. Truly, the greatest.
    Reporter: Do you think we need “big government” policies to make America great again?
    Trump: We need smart policies. Right now we have dumb policies. We have dumb leaders. Really dumb. We need smart. I’m smart. I’ll do better than these dummies.
    Reporter: *Sigh*
    Last edited by shoxilla; August 22, 2018, 08:53 PM.
    For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
    - said no one ever...

  • #2
    Now I will add my own take:
    Starting with his 2 closest advisers:

    Felonius Trump

    Can U Dig It ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????

    For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
    - said no one ever...


    • #3
      Originally posted by shoxilla View Post
      Now I will add my own take:
      Starting with his 2 closest advisers:

      Felonius Trump

      Can U Dig It ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????

      Obviously, you need to wipe the drool of Hilary off your chin. The media spends 25 hours a day trying to heap dirt on the Trumpster and is nothing compared to the actual cesspool Hilary wallows in.
      Nothing the Trumpster does, positive to the nth degree, will ever please, satisfy or impress you. Fact are meddlesome and you can not dispute the growth and positive momentum the country in now experiencing. Its all due to competent business management of our economic policies vs the bullshit we were subjected to for 8 years of BHO.

      The media attack is unprecedented, but its ok. Its ok cause we get to witness LibTards continue to go through their daily ritual of projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea.
      LibTards will never comprehend their worst possible choice candidate lost due to her incompetency and trail of illegal and tawdry behavior.

      The whole conundrum can simplified in 7 basic words...
      We won, you lost. Get over it.

      That is all.
      Above all, make the right call.


      • #4
        We have a winner, because we all know there is no such thing as a 10 - you come in as level 5. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!
        For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
        - said no one ever...


        • shoxilla
          shoxilla commented
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          oh and enjoy your FUX news feed

      • #5
        Your Trump impersonation was pretty good. I give it an 8 out of 10. Your reporter impersonation was awful. Probably negative numbers.

        The reporter might ask something like:
        “Why are you dog whistling to the KKK?”
        ”What is the best way to separate asylum seekers from their children?”
        ”Is a 50% male/female ratio in every well paying and safe occupation enough to overcome the generations of patriarchal slavery?”
        ”Which gender pronoun do you prefer?”
        ”#I love big brother”
        Livin the dream


        • #6
          “How do you plan for immigrants to get free abortions if you defund planned parenthood?”

          “Which slave owning founding father monument should be removed first?”

          “Being that Communisn has never been tried, how should we start?”

          ”Which Sharia law is your favorite?”

          Livin the dream


          • ShockTalk
            ShockTalk commented
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            "Can you GUARANTEE that no one in your white house has ever watched a movie depicting racism?"

            jdshock, isn't that a little hard to say no to? From classics like Gone with the Wind, to Mississippi Burning, Crimson Tide, A Time to Kill, or Selma. Even watching videos of the KKK or its members for purposes other than "entertainment"? Kind of hard for anyone here, I assume, to guarantee that about any President or their staff regardless on how you are asking the question. What's the point here?

          • jdshock
            jdshock commented
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            ShockTalk - yeah, sorry for flipping sides all of a sudden, but I was being sarcastic. The press asked SHS like a week ago if she could guarantee there would never be evidence Trump said the n-word and she said she obviously couldn't guarantee it, but she had no reason to believe it existed. Then every news organization said "white house can't guarantee no tape."

            It was very silly, and I was just poking fun at it.

          • ShockTalk
            ShockTalk commented
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            Thanks. I should've known.

        • #7
          “If you build a wall won’t people just go around it?”

          ”How does the whitehouse respond to ICE agents abducting a murdere that was only trying to take his delivering wife to the hospital?”

          ”How guilty do you feel about your white priveledge?”

          ”What are you going to do about the recent trend in police arrests of criminals?”
          Livin the dream


          • #8
            Slammed at 8PM on a Wednesday, eh?


            • #9
              Irish whiskey!
              Livin the dream


              • SHOCKvalue
                SHOCKvalue commented
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                Was referring to the OP.

            • #10
              Also, when Trump said he would surround himself with smart people, he meant corrupt. Damn libtards manipulating language.
              Livin the dream


              • #11
                I am a BIG EFFING TrumpTard. I like record low unemployment numbers, record growth GDP, constitutionalist Supreme Court Justices, and actually disarming hostile regimes. Butter my butt and call me a biscuit.
                People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                • WuDrWu
                  WuDrWu commented
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                  Many things annoy me about this President but the alternative was 100% unacceptable, and the job growth (I've always said the Presidents get WAY too much credit and blame for the economy) is super and the economy is humming along which is either #1 or #2 in importance, by a lot. The other is national security and again, this looks strong right now. Especially if he can tighten the borders. Do I wish some things were different? Yes. Do I wish Hill was in charge? You've got to be kidding me.

                  Where do you think we'd be with Hill? Unemployement would be 4.5-5%. Corporate taxes north of 27% and taxes on the "rich" unchanged or increased. Lib whackjob on the bench or an empty spot on the bench with a 2nd one emptying. GDP growth around 2% at best. Important policies like gender neutral pronouns being law and taught in grade school, ICE suspended by executive order, open borders for the most part, welfare rolls expanding at a record pace, class warfare in exactly zero better shape, closer to socialism (mostly through all but nationalized health care) than ever before (not much change), and far more chaos in the world than we see now, with no firm leadership to direct things. Oh, and Wild Bill running AMOK.

                  I'll take idiot tweets and poor grammar over that scenario every freaking time.

                • SHOCKvalue
                  SHOCKvalue commented
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                  I have a lot of problems with Trump, but I couldn't have said it any better Doc. Real-life results enjoyed by 320M people are the rock that beats the hell out of the scissor that is (admittedly) a laughably poor PR image, non-existent personal morals and asinine tweets.

              • #12
                "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                • #13
                  What the hell happened in here?

                  Shoxilla, you're supposed to take ONE in the morning and ONE in the evening. Not both at once!




                  • WstateU
                    WstateU commented
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                    … and it would be nice to keep all the 'Trump' banter in the Trump thread.


                  • C0|dB|00ded
                    C0|dB|00ded commented
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                    Kid gloves WstateU. We don't want to trigger the poor fella. He was just trying to have a laugh at the adult's expense.



                • #14
                  Reporter: Mr President, how would you rate your term so far?

                  Trump: I think i’d Probably give myself an A+. I think a lot of people would give me an A+.

                  That mase me lol when I heard the response.
                  Livin the dream


                  • #15
                    The Assman

