Originally posted by ShockerKhan
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Top Five
I don't know, in the videos I saw, Kyles looked to have quicker moves when slashing than Murry did. And I think Kyles has played point guard too.
I would put Kyles more in the Point guard position before Murry. Murry seems to shoot the 3 more than Kyles.
It is often hard to differentiate between 'quick' and 'fast'. To me, quick represents smaller fast body moves where fast represents larger fast moves.
Kyles looked more 'P'Allen Stinnett like' while Murry seems more 'Cousinard like' with the way they move.
I am not saying either is better, just that they move and navigate different.
And I would like to add, that although Coach Grant said they were down to 5 players, I still feel like they will be looking at new players to recruit, and that the Top 5 could increase or change before May 21st (the last day of spring signing).
It's possible they may come across a player they like better, or think would fit with the team better. Many end of season tournaments will be going on, HS and Juco, and I am not aware of what the Preps do.
Re: Hmmm
Originally posted by WSUwatcherI couldn't tell whether that rumble from your direction was an earthquake or just sarcasm with regard to Preadom, but keep in mind that freshman walk-on Bret Michael is already ahead of him as an emergency PG. So Wendell is not the staff's PG insurance policy for next year.