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Sports Sunday (KWCH) Shocker report

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  • #31
    Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
    Who else is on said list?
    Justin Bieber... Justin Bieber is definitely on that list.


    • #32
      Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
      I disagree. Shaq's a junior now, it looks like he's grown a little (and probably lifted a few weights over the summer) and that is a sign to me at least that he is taking things more seriously (and maybe maturing). Is he a leader? Probably not. Do I fully believe that he had some issues and is maturing in front of us? I do. People mature at different rates. Maybe it took until his Junior season to get the kid out of him. I seriously doubt many on this board can brag about their exemplary behavior they exhibited when they were between 18 and 20.

      If he filled out a little (IIRC he has went from 260 to 285), that means he was dedicated over the summer, trying to work in the weight room and improve, not munching on cheeseburgers and fries and sitting on his backside. Just my opinion, but I think his dedication and work over the summer should allow people to cut him some slack.

      His family is supportive. They have gotten on his case a couple of times when he was almost ready to get kicked off the team. I'm sure they have been encouraging him.

      In my opinion, Shaq was the best player out there on Saturday. If the rest of the team had played as well as he did, I wouldn't be sitting here wondering if they're going to lay an egg at Atlantis.

      Either way, we did not look like a defending Valley champion on Saturday. I hope both coach and the team get it figured out before conference play begins. No way you let a school like that get within 2 points at the end of the game on your home court. I don't care how good that guard was that was lighting us up. I don't think there's any way the team we had the last few years would have played like what I heard on Saturday.

      By the way, and to reinforce my last point, what happened to our vaunted defense? We graduate a few great defensive guards (Cotton, Ron and Fred) and suddenly it looks like we can't stop the other team's guards. Looks to me like we are going to need some of our guards to grow up fast.
      "Played like what I heard on Saturday." Surely that's a typo. Otherwise it would seem somewhat premature to make such broad definitive comments without actually having watched the game.
      Last edited by pie n eye; November 7, 2016, 01:18 PM.


      • #33
        I thought we actually did a good job on their guards for the most part. I don't remember a ton of penetration by the guards and a lot of the shots that Sherrell (sp?) kid hit were tough, guarded looks. Sure, some poor defense led to his first couple of baskets but once he got going he was very difficult to stop.

        Let's not act like an opposing player never went off on us during the Tekele, Ron, and Fred years because they did. Several times. Look no further than Angel Rodriguez. I don't say that to knock our guys just to point out again that no one is perfect and the other teams have skill and want to win also.
        Last edited by pie n eye; November 7, 2016, 01:33 PM.


        • #34
          Originally posted by pie n eye View Post
          Let's not act like an opposing player never went off on us during the Tekele, Ron, and Fred years because they did. Several times. Look no further than Joey Rodriguez. I don't say that to knock our guys just to point out again that no one is perfect and the other teams have skill and want to win also.
          Rodriguez didn't play against us in 2012 and the game in 2011 was pre-Tekele, Ron, and Fred. But your point does stand.

          All that said, it's tough to draw a ton of incredibly meaningful conclusions from the contest.
          "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


          • #35
            That kid was unconscious. He suddenly got hot and Landry was playing some great defense on him at the end of the game, and he couldn't miss.He was falling out of bounds without seeing the basket because we were blanketing him and he was making some shots. This does not usually happen to this degree.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
              Rodriguez didn't play against us in 2012 and the game in 2011 was pre-Tekele, Ron, and Fred. But your point does stand.

              All that said, it's tough to draw a ton of incredibly meaningful conclusions from the contest.
              I got my Rodriguez's mixed up. Good catch. I meant Angel Rodriguez of Miami Hurricanes.


              • #37
                Originally posted by pie n eye View Post
                "Played like what I heard on Saturday." Surely that's a typo. Otherwise it would seem somewhat premature to make such broad definitive comments without actually having watched the game.
                Nope, not a typo, but why do you think the way you do? Do you think Mike Kennedy and Dave Dahl are lousy play-by-play broadcasters? Do you think they miss things that someone couldn't see with their own eyes?

                I think you need to take yourself a little less seriously, as you seem to be missing on some of your points today. Take a deep breath, it will be all OK and our Shockers will find the answers to these early season questions before the Valley Tourney.

                At least we can all hope that this is what will happen.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by pie n eye View Post
                  I got my Rodriguez's mixed up. Good catch. I meant Angel Rodriguez of Miami Hurricanes.
                  Ah. Yeah I probably should have figured that haha but I was drawing a blank on who you could've meant.
                  "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                    That kid was unconscious. He suddenly got hot and Landry was playing some great defense on him at the end of the game, and he couldn't miss.He was falling out of bounds without seeing the basket because we were blanketing him and he was making some shots. This does not usually happen to this degree.
                    Yep, he was hotter than a two (maybe three) dollar pistol!

                    Try to ignore the photo and concentrate on the 'copy'; yes, he was that hot...

                    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                      Nope, not a typo, but why do you think the way you do? Do you think Mike Kennedy and Dave Dahl are lousy play-by-play broadcasters? Do you think they miss things that someone couldn't see with their own eyes?

                      I think you need to take yourself a little less seriously, as you seem to be missing on some of your points today. Take a deep breath, it will be all OK and our Shockers will find the answers to these early season questions before the Valley Tourney.

                      At least we can all hope that this is what will happen.
                      Not sure how you can make some of the statements in your OP without actually watching the game. Although it actually might explain some of the weird analysis on Shockernet. "I didn't watch the game, but I read the game thread. Why aren't we good at the defense?"


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by pie n eye View Post
                        Not sure how you can make some of the statements in your OP without actually watching the game. Although it actually might explain some of the weird analysis on Shockernet. "I didn't watch the game, but I read the game thread. Why aren't we good at the defense?"
                        Perhaps it's because I'm in Houston, where the game was not on TV. I don't subscribe to Shockervision, either, and won't based on the feedback from others here. Perhaps I could watch the tape of the game on ESPN2, but I would consider that a waste of time. I have other choices in my life and if I can't watch it on TV, I will listen on KEYN.

                        Since you seem to be insistent on the fact that trying to do my best to support the team is somehow inferior, why don't you buy me an airline ticket and a ticket to the game and I will happily travel to Koch Arena to watch the game. I'll even make a sign and give you credit. :)

                        Note: You'll have to live with this answer, as I doubt you would pay for my airline ticket and a game ticket, and I am not willing to do this either, especially seeing as it was an exhibition game.

                        PS: I watch every game that I can on cable and in fact, pay extra for the sports channels so I can. It's just, for some strange reason, the folks at ESPN don't seem to think an exhibition basketball game is deserving of a national (or even regional) broadcast, and especially in Houston.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                          Perhaps it's because I'm in Houston, where the game was not on TV. I don't subscribe to Shockervision, either, and won't based on the feedback from others here. Perhaps I could watch the tape of the game on ESPN2, but I would consider that a waste of time. I have other choices in my life and if I can't watch it on TV, I will listen on KEYN.

                          Since you seem to be insistent on the fact that trying to do my best to support the team is somehow inferior, why don't you buy me an airline ticket and a ticket to the game and I will happily travel to Koch Arena to watch the game. I'll even make a sign and give you credit. :)

                          Note: You'll have to live with this answer, as I doubt you would pay for my airline ticket and a game ticket, and I am not willing to do this either, especially seeing as it was an exhibition game.

                          PS: I watch every game that I can on cable and in fact, pay extra for the sports channels so I can. It's just, for some strange reason, the folks at ESPN don't seem to think an exhibition basketball game is deserving of a national (or even regional) broadcast, and especially in Houston.
                          If you subscribe to a cable package that has ESPN, you should've been able to watch it on ESPN3, live. I was in KC, and watched most of it from a wedding.

                          PS: I'm in no way discrediting your attempt to support the team, just looked like you may not know that you could watch it live rather than just a replay.
                          Last edited by ShockdaWorld; November 7, 2016, 02:53 PM. Reason: PS:
                          "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                            If you subscribe to a cable package that has ESPN, you should've been able to watch it on ESPN3, live. I was in KC, and watched most of it from a wedding.

                            PS: I'm in no way discrediting your attempt to support the team, just looked like you may not know that you could watch it live rather than just a replay.
                            Thanks for pointing this out. I was not aware that the game was on ESPN3 and I could have watched it. I know to look for the regular season games, but to be honest with you, I find the play by play, the delays and the screen freezes (at times) frustrating and so occasionally will listen on KEYN. That's hitting the easy button (and what I did by default on Saturday).

                            Thanks for the reminder and I will look for the games on ESPN3 as we move into the regular season.

                            One last question, do you (or anyone else for that matter) know if this weekend's game will be televised on ESPN3 (and if you have a time, it would be nice, as I have not linked to a schedule as yet)?


                            • #44
                              There's two games this weekend and they'll both be on espn3.

                              If the game isn't on readily available cable, then there's a high chance it'll be on espn3. It's pretty much a given now moving forward..
                              Deuces Valley.
                              ... No really, deuces.
                              "Enjoy the ride."

                              - a smart man


                              • #45
                                I had KWCH on for the news. After the weather, I was doing something else and ignoring the TV. When I noticed they were doing a feature on WSU, I backed it up to get their take. When I saw what they were doing it was kind of a WTF moment. They spent 3/4 of their time ragging on Shaq. They made his missing practice into Marshall being mad at him for missing practices and for his coasting in practice.

                                If a player has missed 40% of the practices and another player has made all the practices, busted his butt, and gotten the other players behind him (Nurger), then give Nurger the start. He earned it. Instead of acknowledging that an unusual starter had earned some respect, they turned it into an established player lost it for goofing off and not giving any effort.
                                The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                                We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.

