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Lynn Marshall

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  • #46
    Thank you mods!!!

    Lynn is awesome. She is no figure head that sits on her hands. I love it that she is comfortable enough in her own skin to let it fly.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Shockthemonkey View Post
      Now if I could just figure out a way to set my son and Maggie up...
      Any guy who tries to date Maggie better be very brave and very kind. If I was Gregg, I would have impromptu team gatherings at the house when Maggie goes on future dates, proms, etc. When the young man comes to the house to take Maggie on the date, take him into another room with the team and close the door. Give the young man a clear understanding that if anything bad happens to Maggie, the tough hombres in the room will come hunt him down like a dog. That would be a clear enough message for teenage WuShock16 to behave or (probably more accurately) run away in total fear.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
        As was pointed out by a buddy of mine, the best part of the picture is the excitement of the faces of a couple folks who could potentially pull WSU through any Marshall bidding war. It's nice to see some of the richest people in the world pulling for our team. On another note, I don't believe she was talking crap on the KU fans in this picture, there were some WSU fans she was talking to a lot during the game off to the left of that picture where it cuts off....and another note, I was looking to buy those seats where the KU fans are. They were on Stubhub up until about 4 hours before the game for about $800 each, I was waiting for the price to drop a bit but I guess those beakers thought it would be fun to sit in the WSU section.


        • #49
          Originally posted by martymoose View Post
          As was pointed out by a buddy of mine, the best part of the picture is the excitement of the faces of a couple folks who could potentially pull WSU through any Marshall bidding war. It's nice to see some of the richest people in the world pulling for our team. On another note, I don't believe she was talking crap on the KU fans in this picture, there were some WSU fans she was talking to a lot during the game off to the left of that picture where it cuts off....and another note, I was looking to buy those seats where the KU fans are. They were on Stubhub up until about 4 hours before the game for about $800 each, I was waiting for the price to drop a bit but I guess those beakers thought it would be fun to sit in the WSU section.
          Whoa... I hadn't even noticed Chase Koch Or Sexton, until your comment caused me to go all 'Where's Waldo'. Good eye!


          • #50
            Originally posted by TheYeti
            Our first contact, if you will, with her, was in St. Louis, the year we won the NIT. We had scored courtside seats off craigslist and were really enjoying the tournament. We kept noticing this blonde lady going absolutely apeshit at the WSU games. Very much entertaining and inspiring the rest of the people around her. Well, St. Louis turned out how St. Louis usually turns out so home we went, and the Shox scored an NIT berth. We went to Koch to watch them dismantle Nebraska, then we went home to watch the remainder of the tournament on TV. They were playing in Virginia I believe and I yelled at my wife to come in and look at the TV. There was that same crazy woman raising hell behind the Shox bench. What a fan! we thought. Well, we watched our Shox win the whole damn thing and cut nets at MSG. When they returned home, there was coverage on the local television. The bus pulls into Koch, Coach Marshall gets off the bus, and viola! There was the pretty, crazy lady on his arm. All became clear! I am a huge fan, but I can't hang with her.
            The ultimate test would be if I could hang with Lynn Marshall for an entire game. I was raised, nurtured in the love of all things WSU and the hate of all things KU. I carry that chip on my shoulder with pride. I started a hockey team so I could knock the hell out of the KU club team (and we DID too!). I am possessed of greater-than-average lung capacity and dB output. My knowledge of expletives, and my skills at improvising new ones, is second to none.

            @ShockBand: can back me up. My motives are pure. I just want to be the best, most obnoxious Shocker fan on the planet, and she is the standard by which to be judged.

            (Also, if they WEREN'T pure, my wife would slit my throat and bathe in my blood, so there's that.)


            • #51
              Originally posted by choida View Post
              This is a nice gesture and tribute to Lynn... But comes off as a real asskiss move... No offense... Just the way it seems...
              You're oh so wrong and owe Doc an apology. Doc has posted numerous, numerous times how much he admires and likes Lynn Marshall. This was heartfelt by Doc and whether Doc takes "no offense" or not, many of Doc's fellow SNers will.


              • #52
                Originally posted by HockeyShock View Post
                The ultimate test would be if I could hang with Lynn Marshall for an entire game. I was raised, nurtured in the love of all things WSU and the hate of all things KU. I carry that chip on my shoulder with pride. I started a hockey team so I could knock the hell out of the KU club team (and we DID too!). I am possessed of greater-than-average lung capacity and dB output. My knowledge of expletives, and my skills at improvising new ones, is second to none.

                @ShockBand can back me up. My motives are pure. I just want to be the best, most obnoxious Shocker fan on the planet, and she is the standard by which to be judged.

                (Also, if they WEREN'T pure, my wife would slit my throat and bathe in my blood, so there's that.)
                Affirmed. He usually apologizes to those in our area at the start of each season for his upcoming vocal transgressions. However, in the upper parts of Section 120, he is just one of the chorus it seems. We have some pretty vocal longtime fans right around us.
                Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


                • #53
                  Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                  Whoa... I hadn't even noticed Chase Koch Or Sexton, until your comment caused me to go all 'Where's Waldo'. Good eye!
                  I was going to point that out, but you can see security around him.....obviously likes his privacy.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
                    A lot of those 'old curmodgeon' fans have paid for seats and attended games for 40 years, through thick and thin, and are the reason we have been able to rebuild the program to where it is now.
                    I'm not quite in the old curmudgeon category but my experience is that most are great fans. Most of them are wiling to stand and be loud for long periods of time because they remember the 90s. Empty seats aren't so much old fans as corporate and young fans


                    • #55
                      I LOVE Lynn. What a fantastic lady. The more you love WSU, the more she loves you.


                      • #56
                        Here's a question for those of you who feel you know Lynn Marshall fairly well. I've only met the lady once and she was gracious. If Gregg really, really wanted to go to Alabama (or Texas, or wherever) to see what he could accomplish and Lynn and the kids (one of whom will be leaving the state in a few months to go to college) really didn't want to leave, would she swallow big and NOT stand in his way?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Shox21 View Post
                          Here's a question for those of you who feel you know Lynn Marshall fairly well. I've only met the lady once and she was gracious. If Gregg really, really wanted to go to Alabama (or Texas, or wherever) to see what he could accomplish and Lynn and the kids (one of whom will be leaving the state in a few months to go to college) really didn't want to leave, would she swallow big and NOT stand in his way?
                          Let's just say Gregg REALLY values Lynn's opinion.
                          Last edited by DUShock; April 1, 2015, 09:16 AM.
                          The Assman


                          • #58
                            @Shox21: you might want to edit that last sentence.


                            • #59
                              I don't get it?

                              Oh now I get it
                              I just want to stand on land...

                              If I had a gun with two bullets and was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and a Creighton fan, I think I'd shoot the Creighton fan twice.


                              • #60
                                The Mrs. And I had a chance to meet Lynn and some of the extended Marshall family earlier this year. What a fantastic group. I only hope they are the "first family" of shocker basketball for years to come.

