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2014-15 Games of Interest

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  • Originally posted by Mr. Pickle View Post
    How much of the game have they been in a zone, and what kind is it?
    Most of it. They start in a 2-3 and it modifies a little like our Fresno, except it's not good. To be fair, TT is just a lot bigger and stronger. MSU is not a big team, tall or wide (or strong). They're soft.


    • My apologies if this has been posted but Colorado only scored 9 points in the 2nd half at Laramie and fell to Wyoming 56-33. Ouch.


      • Originally posted by Mr. Pickle View Post
        URI 66- UNL 62

        Rhode Island probably won't be a bad team this year, but Damn it would have been nice for Nebraska to get this win.
        Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
        My apologies if this has been posted but Colorado only scored 9 points in the 2nd half at Laramie and fell to Wyoming 56-33. Ouch.
        Double Ouch!!


        • Originally posted by TheYeti
          Mild shitstorm going on over at the Suck Dynasty headquarters. (MSU board)
          You see. This is why Missouri State fans are so easy to ridicule. Lusk has been their coach for what? Three years? Four? MSUBear42, who I believe runs is now calling for firing Lusk. After one loss- In Lusk's fourth year- One loss in the season- To a legendary coach- In a P-5 league.

          CAN LUSK!

          Not only this, but MSUBear42 didn't have the balls to post it publicly, so he makes it content for vip members only. It's the only vip only thread on the whole day board. Total Matty P move. Funny as hell to me!
          There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


          • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
            Nope. You dance with whom you brought to the dance. Elgin fell in love with Loyola when he saw them dolled up skiing Breckenridge. He asked them to the dance. Trouble is, Loyola looked great in a parka, not so good in yoga pants.
            The real problem is Elgin thinks she looks fiiiine in those yoga pants.
            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • Originally posted by Mr. Pickle View Post
              URI 66- UNL 62

              Rhode Island probably won't be a bad team this year, but Damn it would have been nice for Nebraska to get this win.
              Earl Watson with 4 and 2.
              "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
              -John Wooden


              • Now that some have started the snowball I'll just come out and say it; Lusk isn't the guy.

                Seems like a really good man, so it's nothing personal, but I've just never believed. Something that always nagged me; regardless of talent you aren't a superstar coach by taking a team to a 1-25 or whatever record. That made me nervous he coaches to the talent level.

                I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while, but I believe it was the first or second conference game of his first year that I had lost faith in his coaching philosophies. He's just not a good basketball coach. He doesn't recruit above his level (hell, he doesn't really even try to) and he has not drawn talented assistant coaches that have the ability to be stars elsewhere.

                I'd take that Coach from Missouri Southern above ours all day long, and that's without knowing how he'd recruit at this level.

                As is, we don't take transfers, we don't pressure in any reasonable way, we play not to lose and just hope you lose it or make mistakes. We don't even protect our rim. We don't switch everything on the perimeter and I don't know what we teach on defense.

                Barry was a much better Coach than our current one and I couldn't stand his schtick. At least he stole the secondary break from another Coach and then brought in an epic local recruiting class by chance.

                I wanted Kellogg at the time and now I want anyone who will demand success, play with a chip on their shoulder, recruit above our level, hire talented assistants who will get the most of their positional groups and take freaking transfers!

                Give me just three of those attributes in a Coach and I'll be happy.
                There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                • New Mexico State lost again.......we're not going to have to deal with this crap yet again are we?


                  • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                    New Mexico State lost again.......we're not going to have to deal with this crap yet again are we?
                    I know some of their fans were predicting an 0-4 start so at least they are outperforming those predictions. They should still dominate conference play and that is all that really matters.


                    • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
                      You see. This is why Missouri State fans are so easy to ridicule. Lusk has been their coach for what? Three years? Four? MSUBear42, who I believe runs is now calling for firing Lusk. After one loss- In Lusk's fourth year- One loss in the season- To a legendary coach- In a P-5 league.

                      CAN LUSK!

                      Not only this, but MSUBear42 didn't have the balls to post it publicly, so he makes it content for vip members only. It's the only vip only thread on the whole day board. Total Matty P move. Funny as hell to me!
                      Paul Lusk has a winning percentage of 48.5% overall and 46.3% in conference, now in his fourth season at MoSt. He's never had a winning record in conference. He has a team with all of his own recruits and it's clear that Marshall is the only worthwhile member of the roster, which means he's built this team poorly. Four seasons is more than enough time to adequately judge the performance of a head coach.

                      Absolutely they should be talking about potentially firing Lusk, depending on how this season goes. Instead, MoSt just gave him a three year extension.

                      MoSt has one of the largest student bodies in the conference. They should be better than this. Instead they have a mediocre, underperforming coach failing to succeed with his own players being extended while they waste all of their money on a failing football program.

                      MoSt has a lot of things to ridicule, but considering firing Lusk is not one of them.
                      Originally posted by BleacherReport
                      Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                      • Originally posted by Rlh04d View Post
                        Paul Lusk has a winning percentage of 48.5% overall and 46.3% in conference, now in his fourth season at MoSt. He's never had a winning record in conference. He has a team with all of his own recruits and it's clear that Marshall is the only worthwhile member of the roster, which means he's built this team poorly. Four seasons is more than enough time to adequately judge the performance of a head coach.

                        Absolutely they should be talking about potentially firing Lusk, depending on how this season goes. Instead, MoSt just gave him a three year extension.

                        MoSt has one of the largest student bodies in the conference. They should be better than this. Instead they have a mediocre, underperforming coach failing to succeed with his own players being extended while they waste all of their money on a failing football program.

                        MoSt has a lot of things to ridicule, but considering firing Lusk is not one of them.
                        At the end of the season, if there isn't improvement, it would be a good time to discuss firing Lusk. Not after the very first loss. Not this early in the season. And if it wasn't quasi-inappropriate, why did MSUBears42 restrict viewership to mvp members? And then, when the sentiment didn't go exactly his way, why did he remove the thread all together? The answer is, because the third or fourth game into the coaches fourth year, and the first loss, by the way, isn't time to talk about firing a coach. Halfway through Valley play, under .500, then talk, not in November.

                        Plus, the biggest problem they have in firing Lusk is replacing him. They don't pay squat, expectations are through the roof, they are a poor teachers college and their largest benefactor is, well, dead. In situations like that, you better see year four through before turning up the heat, they are priming themselves to get burnt again.
                        There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                        • And here's another thing, I should love for them to fire Lusk. I had a longstanding feud with a few of their posters. It was all about Barry. No coach would ever be worse than Barry. Firing Barry, when they were only paying around $185,000 or so, wasn't risky. A poster named troutangler, yep, I still have his quote, called me the biggest dumbass, said I was insane to think there could ever be a coaching carousel at Missouri State and guaranteed if Hinson was fired, the Bears would be in the NCAA tournament in fewer years than Barry coached. If they fire Lusk, good ol' trout was wrong on everything he said and I was right. So, in self interests, I should be all for the talk, but in reality, Bears fans talking this early in the season about firing just shows how silly they are.
                          There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                          • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
                            At the end of the season, if there isn't improvement, it would be a good time to discuss firing Lusk. Not after the very first loss. Not this early in the season. And if it wasn't quasi-inappropriate, why did MSUBears42 restrict viewership to mvp members? And then, when the sentiment didn't go exactly his way, why did he remove the thread all together? The answer is, because the third or fourth game into the coaches fourth year, and the first loss, by the way, isn't time to talk about firing a coach. Halfway through Valley play, under .500, then talk, not in November.

                            Plus, the biggest problem they have in firing Lusk is replacing him. They don't pay squat, expectations are through the roof, they are a poor teachers college and their largest benefactor is, well, dead. In situations like that, you better see year four through before turning up the heat, they are priming themselves to get burnt again.
                            A few games into the season is far too early for the school leadership to be talking about firing him, but the fans? I think you enter season #4 with worries already and the understanding that they have to show significant improvement or there should likely be a firing at the end of the year, so poor performance to start the season is likely confirming what they already thought coming into the season.

                            Yes, game #3 is too early for "OH MY GOD BURN IT DOWN FIRE HIM WE'RE DONE!!!!", but if we were on year four of a coach under 50%, there would absolutely be a significant amount of discussion on this forum about making a change at the end of the year if improvement doesn't happen by the end of the season. And that would amplify every poor performance along the way.

                            Now, yes, the biggest problem is that MoSt already can't afford to pay a good coach, and now after just giving him an extension it would be very costly to fire him (for them ... ). More likely MoSt is going to have to stick with Lusk through at least next season, if not two more seasons, with an increasingly angry fanbase, even if this season does go down in flames.

                            But the point is ... game #3 in the season is one way to say it. Game #49 of his MoSt career is another. 49 games into a coach's career isn't too early to start calling for heads, even if it should be done with an understanding that there's a lot of time this season for the team to still be successful.
                            Originally posted by BleacherReport
                            Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                            • This early for firing talk is probably premature, I'll agree, because a lot can still happen. Remember, Memphis lost to Christian brothers, and yet they're likely to be pretty decent by year's end.

                              You do have to wonder how much of the talk is based on what's happened BEFORE this season under Lusk. Still, not all rebuilders are able to win 25 games in their third year the way Marshall did at WSU, and in fact Lusk is actually ahead of where Mark Turgeon was through three years as a Shocker in terms of just wins and losses. And yes, I know -- you can argue whether Lusk and MT started from the same level in terms of talent, but Lusk's cupboard wasn't exactly overloaded when he arrived, so it's at least a reasonable comparison. Yet did anybody seriously believe MT belonged on the hot seat at that point? So (admittedly viewing from a distance) I'd probably be thinking the "fire Lusk" stuff was excessive, too, if I had the misfortune to be a Bears fan.


                              • Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
                                This early for firing talk is probably premature, I'll agree, because a lot can still happen. Remember, Memphis lost to Christian brothers, and yet they're likely to be pretty decent by year's end.

                                You do have to wonder how much of the talk is based on what's happened BEFORE this season under Lusk. Still, not all rebuilders are able to win 25 games in their third year the way Marshall did at WSU, and in fact Lusk is actually ahead of where Mark Turgeon was through three years as a Shocker in terms of just wins and losses. And yes, I know -- you can argue whether Lusk and MT started from the same level in terms of talent, but Lusk's cupboard wasn't exactly overloaded when he arrived, so it's at least a reasonable comparison. Yet did anybody seriously believe MT belonged on the hot seat at that point? So (admittedly viewing from a distance) I'd probably be thinking the "fire Lusk" stuff was excessive, too, if I had the misfortune to be a Bears fan.
                                Pretty fair assessment. In my opinion, unless a coach absolutely embarrasses the school or stinks it up beyond comprehension, you give him four years. Lusk has been mediocre at best, but has never embarrassed the school. If he has a mediocre year this year, can him, but to call for a coach to be fired after the first loss in a 30+ game season is ridiculous. If after 10 games there was a little rumbling, agitation after 15 and anger after 20 games, I'd get it, but the Bears are 2-1 after three games and fans are calling for the coaches head!
                                There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.

