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NostraDOCmus' Latest Prediction: Skyboxes

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  • NostraDOCmus' Latest Prediction: Skyboxes

    Figured this deserved it's own thread.

    Here's a post from the great Doc a couple weeks ago:

    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    Does anyone know how long the students are paying for the last CKA improvement?

    I'm with most that the size is right but the average fan is being pushed out. The corporations are forced almost to take over because they have the $

    How many here have been, or know someone that has been relocated to a less desirable seat? Well I can promise you it's about to happen again in a couple of years. And @60Shock: is mostly right...the time is upon us to make a change before CKA becomes an aged and outdated HLA.

    I'm all for tearing down CKA and building a house that Gregg built. We all know where the money is going to come from for the most part, no matter what we do. Why not be ahead of the game? Let's build a palace that makes a conference stand up and take notice that we're serious long term. Let's put Gregg's name on the court. We'll play a year at Intrust (not a bad thing at all) unlike the year at the KC. Build all the sky boxes you want and the upper bowl can be for all of us that want to go every game but can't afford the 4k+ it's soon going to take to get a decent seat. That way you can always build the fan base and even put extra students there if the demand exists. Just make sure 12k is in the lower bowl and 5k is upstairs. Fix the office situation, build all the support places we NEED, get a parking garage and we'll be the envy of everyone. And put it right where it is today. That's the formula.
    Low and behold, 3Gs brings up skyboxes in the first Coach's Show.

    We all know Doc's, now famous, Final Four prediction. I for one, hope he is right on target again!

    Perhaps he had a little extra help with this prediction? Only time will tell ;)
    The Assman