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State of Kentucky IP ban

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  • #16
    Originally posted by shocks771 View Post
    This may be the dumbest thread in the history of this board. Part of the fun of the post season is the interaction with new fan bases. Of course there will be some good and some bad. Grow a pair and deal with it.
    Hahahahah, you misunderstand my intent. Almost no positive interaction happens with opposing fan bases here. It always goes south after a few posts when they declare us as being disrespectful and then every ****ing thread requires that you read through page after page of GTFO replies in order to find anything worthwhile. I could care less what any fan of another team thinks of us, but it's the five pages of pointless bickering that are the problem.


    • #17
      Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
      *sigh*, by Willie Cauley Stein saying it was a privilege to be playing KSU and WSU, he was actually predicting that they would be beating KSU to reach us. I don't care he was overlooking KSU, I just thought it was presumptuous of him to assume they would beat KSU. I was joking by comparing your two comments. You essentially pulled a Willie Cauley Stein by stating our next two opponents since we may not be even talking about Louisville after tomorrow. Can I offer you some cranberry juice?
      Seriously. Read the last sentence.

      Originally posted by Shock Therapy View Post
      But I don't think that any of us want to deal with the influx of trolls SHOULD we win tomorrow.


      • #18
        Can we just edit this thread and change it to the KC Shox IP ban thread?
        Deuces Valley.
        ... No really, deuces.
        "Enjoy the ride."

        - a smart man


        • #19
          Originally posted by Shock Therapy View Post
          Seriously. Read the last sentence.
          Yeah man, we're good. I should have used an emoticon to emphasize my intent to be sarcastic.


          • #20
            Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
            Can we just edit this thread and change it to the KC Shox IP ban thread?
            C'mon Fever, I told you after March Madness I will honor my self imposed ban (up to a year ;)). You need to exercise a little patience, it'll happen. Take the high road, if we lose tomorrow, then you won't hear from me again (take that back, for awhile) effective approximately, mmmmmm 4:13 pm.


            • #21
              Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
              Can we just edit this thread and change it to the KC Shox IP ban thread?
              At this point it would probably be best if the mods just deleted it. It ended up being a hilarious mess. I'm moving on.


              • #22
                Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                C'mon Fever, I told you after March Madness I will honor my self imposed ban (up to a year ;)). You need to exercise a little patience, it'll happen. Take the high road, if we lose tomorrow, then you won't hear from me again (take that back, for awhile) effective approximately, mmmmmm 4:13 pm.
                I love how you're excited about WSU losing today. That post dripped with enthusiastic excitement.

                I also love how much of a p**** you are to start your ban AFTER WSU's season has ended. Man, that takes a lot of balls to ban yourself in the off-season when nothing is going on. You're such a balls-out balla. And what's even more p****ish is that you won't even ban yourself for a year like you implied it. You'll twist the words around and say "up to one year", which you could maneuver around and say you only have to ban yourself for 5 seconds and all the p**** bullsh*t that goes along with it. You know why? Because you're nothing but a p****. That's why.

                Way to go balls out KC. You sure showed us, ALPHA DAWWWWG, on who's BOSS.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Shock Therapy View Post
                  I literally only know one of them, but he's awful. Yesterday he was trying to tell me that Cal-Poly would have finished second in the valley and that D1 should be cut down from 350 teams to 50 teams. After they barely beat us last year he continuously argued that they should have destroyed us while not giving any rationale for his position. I tried to explain that "should" goes out the window once the game has been played and he would just keep repeating himself.
                  If you can't learn to ignore that type of stupidity and move on, the problem is bigger than "that guy" and you need to look at yourself first.

                  Many on this board need to turn their focus on themselves and grow some thicker skin. If you are having fun arguing, go for it and have a good time. Once you are actually getting frustrated by other people's stupidity, it's time to figure out how YOU can stop getting frustrated. YOU are in control of how YOU react.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by wushock27 View Post
                    Everyone on this board talks about how great the Louisville fans were... If they only knew the truth!!

                    You are spot on with the analysis though ... After years of being little brother to UK, they feel that they are the best thing ever and no one else can hold a candle to them...

                    Honestly, Louisville is the only college team I HATE... And it's mainly because of the fans!!

                    So they are JOE KU fan, in kentucky?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                      *sigh*, by Willie Cauley Stein saying it was a privilege to be playing KSU and WSU, he was actually predicting that they would be beating KSU to reach us. I don't care he was overlooking KSU, I just thought it was presumptuous of him to assume they would beat KSU. I was joking by comparing your two comments. You essentially pulled a Willie Cauley Stein by stating our next two opponents since we may not be even talking about Louisville after tomorrow. Can I offer you some cranberry juice?
                      Was WCS correct in his prediction ???? Yes he was. As far as OP and his IP ban....STUPID. Its a message board for Christ sake...its part of the fun. If WSU loses so what, I still have to work Monday and so does UK fan. Five years ago would you ever thought WSU would have a four year run like this (NIT Champ, 5 seed, FF, and 34-0 #1 seed. Enjoy being relevant and hope HCGM can continue to recruit his ass off.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                        If you can't learn to ignore that type of stupidity and move on, the problem is bigger than "that guy" and you need to look at yourself first.

                        Many on this board need to turn their focus on themselves and grow some thicker skin. If you are having fun arguing, go for it and have a good time. Once you are actually getting frustrated by other people's stupidity, it's time to figure out how YOU can stop getting frustrated. YOU are in control of how YOU react.
                        Hahahaha, seriously? You just wrote that. Your bickering with Fever or anyone that says that a team is garbage has ruined god knows how many threads. You could probably stand to follow your own advice. Get over yourself.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Shock Therapy View Post
                          Hahahaha, seriously? You just wrote that. Your bickering with Fever or anyone that says that a team is garbage has ruined god knows how many threads. You could probably stand to follow your own advice. Get over yourself.
                          Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                          If you are having fun arguing, go for it and have a good time.
                          You don't see me asking for Fever to be banned.


                          • #28
                            Louisville is the defending national champion and beat us last year. Since so many around here beat the returning final four team drum so often, bashing Louisville for doing essentially the same thing seems hypocritical. I am sure they have some a-hole fans like everyone else, but so do we, frankly.

                            Besides, on the scale of insufferability, no one will ever outrank Kansas fans. Anyone who says otherwise clearly hasn't heard the "we would beat that team nine out of ten times" speech that follows every single one of their losses.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                              You don't see me asking for Fever to be banned.
                              No because about half of the time you're the one picking the fight


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Shock Therapy View Post
                                No because about half of the time you're the one picking the fight
                                And that relates back to my comments about what to do when you find yourself getting frustrated how?

